COVID-19 Information


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COVID-19 Information

Last updated:  12/14/2020

Country-Specific Information: 

  • Retail employees and shoppers/customers in stores.
  • Employees and clients where face to face contact is required, such as banks, post office, ministry counters, public notary, currency exchange, etc.
  • All services that require close contact (hair dressers, salons, etc.)
  • Drivers and all other employees in public transportation vehicles, as well as passengers.
  • Employees of all hospitality services who serve and prepare beverages and food.
  • Guests of all hospitality services who serve and prepare beverages and food , except while sitting in their seats and consuming food, drinks or beverages.
  • All health care workers and visitors to hospitals.
  • Employees in offices where a physical distance of at least 2 meters from each other cannot be ensured.
  • All persons during religious ceremonies and gatherings indoors.
  • Visitors to all social and public gatherings indoors.
  • Visitors to cemeteries.
  • Outdoor areas where it is not possible to maintain 1.5 meters of social distance.
  • Other persons who have special instructions from the National Public Health Institute.

Due to the recent rise of COVID-19 cases, the following measures are in effect from November 28 to December 21.  These measures may be revised or updated based on the evolving epidemiological situation:

  • Individuals must maintain at least 2 meters of social distance indoors and at least 1.5 meters outdoors.
  • All public events, gatherings, and celebrations are limited to 25 people and must end at 22:00, including religious services. These restrictions do not apply to cinemas and museum, gallery and other exhibitions.
  • Private gatherings are limited to 10 people and must end at 22:00.
  • Funerals are limited to 15 people, but physical contact must be avoided when offering condolences.
  • No weddings.
  • No sporting events except for category 1, 2, and 3 professional athletes. No spectators allowed and events must end at 22:00.
  • All gyms, fitness centers, and sports and recreation facilities are closed.
  • All hospitality services (restaurants, cafes, and bars) are closed. Hotels and camps may remain open but only for their guests.
  • Catering and food delivery are allowed during normal working hours.
  • Nightclubs and casinos are closed.
  • Alcohol will not be sold from 22:00 to 6:00.
  • No fairs and tourist events.
  • No musicals, operas, or dance performances.
  • No amateur sporting, cultural, or artistic events and practice sessions.

Individual counties and cities may have additional measures. Please visit the Croatian Government’s COVID-19 website for additional information.

Entry and Exit Requirements:

  • Are U.S. citizens permitted to enter? No

Entry requirements are subject to change at any time without notice. The Croatian Border Police have final authority regarding entry into Croatia. Visit the Croatian Government’s Ministry of Interior Webpage for detailed information regarding border restrictions. 

From December 1 to January 15, 2020, the Croatian Government has prohibited all border crossings to protect the population from the COVID-19 disease. Exceptions to the border crossing ban are as follows: 

  • EU citizens, their family members, and EU residents coming directly from EU/EEA member states or regions that on are the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control’s Green List may enter without restriction and without a PCR test.  Travelers who have transited other countries/regions not on the Green List must prove at the border crossing that they did not stay in those transit areas.
  • EU citizens, their family members, and EU residents coming directly from EU/EEA member states or regions that on are NOT on the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control’s Green List must present a negative PCR test result that is not older than 48 hours (counting from the time of taking the swab to arriving at the border crossing point) or have the PCR test done immediatelyupon arrival to Croatia (at their own expense) and self-isolate until they receive a negative test result.  For exceptions to this PCR test requirement, please see the Croatian Government’s Ministry of Interior webpage.
  • EU citizens, their family members, and EU residents coming from third countries must present a negative PCR test result that is not older than 48 hours  (counting from the time of taking the swab to arriving at the border crossing point) or have the PCR test done immediately upon arrival to Croatia (at their own expense) and self-isolate until they receive a negative test result. For exceptions to this testing requirement, please see this Croatian Government’s Ministry of Interior webpage.
  • Travelers coming from countries currently covered by Annex I to EU Council Recommendation 2020/912 (namely Australia, Japan, New Zealand, Rwanda, Singapore, South Korea, Thailand, Uruguay, China and special administrative regions of the People’s Republic of China – Hong Kong and Macao) may enter without restriction and without a PCR test if they have not been in close contact with an infected person and show no signs of illness. Travelers who have transited other countries/regions must prove at the border crossing that they did not stay in those transit areas.
  • All other travelers from third countries, including the United States, are prohibited from entering Croatia unless they fall into one of the following categories:
  • Persons traveling for urgent personal/family reasons, business reasons or other economic interest (must have a PCR test result not older than 48 hours or take a PCR test immediately upon arriving to Croatia and self-isolate until receiving a negative test result). Entry for tourism is not permitted.
  • Healthcare workers, health researchers and caregivers for the elderly.
  • Frontier workers (as well as athletes as stated in the exceptions for passengers within the EU/EEA).
  • Workers in the transport sector;
  • Diplomats, staff of international organizations and persons invited by international organizations whose physical presence is necessary for the good functioning of those organizations, military personnel and police officers, as well as humanitarian and civil protection personnel in the performance of their duties.
  • Passengers in transit (individuals in transit have 12 hours to exit the country, and they must show that they can enter or transit through the neighboring country).
  • Persons traveling for schooling purposes;
  • Seafarers (must have a PCR test result not older than 48 hours or take a PCR test immediately upon arriving to Croatia and self-isolate until receiving a negative test result);

