• Vision: A Healthy Texas

    Mission: To improve the health, safety, and well-being of Texans through good stewardship of public resources, and a focus on core public health functions.
  • Texas 211

Volunteer with DSHS

Volunteers and donors play an important role in helping DSHS accomplish its mission of improving health and well-being in Texas.

DSHS has several volunteer programs and many ways to be of help. Click on any of the volunteer programs below to learn more.

For more information about volunteering with DSHS programs other than those listed below, please e-mail the Center for Consumer and External Affairs or phone 512-776-2150.

Volunteer Programs

Parish Nursing (Faith Community Nursing): Specialized area of professional nursing practice that focuses on health promotion within a faith community. Roles vary between faith communities depending upon the needs of its members and available resources. Most common roles of the Parish Nurse include educator, counselor and advocate in their own faith family. They are a source for preventative and restorative care, ministering holistically to individuals and families.

State Hospital Volunteers: Eleven state hospital facilities provide in-patient treatment serves:

  • eight provide mental health treatment,
  • one provides mental health and mental retardation services as well as serving as an outpatient public health clinic,
  • one provides tuberculosis and Hansen’s disease treatment, and
  • one provides treatment for emotionally disturbed youth.

Each state hospital has a community relations office to provide oversight of the volunteer program.

Community Preparedness: DSHS and many state and local agencies work together to protect the public’s health in an emergency. Partners engaging volunteers include:

  • Medical Reserve Corps (MRC)
    The Division of the Civilian Volunteer Medical Reserve Corps (DCVMRC) is headquartered in the Office of the United States (U.S.) Surgeon General. DCVMRC helps communities establish, implement, and maintain MRC units. Local MRCs engage volunteers to strengthen public health, emergency response and community resiliency. MRC volunteers train – individually and with other members of the unit. Find a local MRC Unit.

  • Texas Citizen Corps
    Citizen Corps offers volunteer opportunities to support local fire, law enforcement, emergency medical services, community public health efforts, and to contribute to the four stages of emergency management: preparedness, prevention, response, and recovery. Texas Association of Regional Councils, a public entity, administers the Citizen Corps programs in Texas through councils of governments (COGs). Find a local Citizen Corp Council.

  • Texas Disaster Volunteer Registry (TDVR)
    The TDVR is part of the federally mandated Emergency Systems for the Advance Registration of Volunteer Health Professionals (ESAR-VHP) Program which serves to pre-register volunteers and verify professional licensure so that efficient, effective response can be coordinated during and after any disaster. View a presentation about the program (pdf). Register for the TDVR.

Thinking about an internship with DSHS?

Internships must fulfill an official curriculum requirement and are set up in partnerships between DSHS and schools. Generally internships at DSHS are unpaid. If you are interested in an internship at DSHS, please contact the Office of Academic Linkages.

Last updated May 12, 2015