Californians Know ... Water Conservation Is For Life

Californians have made great progress in recent years embracing wise water use as a daily habit. But our state's water future remains uncertain due to precipitation variability and a changing climate. It is more critical than ever that Californians adopt sustainability, embrace new approaches and technology, and work together to Save Our Water for a secure future.

Photo of a lawnmower cutting grass
Current Challenge

Transform Your Lawn

Homeowners have made great strides in recent years to save water indoors. But our lawns have a drinking problem. About 50% of water is used for outdoor irrigation. Transforming a lawn with drought-resistant California native plants is easy, will save you money, and is good for the environment. Learn more about transforming your lawn by visiting our Guides and How-to’s.

How to Save Water — Good Habits

Guides and How-to’s

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