2018 Pilot Study

AD1 conducted a small pilot study at UNT during fall 2018 with four undergraduate courses in different disciplines (Accounting, Biology, Communication Studies, & Physics), where sections were offered with traditional textbooks and with AD1 in order to understand what impact students and faculty experience through their participation.

Based on the positive results shared below, AD1 conducted a larger pilot during the fall of 2019 with substantially more faculty and students involved. 

Faculty Perspectives

After participating in the pilot, faculty members shared their experiences:

"It is comforting to know that 100% of the students have access to the text, even those few students who have delayed access to financial aid or would otherwise need to wait to purchase the text."  ---Dr. Joseph McGlynn, Assistant Professor, Department of Communication Studies

"A distinct benefit of AD1 would be not having to delay the first assignments and exams, this could enable our class to get off to a faster start for students." ---Dr. Joseph McGlynn

"At first, I was quite skeptical but have now become convinced that in a class where online assignments and homework are part of the course, AD1 is the only way to go. This is because those with access on the first day learn how to access digital resources, do homework the first week, and as a result do not get behind before they even get started. In the regular access sections, most students did not buy the books or the access code until the homework was due."   ----Samuel Ogden, Adjunct Faculty, Department of Biological Sciences

"I believe AD1 saves time and organizes teaching tools for instructors and teaching assistants. It is very easy access for students and a majority of students were pleased to have textbook access anytime and anywhere."  ----Dr. Ali Khademian, Department of Physics

"When I talk to students, one of their concerns was the cost of the textbook. If this online access reduces the price, it would be great relief."  ----Dr. Ali Khademian

Student Perspectives

Students were polled with anonymous surveys to ask what their experience was like: 

  • When asked if students believed having access to the digital textbook since the first day of class made a difference in their overall performance, 87% reported yes.
  • When asked if students believed they accessed the digital textbook more frequently than if they only had a print version, 64% reported yes. 
  • 78% of students in the traditional textbook sections reported that cost was a factor in deciding whether or not to purchase the book for the course.
  • Some students said: 
    • "Its easier to read anywhere without having to carry the big weight of a physical textbook." 
    • "The access is easier and quicker than regular textbooks."
    • "AD1 provided me with everything I need right in the palms of my hands through my smart phone."