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    Million blogs

Tumblr is where your interests connect you with your people.

Express yourself.

Tumblr is your canvas. Post text, photos, GIFs, videos, live videos, audio, anything. Make your own GIFs. Cover them in stickers and text, if you like.

Be yourself.

Look however you want. Customize your Tumblr’s colors, fonts, layout, everything. Follow whatever topics you’re interested in. Find new ones you didn’t even know exist.

Connect with your people.

Join millions of people in millions of communities across millions of #tags. See something you love? Reblog it to your Tumblr and start a conversation. Or just lurk, if you’re feeling shy. No big deal.

It’s a whole big world in here.

Come on in.

Tumblr at a Glance
February 2007
Jeff D'Onofrio
60 29th Street #343
San Francisco, CA 94110
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Keep up with Your Favorite Communities.

Have you ever seen one of those tiny little tic-tac-toe boards that turn words into links? They’re actually... more


Tumblr’s Top 20 of 2020

If you’ve been following our weekly Fandometrics reports, this list should come as no surprise to you. Animal... more



One man’s trash (derogatory) is another man’s trash (affectionate)


💝 Giving Tuesday 💝: The Race Isn’t Over


It’s Giving Tuesday, Tumblr.

We know 2020 wasn’t easy — and we are almost free — but this... more


Y Yo A Ti, Tumblr.

Supernatural may be over, but the Spanish-language dub is still making news. A teaser for Yuri!!! on Ice the Movie:... more


All cars go to heaven.

Well, it’s a wrap. After 15 seasons, the finale of Supernatural aired and fans both new and old have a lot of... more


You’ll figured out 🌸


We were here.

Thank you for the last year of Unus Annus, @markiplier​ and @crankgameplays​. It was 365 days filled with unexpected... more