
Some great advice from one of our own students!

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University of North Texas

Finals week is upon us! UNT Department of English and MediaArts At Unt major Ayron Walker shared her tips to tackle your final exams.

1. Self-Care is Key: Set u...p a plan. No matter how dedicated you are to studying for finals, you won’t perform well if your body and mind aren’t properly cared for. Stress is powerful, so make sure it doesn’t chew away at your focus. Find something to keep your spirits up and keep your mind alert as you study! Above all else, sleep should be your number one priority. Sleeping well only the night before your exam won’t do much if you’ve been sleep deprived for the past few days. Make sure you’re completely well-rested by going to bed early for a few nights before your final.

2. Know your exam: Different types of college exams require different study approaches. Multiple-choice exams mean you must focus on concepts and definitions. Essay exams require you to exhibit a conceptual understanding of the material, so you must be able to identify the context, significance and even time period of your material. Ask your professor about the format of the exam so you know how to prepare and study.

3. Reach out to your peers: Don’t let online classes stop you from connecting with your classmates! Study groups are a great way to trade different strategies and ideas on ways to remember course material. Use the Canvas messaging tool to reach out to your classmates and schedule a Zoom study session.

4. Attend your course’s review session: Most professors go over the study guide prior to the exam in class. Make sure you’re there and ready with a list of questions from the study guide and beyond so you can fully understand the material that will be on the exam.

5. Don’t rely on study guides: Study guides are meant to be big-picture study suggestions for items covered during the semester. Be sure to fill in the blanks with related information by creating your own study guide and using your own class notes.

6. Repetition is key: Give yourself at least 3 days leading up to your exam to fully go over the material each day, so that it will remain fresh and ingrained in your mind when it’s time to show what you know. Take frequent, 15-minute breaks between each section of your study material so you can return with a fresh brain that’s ready to retain the next set of information.

7. Test yourself: Use flashcards to prepare for multiple-choice exams. For an essay format exam, write down every detail you know about the topic(s). Seeing your incorrect answers in writing will give you a clear understanding of what areas you need to continue studying.

8. Don’t wait until the last minute to take your exam: If you are given a window to take your final, take it as early as possible! This allows time for you to troubleshoot and contact your professor if there are issues with your exam (technical, environmental, etc.), so your grade isn’t affected.

9. Have a trial exam: Sit down at least an hour before the final and go through a trial to ensure you can properly access the exam by following all the steps you would if it was time to begin the test, without actually starting it.

Photo Description: Student studying at Willis Library.

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