COVID-19 Information

COVID-19 Information 

Last updated:   12/17/2020 

Country-Specific Information: 

Mongolia continues to extend suspension of all inbound travel from foreign locations and has banned the entry of all foreign nationals with limited exceptions; see Entry and Exit Requirements below.  All commercial flights, passenger rail, and auto traffic into and out of Mongolia are suspended during the time these measures remain in effect. 

On November 12, 2020, Mongolia’s State Emergency Committee (SEC) announced new measures aimed at containing the spread of COVID-19. These measures are explained in the paragraph below, and they remain in force in high-risk areas including Battsengel soum of Arkhangai province as well as Altanbulag and Sukhbaatar soums of Selenge province.  Effective December 14, 2020, the state of emergency preparedness was downgraded by one level in Ulaanbaatar and other areas of Arkhangai and Selenge provinces.  Movement restrictions were lifted in Ulaanbaatar but remain in Arkhangai and Selenge with certain service industries permitted to resume limited operations.  All travelers returning from foreign locations remain subject to institutional quarantine.  Travelers present in Mongolia should take precautions and follow host-country recommendations to prevent transmission of COVID-19.  Please continue to monitor this website for updates as the information below may change rapidly.  

UPDATED COVID-related restrictions as of December 17.  

A strict lockdown enforced on November 12 has been extended until December 24 in Battsengel soum of Arkhangai province as well as Altanbulag and Sukhbaatar soums of Selenge province.  Pedestrians and drivers in these areas will be stopped by the police and asked to show ID and report their purpose of travel.  The public is urged to stay home and leave homes only to buy groceries, medicines, and other necessities.  Supermarkets, grocery stores and markets will remain open, and residents are encouraged to shop in their neighborhoods.  American citizens in these provinces should review previous messages to citizens for general guidance on this status. 

Effective December 14, restrictions were relaxed in Ulaanbaatar while remaining until at least December 24 in areas of Arkhangai and Selenge provinces.  The relaxation in Ulaanbaatar resulted in the lifting of movement restrictions and resumption of some non-essential services.  Schools remain closed along with high-risk business categories including bars, movie theaters and gyms, and public gatherings remain prohibited. 

While interprovincial travel is now permitted, travelers entering Ulaanbaatar may be subject to COVID-19 testing and mandatory period of self-isolation.  Limited outbound and returning Mongolian government-controlled charter flights have been announced, and American citizens interested in seats on these flights should contact MIAT Mongolian Airlines for reservations.  Though subject to change, the SEC has reduced the quarantine regime for inbound travelers to two weeks of institutional quarantine followed by one week of home isolation. 

Entry and Exit Requirements: 

  • Are U.S. citizens permitted to enter?  No 
    • Inbound travel to Mongolia remains suspended as of November 12, although the Mongolian government has announced limited repatriation flights during the month of December. The Mongolian government anticipates authorizing additional international flights beginning in January. 
  • Is a negative COVID-19 test (PCR and/or serology) required for entry? Yes Is health screening procedures in place at airports and other ports of entry? Yes  
    • American citizens present in Mongolia on 90-day tourist visas are required to exit Mongolia upon expiry of the visa. The Mongolian Immigration Agency informs the Embassy that Americans who do not depart will be fined and not allowed to depart the country until the fine is paid. Americans present in Mongolia who possess a Certificate of Alien Registration must renew their residency by contacting the Mongolian Immigration Agency.  You will be required to possess a valid U.S. passport for this renewal.  You may contact the Consular Section’s American Citizen Services Unit to request an appointment for renewal. 

Movement Restrictions: 

  • Is a curfew in place? No 
  • Are there restrictions on intercity or interstate travel?Yes 
  • While travel into and out of Ulaanbaatar is now permitted, movement restrictions in Arkhangai and Selenge provinces are still in effect until at least December 24. 
  • Mongolia experiences seasonal outbreaks of bubonic plague transmitted from marmots to humans. In response to these outbreaks the Mongolian government often restricts inter-provincial travel.  If you are traveling in Mongolia, you should pay attention to local media and enroll in the Smart Traveler Enrollment Program to ensure you receive timely updates from the Embassy. These travel restrictions are unrelated to COVID-19. 

Quarantine Information: 

  • Are U.S. citizens required to quarantine? Yes 
    • All travelers to Mongolia from overseas required to undergo a 14-day institutional quarantine period followed by a period of 7 days of home isolation. Mongolian public-health authorities require that individuals arriving in Mongolia from any foreign country, i.e., every traveler arriving in Mongolia from overseas, will be quarantined under observation at a government-monitored quarantine facility for 14 days.  Upon entering Mongolia, you will be placed into a government-controlled facility, usually a hotel, at your own expense.  You can expect to undergo multiple COVID-19 tests while in this facility as well as regular health screenings, including temperature screenings.  You will have no choice of which facility you quarantine in and the Embassy has received reports from travelers dissatisfied with the accommodations, including a lack of heat and limited food selection.  
    • Should you test positive for COVID-19 while in quarantine Mongolian protocols require you to be removed to a hospital isolation facility until medically cleared by testing negative for COVID-19 several times.  Even if you are asymptomatic you should expect to be moved hospital isolation. 

COVID-19 Testing: 

  • The Mongolian Government requires mandatory COVID-19 testing by National Center for Communicable Diseases (NCCD) for all arriving travelers. This testing is free for every traveler to Mongolia from overseas and the testing cost is covered by the Mongolian Government. Private COVID-19 testing is not available in Mongolia at this time. 

Transportation Options: 

  • Are commercial flights operating? No  
  • Is public transportation operating? Yes
    • Wearing face masks and practicing social distance is compulsory aboard all public transportation. 

Fines for Non-Compliance: (if applicable)  

  • The State Emergency Commission mandates the use of protective face masks throughout Mongolia on situational basis. When such mandates are in effect people who contravene the regulation are subject to a penalty of MNT 150,000 ($52) in accordance with the Law on Petty Offenses. The Embassy recommends that American citizens utilize protective face coverings while in public. 

Vaccine Distribution: 

  • The United States Government does not plan to provide COVID-19 vaccinations to private U.S. citizens overseas.  Please follow host country developments and guidelines for COVID-19 vaccination. 

Consular Operations: 

  • Routine American Citizen Services have re-opened and appointments are available by visiting the American Citizen Services section of the Embassy’s website (  Should you need emergency assistance please contact the Consular Section at +976 7007-6001 or write to  
  • As of September 8, some routine immigrant and nonimmigrant visa services have resumed.  The Embassy is prioritizing student visas at this time.  Should you have an urgent need to travel immediately, please follow the guidance provided at 

You may send your nonimmigrant visa related inquires to and for immigrant visa 

Local Resources: