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  3. Submit a Request or Appeal

Submit a Request or Appeal

Submit a FOIA request

A FOIA request must be made in writing.  You should describe the requested records in as much detail as possible, for example by giving the date, location, subject, names, and charge or complaint number if available.

The request must be clearly and prominently identified as a "FOIA Request."  This means that the word "FOIA" should appear in your request, and on the envelope if you are mailing the request.

How to submit a request:

  • If you are requesting a charge filed in one of our District Offices, an agreement between the Commission and a state Fair Employment Practice Agency (FEPA), non-confidential statistical data concerning a particular EEOC district, or information about a current or former EEOC employee of a district office, you can submit your request online, or by mailing, faxing, or emailing the request directly to the appropriate District Office.
  • In all other cases, you can submit your request online, by faxing it to (202) 653-6034, by emailing it to, or by mailing it to Stephanie D. Garner, Assistant Legal Counsel, Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, Office of Legal Counsel, FOIA Programs, 131 M Street, N.E., Suite 5NW22B, Washington, D.C. 20507.

Please submit your request using only one of these methods.

Submit a Section 83 Request

Only charge files can be requested using Section 83 (learn about the differences between FOIA and Section 83).

To submit a Section 83 request, submit a signed written request to the District Director responsible for the district, field, area or local office where you believe the records are located.  The same rules about who can request a charge file, and when it can be requested, apply to Section 83 requests and FOIA requests.

Submit a FOIA Appeal

After you receive a determination on your FOIA request, you can administratively appeal.  Please note that this is an appeal of the decision to withhold the requested information - it is not an appeal of the EEOC's decision whether there was illegal discrimination in your case.  Appeals must be filed within 90 calendar days of receiving a FOIA "determination letter" that explains what was withheld, if anything, and providing you with any released records.

To submit an appeal, please state in writing that you are appealing your FOIA decision, attach a copy of your determination letter, and send it to: Assistant Legal Counsel FOIA Programs Office of Legal Counsel, Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, 131 M Street, N.E., Suite 5NW02E, Washington, D.C. 20507.  If your appeal does not include a copy of the original determination letter (explaining that certain requested information has been withheld), your appeal will not be processed.  Please clearly label the envelope or other cover "FOIA Appeal."