Gov. Office Status

NIH Repository of COVID-19 Research Tools

This website provides access to COVID-19 related data collection tools (CRFs, DCFs, instruments, surveys, questionnaires) that are currently in use. We hope that investigators will consider choosing from these tools rather than developing new ones. The source of each instrument has been verified and contact information is provided in case additional information is needed. We are also striving to provide access to study protocols/study designs and data dictionaries to enhance timeliness for end use, as well as data interoperability and harmonization. Please note, these data collection tools cannot be considered broadly validated and investigators are encouraged to perform validation studies.

Another important resource is the PhenX Toolkit which provides access to many of the COVID-19 instruments contained in the DR2 collection, but broken down into specific topic areas for improved ease of use. The PhenX Toolkit also provides recommended standard data collection protocols for conducting biomedical research.

To submit a COVID-19 related data collection tool and study protocols for consideration, please click here


COVID-19  Collection Tools

Survey Tool Comparison Guides

Common Data Element (CDE) Repositories  (New)

  • NIH CDE Collections: provide access to structured human and machine-readable definitions of data elements that have been recommended or required by NIH Institutes and Centers and other organizations for use in research and for other purposes
  • NIH NCI CDE: primarily derive from data collection forms, spreadsheets, researcher data dictionaries, and protocols used in clinical trials
  • PhenX Toolkit Research Domains: provides access to 826 protocols

Other Repositories of COVID-19 Research Tools

COVID-19 Training Material

COVID-19 Research Funding

Protocols to collect human health data following a disaster. Pre-approved by an Institutional Review Board (IRB) for rapid use. More...

  • NIEHS RAPIDD Protocol
  • University of Iowa Disaster Response Research Protocol
  • UTMB Rapid Acquisition of Pre- and Post-Incident Disaster Data Protocol

Data Collection Tools for surveys, surveillance forms, and biospecimen and environmental sampling tools for medical and public health research in disasters. More...

Training resources for preparing scientists to conduct research in the field after a disaster.

Exercises on data collection and research as part of disaster response and recovery, conducted by the DR2 Program. More...

Upcoming events

Publications by or about the NIH Disaster Research Response Program

Past meetings, exercises, and presentations. More...

Federal agencies, private institutions, NGOs and networks are developing their disaster-related medical and public health research capabilities. More...

About the Disaster Research Response Program and efforts to address the challenging issues of disaster research. Includes Program background, a fact sheet and videos. More...