TAMS to Eagles Scholarship

In 2016, TAMS and UNT partnered to create the TAMS-to-Eagles Scholarship for TAMS students who complete the TAMS program and remain at UNT to complete their baccalaureate degree. TAMS students must complete UNT’s General Scholarship Application (GSA) during their second year in TAMS—the application opens October 1 and closes March 1 of the academic year—and initial offers of the scholarship will be awarded to TAMS students who possess a cumulative GPA of 3.25 or higher at the application deadline. [NOTE: It is possible that UNT’s Office of Student Financial Aid and Scholarships may conduct a second review of applications for students who raised their cumulative GPA to 3.25 or higher between the time they submitted the GSA and the end of the fourth semester at TAMS. This second review, however, is not guaranteed depending on how many TAMS students accept the scholarship and remain at UNT.]

A recipient of the TAMS-to-Eagles scholarship is awarded $20,000 per year—$10,000 each semester, Fall and Spring—and the award is renewable for up to 3 years or until completion of (a) a baccalaureate degree, and/or (b) a joint baccalaureate/master’s degree if a student enters a “grad track” option in his/her degree program. The “grad track” option allows a student to begin taking graduate courses during the fourth year at UNT and then the student completes the remaining courses required for a master’s degree during the fifth year.

TAMS-to-Eagles recipients can use the funds for tuition and fees, books, housing (on or off campus), meal plans, and other school supplies. Recipients are also eligible to apply for and receive additional scholarships from UNT and/or the student’s major department(s), but a student cannot receive scholarships that total more than the UNT-designated cost of attendance. Finally, TAMS-to-Eagles scholars must maintain a 3.25 GPA minimum to receive the scholarship each year.

Benefits of Being a TAMS-to-Eagles Scholar

  • Automatic acceptance into the Honors College
  • 9 hours of TAMS/UNT credits are counted as Honors credit toward an Honors award
  • Continuity of Research, which enhances one’s chances of publishing and earning national awards
  • Opportunity for national scholarships
  • Priority Registration
  • Participate in “grad track” programs with the opportunity to complete both BS/BA and MS/MA degrees in 5 years (including the 2 years at TAMS)
  • Ability to receive additional funds for a study abroad experience

Timeline of To-Do’s for TAMS Students Considering Staying at UNT

  1. Meet with an Honors College advisor as soon as you begin planning to stay at UNT. Visit the Honors College webpage to schedule an appointment.
  2. Apply for UNT Housing in mid-January, typically on January 15.
  3. Complete the UNT General Scholarship Application by March 1 (described above).
  4. Check your UNT email to verify your receipt of the TAMS-to-Eagles scholarship, and accept the scholarship as soon as you receive it.
  5. May 1 = Notify your TAMS Academic Counselor and your Honors advisor that you intend to stay at UNT.

Contact Us

940-565-3305 | honorscollege@unt.edu