Moving In

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Semester Move-In Dates

Fall semester move-in

Mean Green Move-In is the annual event that marks the opening of the residence halls for the fall semester. The residence halls open for the fall semester at 8 AM on the Friday tendays prior to the first day of classes.

August 14th, 2020 is the start of Mean Green Move-In for the Fall 2020 semester.

To provide ease of access and reduce traffic congestion, sign up for your arrival date and time through the eHousing Move-in Sign Up. We urge you to plan to arrive at your assigned time.

Find Mean Green Move-In information in the the New and Announcments section on the Housing homepage


Spring semester move-in

Housing welcomes residents back from the winter break at 2 PM on the Wednesday prior to the first day of classes.

January 6, 2021 is the move-in date for all new and returning students for the Spring 2021 semester.


Summer term move-ins

The summer school residence halls open at 10 AM on the Saturday prior to the first day of classes for each of the summer school terms.

May 8, 2021 for May-mester Move-In
May 29, 2021 for Summer 1 Move-In
July 3, 2021 for Summer 2 Move-In


Move In Day image


You may not need everything on this list, but please look over it and use it as a helpful guideline.


  • UNT Student ID
  • Textbooks (check your My UNT to find out which ones you need!)
  • Backpack
  • Computer/laptop/tablet Flash drive(s)
  • Academic supplies
  • Bike and bike lock
  • Reusable water bottle


  • Mattress pad, mattress protector Bedding for Twin XL (sheets, pillows, pillowcases, blankets)
  • Bath towels, hand towels, wash cloths
  • Clothes hangers Laundry hamper
  • Laundry supplies
  • Cleaning supplies for use in your room
  • Toiletries Shower caddy
  • Desk lamp
  • Alarm clock
  • Mini fridge*
  • Small appliances (microwave, coffee pot)*
  • Power strip with surge protector* 
  • Decorations (please use removable adhesives such as Command products)*
  • Dishes
  • Toilet paper and paper towels 
  • Snacks


  • Contact your roommate to avoid duplicate items.
  • If you are traveling a far distance, consider purchasing some items after you arrive in Denton.
  • If you plan on visiting home throughout the year, consider packing seasonal items and switching them out as needed. 
  • Students have printing credit available to use with printers located across campus.
  • Laundry machines are free to use in all of the residence halls on campus.


  • Candles/Wax Warmers
  • Extension cords or power strips without surge protectors
  • *Lamps (halogen lamps, string lights that are not LED and battery operated)
  • *Appliances with exposed heating elements (toaster, hot plate, camping stoves)
  • *Weapons
  • *Explosives/flammable items
  • *Pets

*Please refer to the housing handbook for more details

Internet Connectivity and Support Info

UNT Housing partners with Apogee to provide internet service within the residence halls. 

Use the APOGEE CONNECTIVITY and SUPPORT GUIDE for getting your devices set up on RESNET.  

If you need any help registering or connecting your devices, a support representative is available 24 hours a day to assist you. 

•    Call MyResNet support at 1-888-478-8871
•    Email
•    Text ResNet to 84700
•    Chat live at
•    FAQs at