COVID-19 Information

Last updated: [11/09/2020]        

Country-Specific Information:      

The Government of Jordan continues to implement social distancing regulations and mandatory mask wearing in business establishments, public transportation, and government facilities due to COVID-19.  Jordan restricts gatherings to 20 people.  Schools, universities, cultural centers and vocational training institutes will continue remote learning until the end of the first semester (late December).  All gyms, public swimming pools, and indoor play areas are closed until further notice.  Delivery services for food and public transportation remain available during non-curfew hours.  Access to emergency health services remains available.  

Information in English can be found on the Government of Jordan’s COVID-19 website

Entry and Exit Requirements:       

  • Are U.S. citizens permitted to enter? Yes.    

U.S. citizens entering Jordan must meet the following conditions to enter the country:    

  • Have valid health insurance that covers COVID-19 treatment for the entire period of their intended visit. This does not apply to those with Jordanian nationality.    
  • Complete and submit a passenger health declaration form found at, including proof of a negative PCR test.    
  • Pay 40 JD in advance for a PCR test conducted on arrival in Amman.    
  • Receive a QR code 24 hours prior to boarding the flight.    
  • Present proof of a negative PCR test before boarding the flight.    
  • Install the tracking app on a mobile device.    

Land borders have reopened with a limited capacity and are limited to certain nationalities: 

On October 25, the Government of Jordan announced it would open three land border crossings to Jordanian, Palestinian, and Saudi travelers only starting Thursday, October 29.  The border crossings of King Hussein Bridge, Sheikh Hussein Bridge, and Al-Mudawara will operate with a limited capacity, and individuals will be subject to Jordanian health regulations and procedures upon entry, including COVID-19 testing and home quarantine.  U.S. citizens, who do not also have Jordanian, Palestinian, or Saudi nationality, will not be allowed to cross at this time. For more information on this, please check the following website: .  

Movement Restrictions:    

  • Is a curfew in place? Yes.   

Friday Comprehensive Curfew 

On October 20, the Government of Jordan announced it will impose a weekly nationwide comprehensive curfew on Fridays, starting every Thursday evening at 9:00 p.m. for businesses and 10:00 p.m. for individuals and ending every Saturday morning at 6:00 a.m.  The Friday comprehensive curfew will be in place until the end of 2020.  

Nightly Curfew 

In addition to the comprehensive curfew on Fridays, a nightly nationwide curfew is in effect starting every evening at 9 p.m. for businesses and 10 p.m. for individuals and ending the following morning at 6 a.m.  

Individuals are required to stay in their homes during the set curfew hours.  There are some exceptions to this, including those the Jordanian National Center for Security and Crisis Management (NCSCM) on October 14 outlined as exempt from the nationwide curfews.  Exceptions include:      

  • Individuals going to the airport.  A copy of the travel ticket must be present.  Only one travel companion may transport the traveler to the airport.  This also applies to passengers who arrive during curfew hours. Airport taxis will continue to operate.   
  • Patients released from hospitals and the Dead Sea quarantine area with discharge papers.      
  • Medical personnel in the public and private sectors.      
  • Individuals who have cancer treatment or are on dialysis.   
  • Citizens traveling to countries that require a PCR test.  If the test must be conducted during the two days of lockdown, the traveler must request a test from an accredited laboratory that has a movement permit to conduct the test at the traveler’s home.  
  • All persons who stay overnight at their place of work.  
  • Are there restrictions on intercity or interstate travel? 
    There are no restrictions on intercity or interstate travel during non-curfew hours.  However, all travel is banned during the scheduled curfews.  U.S. citizens should be prepared for additional travel restrictions and health precautions to be put into effect with little or no advance notice.

Quarantine Information:    

  • Are U.S. citizens required to quarantine? Yes.    

All incoming arrivals that test negative for COVID-19 are required to quarantine for 14 days regardless of their country of origin.  Individuals who test positive for COVID-19 will be subject to the Government of Jordan regulations for quarantine.  Since October 7, those who test positive are required to quarantine in their homes for minor symptoms, but may seek hospital care for severe symptoms.   

COVID-19 Testing:    

There is airport testing upon arrival in Jordan.  A 40 JD payment is required online in advance.  Since October 7, passengers may now leave the airport after testing and go directly to their homes, with results arriving later by text message. 

The Ministry of Health has approved the following laboratories to perform COVID-19 diagnostic testing:  

  • Biolabs 
  • Alsultan Laboratories 
  • Precision Medical Laboratories 
  • Med Laboratories 
  • The Specialty Hospital 
  • Mega Labs 
  • Quest Labs 
  • Geno Labs 

Transportation Options:

  • Are commercial flights operating? Yes.  

Airports in Jordan opened with limited commercial routes on September 8, 2020.  Individuals seeking to book flights to or from Jordan should contact the airlines directly.

  • Is public transportation operating? Yes.  

Masks are required and social distancing practices are in effect for public transportation.  For taxis and app-based methods of transportation, passengers are required to sit in the back seat of the vehicle.

Fines for Non-Compliance:

  • Travelers violating Jordan’s entry requirements face a 10,000 JD fine.
  • Individuals violating the social distancing and mask wearing order will be fined between 20 to 50 JD.
  • Economic establishments will be fined between 100 to 200 JD for COVID-related violations, in addition to a mandatory closure of the establishment for 14 days if they fail to comply with the government’s social distancing and mask wearing orders.
  • Fines for breaking the nightly or weekend comprehensive curfews will range between 500 to 1,000 JD for first time violations, and up to one-year imprisonment and additional fines for repeated offenses.
  • A fine of up to 300 JD will be imposed against administrators of hospitals, health centers, or medical laboratories in the event of withholding confirmed COVID-19 infections from competent authorities.

Consular Operations:

  • The American Citizen Services (ACS) unit at the U.S. Embassy in Amman is currently providing limited routine passport and citizenship services.  U.S. citizens in Jordan seeking emergency assistance should email the U.S. Embassy at

Local Resources: