COVID-19 Information

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COVID-19 Country Information

Last updated: December 17, 2020

Country-Specific Information: 

  • Reconsider travel to Tajikistan due to the State Department’s Travel Advisory (Level 4:  Do Not Travel) and other measures, including mandatory testing and quarantine requirements implemented by the Government of Tajikistan in response to COVID-19.
  • Access to medical care at Tajik hospitals and clinics may be limited.
  • Medical evacuation, even for those with medevac insurance, may not be possible due to the lack of commercial flights.
  • Grocery stores are open during normal business hours.
  • Local schools and universities opened in mid-August.
  • Religious gatherings and other large events are prohibited.
  • Community transmission of the virus continues.
  • NOTE:  The Government of Tajikistan frequently adjusts its entry and exit requirements in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, and changes to policy are not immediately made available to the public.

Entry and Exit Requirements:

  • Are U.S. citizens permitted to enter? Yes
    • U.S. citizens are required to obtain a Tajik visa prior to entering Tajikistan.
  • Is a negative COVID-19 test (PCR and/or serology) required for entry? Yes (PCR)
    • All travelers must show results from a negative COVID-19 PCR test issued with 72 hours of arrival.  Test results are verified in Dubai before passengers are allowed to board flights to Dushanbe.
  • Are health screening procedures in place at airports and other ports of entry? No
  • Travelers will not be permitted to leave the country if their visas have expired.  Please check your travel documents to ensure that your U.S. passport and Tajik visa are valid.  For questions regarding Tajik visas and visa extensions, please contact the Main Consular Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs at 227-6363 or 227-3838 located on 34 Pushkin Street, Dushanbe.

Movement Restrictions:

  • Is a curfew in place? No
  • Are there restrictions on intercity or interstate travel? No

Quarantine Information:

  • Are U.S. citizens required to quarantine? No
    • Officially, travelers who arrive without documentation of a negative COVID-19 PCR test issued with 72 hours of arrival are subject to testing.  These travelers will be subject to quarantine until return of negative test results.  This could lead to 14 days in a government quarantine facility.  Practically, however, authorities in Dubai will not allow passengers to board flights to Dushanbe without documentation of a negative COVID-19 PCR test issued with 72 hours of arrival.

COVID-19 Testing:

  • COVID-19 PCR tests, the type of test required for international air travel from Tajikistan, are available in Dushanbe.  Diamed clinic (44-601-90-16) provides next day results at a cost of 167 TJS (approximately $17), paid by the patient.  Diamed clinic does not provide English-language services.  Prospekt clinic (48-702-44-00) charges 360 TJS (approximately $36) with results in two days.

Transportation Options:

  • Are commercial flights operating? Yes
    FlyDubai and Somon Air operate flights between Dushanbe and Dubai. Turkish Airlines and Somon Air operate flights between Dushanbe and Istanbul. Please contact the airlines directly for reservations.
  • Is public transportation operating? Yes
    Masks are required on public transportation.
  • The Dushanbe International Airport is currently closed to most commercial flights.  The airport has not announced when operations will resume.

Fines for Non-Compliance:

  • The Tajik government has mandated the use of masks in public.  Failure to wear a protective face mask in public may result in a fine.

Consular Operations:

  • Limited appointments are available for American Citizen Services. Please contact the Consular section at or call +992 (37) 229-2000.
  • Routine visa services at the U.S. Embassy in Tajikistan are currently suspended.

Local Resources:

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