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When I wrote the Violence Against Women Act in 1990, domestic violence and sexual assault were taboo subjects. “It’s a family issue,” I was told time and again. “This isn’t something that should be discussed in public.” I made it one of the causes of my career to change that. To help lift up the voices of courageous survivors: the model in New York City who was slashed in the face because she declined the advances of her landlord; the college student in small town Pennsy...lvania who didn’t think she was raped because she “knew him”; the wife of a cop in Virginia who couldn’t get out of her own car in her own driveway because she worried the robber who raped her was still out there. Because we will only have succeeded in this fight when we have changed the culture so that no man ever thinks he has the right to raise his hand to a woman, and no woman ever asks herself what she did wrong.

I’m extremely proud of the progress we’ve made in the past few decades in so many areas, but we still have much more work to do on college campuses. Today, an estimated one in five college women will be assaulted on campus. One in five. We can, and must, do more.

This summer, we will celebrate the 45th anniversary of the enactment of Title IX, a law that many people rightly associate with expanded access to education for women. In 2011, President Obama and I took steps to hold universities accountable under Title IX for sexual assaults on their campuses.

We made clear that under the law, any university or college receiving federal funding must promptly and fairly investigate every complaint of sexual violence — whether or not a criminal report is also filed. We also made clear that Title IX required schools to adopt and publish a process to handle allegations of sexual assault, publish a notice of non-discrimination and appoint an employee to be responsible for compliance with Title IX.

These important protections are making students safer. They are ensuring that colleges and universities are held accountable for what happens to students entrusted to their care, and that complaints are being investigated and resolved in a way that respects the rights of everyone involved. Title IX enforcement — alongside improved prevention and education programs, and support services for victims — is helping to change our college culture to reject sexual violence and protect survivors. Because no parent should have to wonder when they drop their daughter, or their son, off at college if she or he will be safe.

If you want to learn more about the fight to end sexual assault and domestic violence, visit…/ending-violence-against-women/

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Ending the Scourge of Violence Against Women For far too long, America turned a blind eye to violence against women. It was a private matter. We were told we couldn’t get involved. More than 25 years ago, Joe Biden said no more.

On the fourth of July 2009, I had the honor of presiding over a naturalization ceremony for 237 servicemembers deployed to Iraq. I got to witness the moment these brave soldiers, sailors, airmen and Marines who had put their lives on the line for their adopted country became American citizens. It was one of the proudest moments of my eight years in the White House. I believe with every fiber of my being today what I told them then: "You are the reason America is strong. You the source of our freedom — you and all who came before you." They came from 59 countries around the world and they all chose to become Americans. And we are a better nation because of them.

We must never forget that our openness, our tolerance and our diversity are our strengths. They make America great. We are safer and we are stronger when we welcome the brightest, the best and the bravest to our shores with open arms.

[Photo Credit: David Lienemann, The White House]

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Image may contain: 5 people, people standing
We are America, and we're second to none. Together, let's elect Hillary Clinton the next President of the United States.
Folks, it's on us to make sure we elect Hillary Clinton and take back the Senate this November. It’s time to roll up our sleeves and get to work. -Joe
Listen to Vice President Biden — go to, register to vote, and make your voice count for Hillary Clinton.

My dad used to have an expression. He said: “It’s a lucky person who gets up in the morning, puts both feet on the floor, knows what they’re about to do and thinks it still matters."

Now more than ever, we must work hard to preserve everyone's shot at the American Dream. We’re proud today to launch the Biden Foundation — to fight for people like Jill and I grew up with. From fighting cancer to changing the culture on domestic violence to equality for all — we are just getting started, and there's so much work to do. We cannot yield an inch on all the progress we have made on civil rights and human rights. Join us at and sign up.

Joe Biden’s life was about public service. From a public defender in Wilmington, DE to the United States Senate and ultimately the White House, Joe Biden has sought to change his community, his state, his country. And so, this next phase will be no different. The Biden Foundation will continue to ac...

