Transgender Health

(940) 565-2333

Here at the Student Health and Wellness Center (SHWC), we believe every student has the right to be treated in a respectful and confidential atmosphere. We understand that while many concerns are universal, like relationships, school, work, and dating, some concerns are unique to you and your situation. We encourage open communication between patients and healthcare providers.

The SHWC is striving to provide our transgender students with quality healthcare in a safe, friendly, and non-discriminating environment. Cynthia Hermann, MD, is a gynecologist who has worked with our transgender population since her arrival in 2011. She can assist in hormone therapy once it is initiated by your primary physician or hormone specialist. This assistance could include hormone injections, monitoring your labs, and following your overall healthcare needs. Dr. Hermann can also provide education on MTF (male-to-female) and FTM (female-to-male) related issues, as well as provide valuable information about local resources to start you on your journey.

Additionally, labs can be drawn here with an order from your outside physician.

Hormone replacement medication is covered under the United Healthcare Student Resources health insurance. Check with our Pharmacy about ordering your hormone replacement medications.

If you would like more information and resources related to transgender health please visit GLMA's website for patients.