Energy Information Administration

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U.S. Energy Information Administration
EIA logo.jpg
Formed October 1, 1977
Jurisdiction Federal Government of the United States
Headquarters Washington, DC
Annual budget $105 Million (FY2012)[1]
executives Adam Sieminski, Administrator
Howard Gruenspecht, Deputy Administrator
Parent United States Department of Energy

The U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) is the statistical and analytical agency within the U.S. Department of Energy. EIA collects, analyzes, and disseminates independent and impartial energy information to promote sound policymaking, efficient markets, and public understanding of energy and its interaction with the economy and the environment.

EIA is the Nation's premier source of energy information and, by law, its data, analyses, and forecasts are independent of approval by any other officer or employee of the United States government.

The Department of Energy Organization Act of 1977 established EIA as the primary federal government authority on energy statistics and analysis, building upon systems and organizations first established in 1974 following the oil market disruption of 1973.

EIA conducts a comprehensive data collection program that covers the full spectrum of energy sources, end uses, and energy flows; generates short- and long-term domestic and international energy projections; and performs informative energy analyses.

EIA disseminates its data products, analyses, reports, and services to customers and stakeholders primarily through its website and the customer contact center. EIA programs cover data on coal, petroleum, natural gas, electric, renewable and nuclear energy.


[edit] Budget

Located in Washington, DC, EIA is an organization of about 380 federal employees. EIA's Fiscal Year 2012 budget provides $105 million, an increase of $9.6 million, or 10 percent, from the Fiscal Year 2011 level. The increased FY 2012 funding level improves EIA's ability to provide comprehensive, relevant energy statistics, analyses, and forecasts and enables the agency to deliver this information to its customers in the most efficient and effective ways.

In FY 2012 EIA will focus on the following areas: Conducting the Commercial Buildings Energy Consumption Survey (CBECS), promoting energy literacy through product content, upgrading EIA's energy modeling and analysis capabilities, and providing critical information on crude oil and product prices.

[edit] Independence

By law, EIA's products are prepared independently of policy considerations. EIA neither formulates nor advocates any policy conclusions. The Department of Energy Organization Act allows EIA's processes and products to be independent from review by Executive Branch officials; specifically, Section 205(d) says:

"The Administrator shall not be required to obtain the approval of any other officer or employee of the Department in connection with the collection or analysis of any information; nor shall the Administrator be required, prior to publication, to obtain the approval of any other officer or employee of the United States with respect to the substance of any statistical or forecasting technical reports which he has prepared in accordance with law." [2][dead link]

[edit] Products, publications, and databases

The U.S. Energy Information Administration offices are in the Forrestal Building.
1000 Independence Ave., SW
Washington, DC 20585

More than 2 million people use EIA's information online each month. Some of EIA's most popular products include:

  • Today in Energy: Informative content published every weekday that includes a graph or map and a short, timely story written in plain language that highlights current energy issues, topics, and data trends.
  • Energy Explained: Energy information written for a general, non-technical audience. A nonpartisan guide to the entire range of energy topics from biodiesel to uranium.
  • Energy Kid's Page: A very popular product from EIA is its "Kid's Page," which educates students, citizens, and even policymakers and journalists about energy.
  • This Week in Petroleum: Weekly summary and explanation of events in U.S. and world petroleum markets, including weekly data.
    In March 2010, the Wall Street Journal reported that a large variety of problems with EIA's collection of oil inventory data, including ancient technology and out-of-date methodology, have made it nearly impossible for staff to detect errors. A weak security system also left the data open to being hacked or leaked, according to documents obtained by newspaper. [3]
  • Gasoline and Diesel Fuel Update: Weekly price data for U.S. national and regional averages.
  • Country Energy Profiles: Data by country, region, and commercial group (OECD, OPEC) for 215 countries and in-depth analysis for 151 countries.
  • Short-Term Energy Outlook: Energy projections for the next 18 months, updated monthly.
  • Annual Energy Outlook: Projection and analysis of U.S. energy supply, demand, and prices through 2035 based on EIA's National Energy Modeling System. Projections are always based on current legislation.
  • International Energy Outlook: EIA's assessment of the outlook for international energy markets through 2035.
  • Monthly Energy Review: Provides statistics on monthly and annual U.S. national energy consumption going back approximately 30 years, broken down by source in downloadable PDF. The figures are given in units of quads (quadrillion BTUs.)
  • Annual Energy Review: EIA's primary report of historical annual energy statistics. For many series, data begin with the year 1949.
  • Country Analysis Briefs: EIA's in-depth analyses of energy production, consumption, imports, and exports for more than 50 individual countries and regions.
  • Residential Energy Consumption Survey : EIA's comprehensive survey and analysis of residential energy consumption, household characteristics, and appliance saturation.

[edit] Legislation affecting EIA

The Federal Energy Administration Act of 1974 created the Federal Energy Administration (FEA), the first U.S. agency with the primary focus on energy and mandated it to collect, assemble, evaluate, and analyze energy information. It also provided FEA with data collection enforcement authority for gathering data from energy producing and major consuming firms. Section 52 of the FEA Act mandated establishment of the National Energy Information System to "…contain such energy information as is necessary to carry out the Administration’s statistical and forecasting activities…"

The Department of Energy Organization Act of 1977, Public Law 95-91, created the Department of Energy. Section 205 of this law established the Energy Information Administration (EIA) as the primary Federal Government authority on energy statistics and analysis to carry out a

...central, comprehensive, and unified energy data and information program which will collect, evaluate, assemble, analyze, and disseminate data and information which is relevant to energy resource reserves, energy production, demand, and technology, and related economic and statistical information, or which is relevant to the adequacy of energy resources to meet demands in the near and longer term future for the Nation’s economic and social needs.

The same law established that EIA's processes and products are independent from review by Executive Branch officials.

The majority of EIA energy data surveys are based on the general mandates set forth above. However, there are some surveys specifically mandated by law, including:

[edit] References

  1. ^
  2. ^[dead link]
  3. ^ Brian Baskin (March 18, 2010). "Shortcomings Exposed in Oil Data; DOE Documents, Consultants' Report Cite Outdated Methodology, Errors in EIA's Weekly Survey". Wall Street Journal. 

[edit] External links

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