Folks, don't forget to stay in line! If you're in line when polls close, you're entitled to cast your ballot. Make sure your voice is heard:

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There are world-class candidates running at all levels of government in this election. Make sure you're voting down the line for Democrats who will keep us moving forward.

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Image may contain: 2 people
Image may contain: 2 people
Image may contain: 2 people, people sitting and indoor

Vice President Biden on the importance of electing senators who will come together and work for every American:

Today, Let’s Elect a Senate That Will Work Again. Here’s a simple fact: If you want to complain about gridlock in Congress, you’d better be ready to play your part in making it work again…|By Joe Biden

1. Make sure you know how to vote today:
2. Get on the phone and make sure others do, too:

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Vice President Biden is live in Virginia, campaigning one last time with our next VP, Tim Kaine. Tune in now:

Posted by Joe Biden

"The very character of our nation is going to be defined by this election."

Hillary for Florida was live.

In St. Pete, we're live with Joe and Dr. Jill Biden!

We need your help to make calls and ensure every voter turns out to cast their ballot for Democrats tomorrow:

Image may contain: 2 people, people smiling, people sitting, table and indoor

Election Day is nearly here! Find your polling place and everything you need to vote on Tuesday:

Image may contain: 2 people, people smiling, people standing and suit

It’s time for all hands on deck. Can you step up to knock on doors or make calls? We need your help electing Democrats at all levels:

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"Give the people a chance. Ordinary people can do extraordinary things. I'm counting on you to do extraordinary things."

Democratic Party

A classic Joe Biden pep talk.

VP Biden campaigning with Russ Feingold in Madison.

Hillary for Wisconsin was live.

Vice President Joe Biden is in Madison today to chat with Wisconsinites about making history on Tuesday!

Head to the polls to cast your historic ballot:

In 1972, I won my first election to the Senate by a little over 3,000 votes — 3,162 to be exact. So I know how close elections can be, how they can come down to the thinnest of margins. I’m being deadly serious when I say showing up matters. Every single vote counts in this election. That means you.

We know how important it is to elect Hillary Clinton in five days. But for Hillary to get everything done that she needs to, she has got to have a Congress she can work with. That... means winning back seats in the House and winning back the majority in the Senate. So while you’re standing with Hillary and Tim, make sure that you’re voting down the line too.

We’ve got a great group of Senate challengers for you to vote for. Katie McGinty in Pennsylvania and Deborah Ross in North Carolina. Jason Kander in Missouri and Maggie Hassan in New Hampshire. Ted Strickland in Ohio and Catherine Cortez Masto in Nevada. Patrick Murphy in Florida. And two of my former colleagues, who are two of the very best — Russ Feingold in Wisconsin and Evan Bayh for Indiana. Progress is never easy, but it’s always worth fighting for, and these senators will never stop fighting.

Folks, let me tell you what’s at stake here: If Trump were elected and we don’t win back the Senate, everything we’ve done over the past 8 years is at risk — from the economy to health care to the environment to social policy. It’s in the hands of a guy who assaults women, boasts about not paying taxes, and enjoys saying, “You’re fired.” A guy who doesn’t understand that the middle class built America. A guy who doesn’t get what this country is all about.

Here’s what I know: When the American people are given a fair chance, they’ll never let their country down. There’s only one candidate for president who wants to give us that fair chance. I’m more optimistic about our future now than when I was a 29-year-old kid elected to the U.S. Senate by a 3,000 vote margin.

We are better positioned than any country in the world to lead the 21st century. We are the epicenter of energy, we have the best research universities in the world, the most productive workers in the world, the most innovative and entrepreneurial minds in the world. Imagine what's fully within our reach in our immediate future: hypersonic flight that takes you form New York to London in 35 minutes, enough renewable energy to power every home in America within 10 years, and scientific, medical, and technological breakthroughs that will end cancer as we know it.

Do your part. Go to and make sure you know when and where to show up on Election Day. We need you. The country needs you. And I’m counting on you to do the right thing and vote your conscience.

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Represented Delaware in the Senate for 36 years, 47th Vice President of the United States, husband to Jill, proud father and grandfather.
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