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Quantum Machines Aims To Bridge The Digital And Analog Worlds

Gil Press

“Quantum computing does not promise us better computing. It promises impossible computing,” says Itamar Sivan, CEO and co-founder of Quantum Machines, a Tel-Aviv-based startup. Founded two years ago, it has raised $23 million from Battery Ventures and others. “For a startup company,” says Sivan, “we have very substantial revenues—we sell to everyone who is in the quantum computing race.”

The race to achieve impossible computing is on and has been focused on a number of competing approaches to developing the hardware for quantum computing, measuring progress by the increasing number of quantum bits (qbits) available. Other market participants focus on developing quantum algorithms and specialized programming languages. A handful of startups, including Quantum Machines, focus on the management and control of current and future quantum systems. “From a commercial perspective,” says Sivan, “we develop the cloud infrastructure for quantum computing.”

In focusing on providing a comprehensive platform for quantum systems, Quantum Machines highlights the important role of current computer systems, so-called “classical computers,” working in tandem with quantum systems to bring about impossible computing. “A quantum computer at scale will require huge amount of classical processing, whether it’s directly controlling it, which is where we focus, but also for things like calibrating and verifying. There will always be a large classical infrastructure behind the quantum computer,” says Sivan.

You hear about “hybrid computing” from other participants in the quantum computing market, but what they typically mean by that term is a temporary phase in the near future, a passing phase in the evolution of quantum computing. Until we have working, commercially viable, full-fledged quantum computers with hundreds or thousands of qubits, we will still rely on classical computers to do most of the computational work, shuttling just the most complex part of the problem to a quantum computer. But Quantum Machines regards the classical computer as an important component of the quantum computing “stack,” now and forever.

As Sivan describes it, the classical computer sends electronic pulses to the quantum computer, the pulses representing logical operations. While in a classical computer the logic and the data reside on the same processor, the quantum computer is fundamentally a “huge memory,” containing enormous amount of data, manipulated by the pulses coming from the classical computer.

The nascent quantum computing market is in flux and Sivan expects a few “surprises in the next five years,” both in terms of possibly new hardware platforms and approaches, and “much more optimized algorithms.” Quantum Machines currently has customers in ten different countries, according to Sivan, including large companies, startups, government labs, and universities.

“The industry is just forming and the entire value chain is being defined by the leading companies in the market today,” says Sivan. Quantum Machines’ desired position in the emerging value chain, as the leading supplier of the cloud infrastructure for quantum computing, is defined by Sivan as a “Mars-shot.”

To get to Mars—and impossible computing—Quantum Machines has put together, and worked with its partners to assemble, the components of the bridge between the world we invented—the digital world of classical computers—and the world we live in—the analog world of quantum computers.

Physicist Richard Feynman famously acknowledged the limitations of the simplification we imposed on our analog world with digitization when he asserted: “Nature isn’t classical . . . and if you want to make a simulation of Nature, you’d better make it quantum mechanics.” Quantum Machines connects 0s and 1s to Nature, helping quantum computing hardware and software vendors achieve impossible computing.

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I'm Managing Partner at gPress, a marketing, publishing, research and education consultancy. Previously, I held senior marketing and research management positions at

I'm Managing Partner at gPress, a marketing, publishing, research and education consultancy. Previously, I held senior marketing and research management positions at NORC, DEC and EMC. Most recently, I was Senior Director, Thought Leadership Marketing at EMC, where I launched the Big Data conversation with the “How Much Information?” study (2000 with UC Berkeley) and the Digital Universe study (2007 with IDC). Twitter: @GilPress