COVID-19 Information

Last updated:  [12/09/2020]

The United States Government does not plan to provide COVID-19 vaccinations to private U.S. citizens overseas.  Please follow host country developments and guidelines for COVID-19 vaccination.

Country-Specific Information: 

  • As of March 15, 2020, official cases of COVID-19 have been acknowledged to exist in Uzbekistan.
  • All public gatherings of more than 30 people, to include weddings, large family gatherings, and holiday celebrations, are prohibited by the Government of Uzbekistan.
  • As of September 5, 2020, certain lockdown restrictions will be eased. Despite the easing of lockdown restrictions, certain measures have been taken to limit the spread of coronavirus.
  • As of September 5, 2020, public catering facilities (restaurants, cafes, kitchens) will be allowed to provide their services.  In this case, these facilities are required to comply with the following sanitary requirements.  They must: 1) refuse to host banquets and other public events; 2) ensure a social distance of not less than 2 meters between tables; 3) place no more than four people (does not apply to family members) around one table; 4) require personnel to wear medical masks and medical gloves; 5) clean the surface of the table and other equipment with disinfectants after a visit of each customer; 6) and install decontamination equipment (ultraviolet lamps, etc.) in buildings and rooms, as well as in the air circulation system.
  • As of September 5, 2020, entertainment and cultural facilities (theater and cinema only) will also be available for visitors. In this case, these facilities are required to: 1) install decontamination equipment (ultraviolet lamps, etc.) in buildings and rooms, as well as in the air circulation system; 2) demand that visitors main a safe social distance and wear a medical mask (and, if necessary, provide free masks if the event lasts more than two hours); 3) equip the entrances and exits of the facilities with pyrometers, disinfectant corridors, and antiseptics; 4) measure the body temperature of each visitor at the entrance, and prohibit the entrance of people with a temperature above 37 C or with signs of infection; 5) clean the surface of the seats and other equipment with disinfectant after each session; 6) require personnel to wear medical masks and medical gloves.
  • As of September 5, 2020, the activities of attractions in parks and recreation areas are also being restored. In this case, these facilities are required to: 1) ensure that visitors keep social distance in queues; 2) clean the surface of the attractions with disinfectants every hour or after each use; 3) require maintaining social distance when using the attraction; 4) require personnel to wear medical masks and medical gloves; 5) install decontamination equipment (ultraviolet lamps, etc.) in buildings and rooms, as well as in the air circulation system (for attractions located in buildings).

Entry and Exit Requirements:

  • Are U.S. citizens permitted to enter? Yes
    • U.S. citizens are permitted to enter Uzbekistan but usually need a visa.  Please see the Country Specific Information on for more details.
  • Is a negative COVID-19 test (PCR and/or serology) required for entry? Yes
    • A negative COVID-19 test is required for entry within 72 hours of the initiation of travel to Uzbekistan.
  • Are health screening procedures in place at airports and other ports of entry? Yes
    • Health screening procedures in place at airports and other ports of entry.
  • Owing to the COVID-19 pandemic, all tourist and other visas for foreigners in-country have been extended until November 1, 2020.

Movement Restrictions:

  • Is a curfew in place? No
    • There is no curfew in place and, as of September 5.
  • Are there restrictions on intercity or interstate travel? Yes
    • Very few restrictions on intercity or interstate travel.

Quarantine Information:

  • Are U.S. citizens required to quarantine? No
    • U.S. citizens are not required to quarantine if they have been only in “green” countries within the last 10 days.  Otherwise, they are subject to different forms of quarantine based on their recent travel history.  Please see below.
      • As of August 15, the Government of Uzbekistan has placed all countries into “green,” “yellow,” and “red” categories according to the severity of each country’s COVID situation, with “red” being the most severe.  Passengers entering from “green” countries (persons who have been there for the last 10 days) are not subject to any sort of quarantine control.  The list of “green” countries includes China, Thailand, Malaysia, South Korea, Georgia, Hungary, Latvia, and Japan.
      • Passengers entering from “yellow” countries (persons who have been there within the last 10 days) are placed under home quarantine control for 14 days.  The list of “yellow” countries includes all countries of the European Union, with the exception of Great Britain and Spain, as well as Azerbaijan.
      • Passengers entering from “red” countries are subject to mandatory quarantine control for 14 days.  All countries not listed in the aforementioned “green” or “yellow” categories are deemed “red” for this purpose.  Please note that this “red” category currently includes the United States.

COVID-19 Testing: 

  • U.S. citizens resident in Uzbekistan need to contact the epidemiological center in their neighborhood to determine where they can be tested.   If you do not know where your local epidemiological center is located, please contact the ministry of health:  

Transportation Options:

  • Are commercial flights operating? Yes
    • As of September 1, limited, regular commercial flights will begin operating on September 1 to and from Turkey, the United Arab Emirates, Russia, and Frankfurt. 
  • Is public transportation operating? Yes
    • Public transportation is operating, with masks and proper social distancing measures mandatory.  Taxis should have plastic screens between the front and back seats.

Consular Operations:

Local Resources:

  • 103 is the number to call an ambulance from a phone in Uzbekistan.
  • 1003 is the hotline for medical questions related to COVID-19, with information provided in Russian and Uzbek only.
  • The Government of Uzbekistan has also established an official Telegram channel for information on COVID-19 related measures. The channel can be found at  Please note that downloading the Telegram application is necessary.
  • Should any official Uzbek government online resources become available to the general public, this section will be updated.
  • Other links: