COVID-19 Information

Last updated: [12/15/20]

Country-Specific Information:

  • On December 2, 2020, the Vietnamese government issued Urgent Document 1699/CD-TTg about increased COVID-19 prevention and response measures.  The full content of this document is available here.
  • On December 14, the Vietnamese government announced that face-mask wearing is compulsory on all flights; violating passengers will be fined from 1,000,000 VND to 3,000,000 VND.  For further details, please see the Vietnamese government’s website here.
  • Most COVID-19 patients in Vietnam have recovered and were released from the hospital.  Slightly over 100 individuals are currently being isolated for treatment.  Vietnam has not had any new community transmission cases since December 2, 2020; all recently confirmed cases involve people who arrived in Vietnam with COVID-19 and were sent directly to quarantine and isolated for treatment.  For further details please see the Vietnamese Ministry of Health website here.
  • The Vietnamese government continues to advise all people in Vietnam to wear face masks in public places and to avoid large gatherings.  People who do not wear face coverings in public places when required to do so may be fined from 1,000,000 VND to 3,000,000 VND.  Please see Section “Fines for Non-Compliance” below for further details.
  • Hanoi city’s government announced November 11 that wearing a face mask is mandatory at the following locations: 1) hospitals; 2) parking lots; 3) public transportation; 4) shopping malls; and 5) supermarkets and traditional markets.  Other localities in Vietnam may take similar measures without prior notice.  For further information, please see the Vietnamese government’s website here (in Vietnamese only).
  • On December 3, 2020, the government of Ho Chi Minh City issued Urgent Document 4616 discouraging non-essential large gatherings and public events, and warning of strict penalties for individuals who violate counter-COVID-19 measures resulting in community transmission cases.  For further details, please click here (in Vietnamese only).
  • Any individuals experiencing symptoms of the COVID-19 virus — fever, cough and difficulty breathing — or those concerned they may have been exposed to the virus should call Vietnam’s health hotline right away: 19009095 (Press 1 for English).

Entry and Exit Requirements:

  • Are U.S. citizens permitted to enter? [No]
    • As of today, the Vietnamese government continues to suspend entry into Vietnam to all foreigners, including people with a Vietnamese visa exemption certificate.  This policy has very limited exemptions for diplomatic, official duty, and special cases, including experts, business managers, foreign investors, and high-tech workers of businesses involved in important projects as determined by the Government of Vietnam.  Family reunification is not one of the exemptions.  Detailed instructions for foreigners in exempted categories applying for entry into Vietnam are available on the Vietnamese government’s website here (in Vietnamese only).  If you have any questions about this process, please contact your employer or sponsoring organization directly.
    • Please also check the Vietnamese Immigration Department’s FAQ page about Vietnamese entry and exit requirements here.  If you have further questions, please contact the nearest Vietnamese Immigration Office directly.
    • All entrants into Vietnam will be placed under medical surveillance for at least 28 days.  For further information, please visit the Vietnamese government’s website here.
  • Is a negative COVID-19 test (PCR and/or serology) required for entry? [Yes]
  • Are health screening procedures in place at airports and other ports of entry? [Yes]
  • Vietnam has prolonged the automatic extension of its temporary stay program until December 31, 2020, for foreigners who entered Vietnam on or after March 1, 2020.  U.S. citizens who are still in Vietnam and have questions about this program or wish to resolve any issues related to their Vietnamese visa extensions should contact the nearest Vietnamese immigration office directly.  The U.S. Embassy Hanoi and Consulate General in Ho Chi Minh City no longer issue visa extension letters and exit letters.  For further information, please click here.

Movement Restrictions:

  • Is a curfew in place? [No]
    • Please note, however, that several areas in Ho Chi Minh City with connections to the newly confirmed cases of COVID-19 community transmission have been placed under lockdown.
  • Are there restrictions on intercity or interstate travel? [No]
    • Before any intercity or interstate travel, all passengers using public means of transport (bus, taxi, trains, planes, ships, etc.) must complete an online health declaration (choose “For domestic move declaration”).

Quarantine Information:

  • Are U.S. citizens required to quarantine? [Yes]
    • The U.S. Mission in Vietnam reminds all U.S. citizens that they are subject to Vietnamese local laws and regulations while visiting or living in Vietnam.  We advise U.S. citizens to comply with the Vietnamese government’s testing and quarantine requirements.  The U.S. Embassy and Consulate cannot intervene in the quarantine rules established by the Vietnamese government, and may not issue any documentation requesting the Vietnamese government to waive the quarantine requirements for U.S. citizens.  For further details, please see “Question: What can you do for me if I’m forced into quarantine?” on our Frequently-Asked-Questions page here.
    • Travelers currently allowed to enter Vietnam, including Vietnamese nationals and diplomatic, official duty, and special cases, including experts, business managers, foreign investors, and high-tech workers of businesses involved in important projects as determined by the Government of Vietnam, and their family members, are subjected to mandatory quarantine upon arrival.  For detailed information on designated quarantine sites, please see the Vietnamese government’s website here.  U.S. citizens who have further questions about these policies should contact their employer or sponsoring organization directly. 
    • Beginning September 1, all travelers entering Vietnam need to pay for all testing and quarantine costs.  For further information, please see the Vietnamese government’s website here

COVID-19 Testing:

  • Vietnam currently mandates COVID-19 testing for the following individuals.  Further details are available in the Official Document here (in Vietnamese only).
    • Those who have had close contact with confirmed or suspected COVID-19 cases;
    • Confirmed COVID-19 cases during treatment;
    • Individuals with symptoms of severe acute respiratory infections (SARI), severe viral pneumonia, or influenza-like illness (ILI);
    • Healthcare workers attending to confirmed COVID-19 cases without applying sufficient prevention measures;
    • New arrivals from foreign countries, individuals in centralized quarantine and one day prior to release from centralized quarantine; and
    • Individuals in isolated outbreak areas
  • On December 7, the HCMC Center for Disease Control and Prevention (HCDC) announced its SARS-CoV-2 testing service for individuals departing Vietnam.  Instructions on how to schedule an appointment (either by telephone at 0869-559-453 or email at, pay the fee, get tested (either at a facility in District 3 or at home), and receive testing results are available on the Vietnamese Ministry of Health’s website here (in Vietnamese only).  We advise interested U.S. citizens to confirm with their country of destination’s Embassy/Consulate in Vietnam about the exact COVID-19 documentation requirements for travelers from Vietnam and work directly with HCDC for assistance.  HCDC has informed us that telephone (0869-559-453) is their preferred method of communication and that if possible the caller should use Vietnamese.
  • On November 23, the Vietnamese government announced 91 designated laboratories capable of conducting COVID-19 tests in Vietnam.  The full list is available here .

COVID-19 Vaccines in Vietnam:

  • On December 10, Vietnam began recruiting volunteers for its first phase of human trials for a potential COVID-19 vaccine.  For further information, please see the Vietnamese government’s website here.  Any questions about COVID-19 vaccines in Vietnam should be directed to the Vietnamese Ministry of Health.

Transportation Options:

  • Are commercial flights operating? [Yes]
    • One-way outbound commercial flights from Vietnam to other countries are still available, and U.S. citizens interested in repatriating to the United States are advised to book these commercial flights as soon as possible.  Check our Airline Departure Information page for the latest information we have regarding airlines that continue to serve international destinations from Vietnam.
  • Is public transportation operating? [Yes]
    • All people in Vietnam are advised to wear face masks and avoid close contact with others on public transportation.

Fines for Non-Compliance:

  • The Government of Vietnam’s Decree 117/2020/ND-CP regarding fines for non-compliance in the medical sector went into effect on November 15, 2020.  This Decree imposes strict administrative and criminal penalties on violators who fail to adopt personal protective measures in compliance with the guidance of health agencies.  Vietnamese media have reported cases in which the Vietnamese government pursued heavy charges for such violators.  We continue to advise U.S. citizens currently in Vietnam to comply with Vietnamese laws and regulations.  The U.S. Mission in Vietnam cannot intervene in the Vietnamese government’s COVID-19 regulations.  The full content (in Vietnamese only) of Decree 117/2020/ND-CP is available on the Vietnamese government’s website here.  For your reference, an English translation of this Decree is also available on a third party website here.  Please note, however, that our offices bear no responsibility for the accuracy of the English translation posted on this third party website.

Consular Operations:

  • The American Citizen Services (ACS) Units of the U.S. Embassy in Hanoi and the U.S. Consulate General in HCMC is only able to admit individuals who have scheduled appointments.  To make an appointment, please see this page.
  • The U.S. Consulate General in Ho Chi Minh City remains unable to resume full routine immigrant visa services at this time.  We will resume routine immigrant visa services as soon as conditions permit but are unable to provide a specific date.  We will post updates on this site as the situation changes.
  • The U.S. Embassy in Hanoi and U.S. Consulate General in Ho Chi Minh City have resumed certain nonimmigrant visa services, including B1/B2 temporary visitor visas.  For more details, please click here.  Applicants with an urgent need to travel can request an emergency appointment here.

Local Resources: