The Inspector General Act of 1978 (Public Law 95-452), as amended, requires that the Inspector General report semiannually to the head of the Department and the Congress on the activities of the office during the 6-month periods ending March 31 and September 30. The semiannual reports are intended to keep the CEO and the Congress fully and currently informed of significant findings and recommendations by the Office of Inspector General



Semiannual Reports

Semiannual Report Agency Report Period Covered
SAR 2020 Vol-2 Agency Response -
SAR 2020 Vol-1 Agency Response -
SAR 2019 Vol-2 Agency Response -
SAR 2019 Vol-1 Agency Response -
SAR 2018 Vol-2 Agency Response -
SAR 2018 Vol-1 Agency Response -
SAR 2017 Vol-2 Agency Response -
SAR 2017 Vol-1 Agency Response -
SAR 2016 Vol-2 Agency Response -
SAR 2016 Vol-1 Agency Response -
SAR 2015 Vol-2 Agency Response -
SAR 2015 Vol 1 Agency Response -
SAR 2014 Vol 2 Agency Response -
SAR 2014 Vol 1 Agency Response -
SAR 2013 Vol 2 Agency Response -