All travelers (regardless of citizenship) who meet the entry conditions are advised to fill an arrival form at Enter Croatia in advance to facilitate their entry at the border.

  • Is a negative COVID-19 test (PCR and/or serology) required for entry? Yes

With limited exceptions (see entry requirements above), travelers must present a negative PCR test result for SARS-CoV-2 that is not older than 48 hours (counting from the time of taking the swab to arriving at the border crossing point) or have the PCR test done immediately upon arrival to Croatia and remain in self-isolation until they receive a negative test result.  A local test cost ranges from $130 to $300 or more, depending upon the location, and the result can be expected between 24-48 hours.  A test can be arranged at the following locations:COVID-19 Testing Locations in Croatia. After receiving a negative test locally, travelers will need to contact a local epidemiologist to clear them from self-isolation.  Please direct questions regarding this requirement to the Croatian Ministry of Interior via the contact form at the bottom of the web page.

  • Are health screening procedures in place at airports and other ports of entry? Yes
  • Information regarding visa extensions for residents and/or tourists:

U.S. citizens who want to stay in Croatia beyond the permitted 90 days of visa-free status should contact their local police station and apply for a temporary residence permit in order to avoid overstay penalties. Please visit the Ministry of Interior website for contact details by county. 

Movement Restrictions: 

  • Is a curfew in place? No
  • Are there restrictions on intercity or interstate travel? No 

Quarantine Information: 

  • Are U.S. citizens required to quarantine? No

Individuals who do not present a negative PCR test result upon arrival(see Entry and Exit Requirements) are subject to a mandatory 14-day self-isolation measure. Additionally, travelers may be ordered to self-isolate or spend 14 days in official government quarantine facilities if deemed necessary to prevent the spread of COVID-19; placement in quarantine is at the expense of the traveler.

Travelers who do not receive self-isolation orders are given a Pamphlet with Recommendations and Instructions from the Croatian Institute of Public Health that they must follow for 14 days after entering the country.

If you need to contact a local epidemiologist in Croatia, the following is a list of on-call epidemiologists by county.

 COVID-19 Testing: 

Transportation Options: 

  • Are commercial flights operating? Yes
  • Is public transportation operating? Yes 

Wearing protective masks is mandatory throughout the country in public transportation. 

Fines for Non-Compliance: 

  • Health Inspectors of the Croatian State Inspectorate are monitoring and enforcing individual orders to self-isolate. They are authorized to fine any individual violating this order with fines ranging from 8000 HRK for the first violation to 30,000 HRK, 60,000 HRK and 120,000 HRK for repeat offenders. Persons violating health inspector orders may also be subject to criminal charges.
  • People caught not wearing a mask (or improperly wearing a mask) in mask-designated areas will be fined 500 HRK, but they will be eligible to pay half that amount (250 HRK) if they agree to put on a mask immediately.
  • Owners of private property who organize or allow gatherings with more than 10 people will be fined 5,000-10,000 HRK.
  • Legal entities will be fined 10,000-40,000 HRK if they do not respect the epidemiological measures related to public gatherings (max 25 people, mask wearing, social distance).
  • Businesses will be fined 5,000-10,000 HRK for not implementing epidemiological measures.

Consular Operations: 

Local Resources: 

 Other links: