Disclose an Invention

Disclosing an Invention


Submit a disclosure through our Inventor Portal

Faculty and Staff are required to file an invention disclosure form under their employment agreement and UNT Policy 08.003. Often times, the terms of a sponsored research project will also require the disclosure of inventions so the sponsor can be informed.

Ideally, the disclosure should occur before the work is published or any other public disclosure of the work is made. Not disclosing before you make the work public will affect the scope of any patent filed covering the disclosure. When you file an invention disclosure with RCA, please inform the office if you have already or expect to soon discuss your invention publicly.

If you have any questions about submitting your invention disclosure, please email ResearchContracts@unt.edu


  • Invention Disclosure should be submitted no less than one (1) month prior to any public disclosure to allow enough time for assessment and patent protection
  • The submission of an Invention Disclosure does not mean the invention has any protection