

How to Nominate

To complete a nomination, you will need to complete the form below and attach the following supporting documents:

  • Letter of nomination from you (required)
  • Two (2) additional letters of support from others (required)
  • Nominee’s current resume or CV (suggested)

Nominations will remain confidential throughout the selection process.

The Alumni Awards ceremony will be held during Homecoming 2020.

Please contact the UNT Office of Alumni Relations at 940-565-2834 or for more information.


Award Descriptions

Distinguished Alumni Award
First presented in 1965, this is the most prestigious award given by the UNT Alumni Association. It recognizes alumni for distinguished professional achievement that has merited the honor and praise of peers and colleagues. These individuals have made significant contributions to society, supported the university, and served their fellow man, thus reflecting extraordinary credit on UNT.

Distinguished Young Alumni Award
Created in 2011 in the image of the Distinguished Alumni Award, this award recognizes alumni under the age of 40 for distinguished professional achievement that has merited the honor and praise of peers and colleagues. These individuals have made significant contributions to society, supported the university, and served their fellow man, thus reflecting extraordinary credit on UNT.

Outstanding Alumni Service Award
First presented in 1974, this award honors individuals who have provided outstanding service to the community as well as the university.

Ulys Knight Spirit Award
Presented since 1975, this award is named for alumnus Ulys Knight, also known as “Mr. North Texas.” It is given to an individual or group who has shown spirit, enthusiasm, and motivations through the contribution of time and energy to a program or activity that has benefited the university family.

Generations of Excellence Award
First presented in 2009 to honor and recognize a family that has exhibited an extraordinary dedication to higher education and to the University of North Texas through multiple generations of attendance. These families have supported the university through their giving, leadership, service and advocacy.