Space Management and Planning is preparing for the next annual space survey. Each department’s help is essential to ensure the University of North Texas has an accurate record of space and how it is used. UNT is required by state and federal law to maintain and report this information, as it helps secure federal research reimbursements and is used in determining state funding. 

The space survey will collect data such as:

  • Types of rooms;
  • Function of rooms;
  • Capacity and occupants;
  • Accounts that fund sponsored research activities and associated equipment.

Each department or unit should have chosen someone to respond to the survey and someone to approve it. These individuals need to know how their department uses each room and how the activities in each room are funded, especially in research-intensive areas. Each department will receive a list of assigned spaces and a description of how that space is classified. The departments must verify the information, descriptions, and classifications room-by-room.

Click Here to Access the Space Survey

The Space Survey is administered online through the FM Interact Space Management System at


All public higher education institutions in the State must submit an annual facility inventory report to the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board (THECB) to fulfill provisions of the Higher Education Coordinating Act of 1965 as amended (codified as Subtitle B, Chapter 61, Texas Education Code, 1971). The amount, type, and use of physical space are components used to determine each institution’s funding. Space Management and Planning is responsible for submitting this report (per UNT policy 11.002). Conducting an annual Space Survey is the tool used to ensure accuracy in UNT’s reporting.

Technical Requirements

The Space Survey is administered online through the FM Interact Space Management System. Your PC must be logged into the UNT network. The Space Management System is optimized for use with the latest versions of Fireforx, Safari, and Chrome. Please remember to disable pop-up blockers.

Floor Plans

Floor plans can be accessed online through the FM Interact Space Management System using the left sidebar menu select Space Management > Sites then select your site, building and floor.

Survey Codes

These codes are required to complete the Space Survey. Each room is assigned at least one:

Survey Resources

These additional resources include a PowerPoint presentation, step-by-step illustrated user's guide, frequently asked questions, most common mistakes, research space information, and links to the full THECB manuals and appendices. 


For questions and technical assistance, please contact Cheryl Benningfield, 940-369-7383.