Obama leaves a staggering mess for his successor

Obama leaves a staggering mess for his successor

The United States is now a country that can be safely ignored by our allies and, more ominously, by our enemies.

'Divided government' is a phrase that masks decay

December 26, 2016
'Divided government' is a phrase that masks decay
OK, let Trump and the GOP majority in Congress have a go at our problems. They have two years, and the clock starts ticking Jan. 20.

Rash Report: Past is prologue in cultural and news narratives

December 30, 2016
Rash Report: Past is prologue in cultural and news narratives
The 2016 election, enduring world conflicts, a new Pew poll, and the compelling film "Jackie" all prove William Faulkner prescient.
Jack Uldrich
December 30, 2016

2016 is the year the future arrived; 2017 will be the year it took root

And if things keep going this way, expect some serious ideas.
James Lenz
December 30, 2016

Will civilization destroy science?

It's the inverse of a question posed in the pages of a Minneapolis newspaper 70 years ago. What actually transpired in the intervening years should be informative.
Michael Nesset
December 30, 2016

Class reunion was a trip into past, and a look into future

The wrinkles, walkers and sagging faces had somehow become badges of honor.
Max Roser
December 30, 2016

Quit bellyaching! 2016 was hardly the 'worst year'

Every little thing about our lives — the good and the bad — would seem inconceivably wonderful to our ancestors.
December 30, 2016

Despite polarization, embracing differences is the American way

The 115th Congress will be most racially and religiously diverse.
Kurt D. Larson
December 30, 2016

The skyway isn't very user-friendly if you have a disability

Regs are designed to help achieve what others take for granted.
charlie weaver
December 30, 2016

New Year's legislative resolutions: Most will be easier than losing weight

Ours may never be a low-tax state, but legislators and the governor must at least reduce burdens and avoid the big-spending buffet.
December 30, 2016

Trump, Sessions should allow states to lead the way on pot policy

It's unclear where the president-elect stands on recreational use.
Larry Granger
December 30, 2016

Historical paintings connect people to their roots

The grand murals were always viewed as the Capitol's strength.
Larry Musich
December 30, 2016

Counterpoint: Mining opponents ignore facts, history and people

Towns on Iron Range scarred by lost jobs and boarded-up stores.
Fred Amram
December 30, 2016

Muslim registration may be just the start

Memories of the Nazis should warn us all of what may ultimately happen with this idea.
Noah Feldman
December 30, 2016

In death, Antonin Scalia became one of 2016's most influential figures

His controversial legal legacy seemed in danger, but now looks surprisingly secure.
December 29, 2016

Lack of sleep is a drain on the economy

Productivity declines when workers don't get enough sleep.
James E. Lukaszewski
December 29, 2016

One in five Minnesotans is suffering in silence — literally

One of the first signs someone is suffering from this disease is the TV or radio's volume, or behavior that is increasingly more isolated.
Miklos Haraszti
December 29, 2016

Much to fear, little to gain from national populism

From the perspective of my homeland, Hungary, people are now looking at the United States in a way few ever thought possible.
Eli Lake
December 29, 2016
Secretary of State John Kerry questioned Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's commitment to Palestinian statehood.

Obama, Kerry seek peace for a Middle East that no longer exists

With the region in flames, it's almost comical to declare Israeli settlements, Palestinian intransigence threats to stability.
December 28, 2016

Shuttering foundation should just be a start for Trump

He's also got to untangle potential conflicts with his family business.
Richard Heinrich
December 28, 2016

Counterpoint: Physician-assisted death must be a final option

The argument that Death with Dignity legislation would limit real choices for the disabled and others is not supported by the facts.
Lynda McDonnell
December 28, 2016

How has sexual intercourse become so degraded?

The sexual assault on a young woman by 10 U athletes had little to do with consent, but a lot to do with norms.
Mary Meland
December 28, 2016

Editorial counterpoint: Prenatal damage to brains is preventable

Alcohol, one of the most harmful toxins, can cause permanent damage to unborn children.
About Opinion
The Opinion section is produced by the Editorial Department to foster discussion about key issues. The Editorial Board represents the institutional voice of the Star Tribune and operates independently of the newsroom.