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Lieutenant Governor Gavin Newsom's Statement on President Obama's Support for Same-Sex Marriage


Lt. Governor Gavin Newsom today issued the following statement:

Today President Barack Obama took a historic step in granting full rights for all Americans, regardless of their sexual orientation. I am proud of our President and proud to be an American.

"I commend President Obama for supporting Americans who deserve equal rights, equal respect and equal recognition," said California Lt. Gov. Gavin Newsom. "I am proud that the leader of the most powerful nation in the world took a stand for the fundamental American principle that all people are equal, and deserve equalrights and treatment under the law. "

Newsom added, "However, the fight is not over. Whether here in California, or in places like North Carolina where voters to approved a ban on same-sex marriage this week, the march towards justice must continue."

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An Economic Growth and Competitiveness Agenda For California

Lt. Governor Gavin Newsom has unveiled his Economic Growth and Competitiveness Agenda for California, articulating a vision for success in building the Next Economy in the great state of California.

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The agenda is guided by a set of principles that must be agreed upon by stakeholders at all levels and does not seek to recreate the past and restore the jobs lost to global competition or to revive the debt-fueled follies of the past. It embraces a shift from a consumption-based economy to a production economy focused on global trade.

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