
    Miguel Marquez is a CNN national correspondent based in New York.

    The Emmy Award winning reporter broke news and covered several big stories both domestically and internationally. Previously, Marquez traveled to Perth, Australia where he reported on the missing Malaysian Airlines flight 370. In Majuro, Marshall Islands, he provided CNN's leading coverage of Jose Alvarenga: the castaway who spent 6 months at sea. Additionally, Marquez has reported from Rio de Janeiro for Pope Francis' first international trip and from Rome on the election of the new Pope. He broke ground on Colorado's nascent but fast growing marijuana industry. Marquez also got an exclusive tour of a sophisticated border tunnel near San Diego, CA. In 2013, he covered ex-LAPD officer Christopher Dorner and his rampage across California; the rape of five Spanish tourists in Acapulco, Mexico; the Jodi Arias trial in Phoenix, Arizona; and the controversial book on Scientology "Going Clear."

    In 2012, Marquez reported a series of stories on the US presidential election from five swing states. He was part of the Emmy-winning team for CNN's 2012 Election Night coverage. Marquez also reported on Mexico's historic election, obtaining a rare interview with then front-running candidate Enrique Pena Nieto. He reported from the Arctic on Shell Oil's controversial decision to drill there; covered the anti-Islamic filmmaker Nakoula Nakoula and the aftermath of the attack on the US Consulate in Benghazi, Libya. He also obtained the only TV interview with the ex-boyfriend who accused conservative Arizona sheriff Paul Babeu of harassment.

    Prior to CNN, Marquez worked for ABC News in London and Los Angeles. His reporting there includes the Norway bombing and children's camp massacre, the anti-government protests in Bahrain during which he was beaten by riot police, the struggle for Libya from both Tripoli and Benghazi. On one of his many assignments in Afghanistan, Marquez was the only TV reporter present for a major Marine operation in now Zad, Helmand Province. Marquez also covered the offensive to regain control of the strategic city of Marja also in Helmand Province. He made more than a dozen trips to Iraq where he covered the conflict at the height of the insurgency and the US led surge strategy that followed. Marquez was nominated for an Emmy award for his part in ABC's reporting that al Qaeda terrorist Abu Musab Al Zarqawi had been killed.

    His initial start with CNN was in April 2003 as anchor for CNN Headline News based in CNN's world headquarters in Atlanta. Marquez moved to Los Angeles to take up reporting duties for CNN in June 2003 where he covered everything from wildfires to the first Michael Jackson trial for CNN.

    Before joining CNN, Marquez was a desk assistant at CBS News. His first reporting job was at WNBC in New York where he covered the daily events of the city. He moved to KSAZ in Phoenix, AZ where for three years he was a general assignment reporter.

    Prior to pursuing a career in broadcast journalism, Marquez served as a legislative assistant to then US Representative Bill Richardson. Notably, while traveling to Pyongyang, North Korea as part of a congressional delegation, two US helicopter pilots were shot down north of the de-militarized zone and Marquez assisted in negotiations for their release. Marquez's first job was as a researcher for the Congressional Research Service in Washington, D.C.

    Marquez has a master's degree in international affairs from Columbia University, a Bachelor of Arts degree in political science from the University of New Mexico and an Associate of Arts degree from New Mexico Military Institute. Marquez was born in Santa Rosa, New Mexico.