Dec 07, 2020  
2013-2014 Undergraduate and Graduate Catalog 
2013-2014 Undergraduate and Graduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Student Rights and Responsibilities

The following section includes, in its entirety, university policies on the Code of Student’s Rights, Responsibilities and Conduct and the Code of Academic Integrity. These policies are an articulation of the University’s commitment to recognize and support the rights of its students and to provide a guide for defining behaviors that the University may consider a violation of such policies. It is not, however, meant to be an exhaustive list of all actions which may be considered misconduct.

Code of Student’s Rights, Responsibilities and Conduct

Policy Statement

The University of North Texas at Dallas has established standards of conduct designed to foster a safe environment in a learning community committed to the highest pursuit of intellectual inquiry and knowledge. Students and student organizations are expected to conduct themselves in a manner that demonstrates respect for the rights and property of others and upholds the integrity of the UNT Dallas community.

The University of North Texas at Dallas is a learning community comprised of students, faculty and staff committed to the highest pursuit of intellectual inquiry and knowledge. As members of the UNT Dallas community, faculty and staff are expected to be guided in their teaching, research, service and civil engagement by respect for and understanding of diverse viewpoints and the core values of virtue, civility, reasoning and accountability. These attributes will be instilled in all students and will define the UNT Dallas culture and reputation.


UNT Dallas is committed to the principles of truth, ethics and morality, the essence of virtue. The pursuit of truth is the cornerstone of the pursuit of knowledge. In teaching and in research, the facts must be allowed to speak for themselves. Faculty, staff and students must hold the highest ethical standards. They must be honest in their dealings with each other, in their learning and in their teaching, and they must be honest in their interaction with the community. Students, staff and faculty will be guided by the highest principles of morality in their behavior toward each other and toward the community.


UNT Dallas is committed to treating everyone with respect, politeness and caring in such a way as to honor the diversity of the community, the student body, the staff and the faculty.


UNT Dallas is committed to using those critical thinking skills needed to make logical and just decisions in day-to-day activities and to instill them in its students. While recognizing the importance of emotions in the conduct of our daily lives, UNT Dallas will be committed to making decisions that are based on facts, using data to drive decision making.


UNT Dallas will do what we say and honor our commitments in such a way as to be demonstrably transparent. The University will laud its accomplishments and acknowledge its shortcomings, knowing that only through honest understanding of them can the institution become better. The University will be a good steward for the community and for prosperity. The University will also instill in its students a commitment to individual responsibility with an understanding that the acceptance of responsibility is the cornerstone of mature citizenship.

Application of Policy

This policy applies to all students.


Code of Academic Integrity. “Code of Academic Integrity” means standards of conduct and procedures established to provide a full and fair opportunity for review of alleged academic dishonesty.

Code of Student Rights, Responsibilities and Conduct (“the Code”). “Code of Student Rights, Responsibilities and Conduct” means the standards of conduct and procedures established to provide a full and fair opportunity for review of alleged student misconduct.

Conduct Conference. “Conduct Conference” means a forum in which the Director of Student Life meets with a student to review alleged misconduct and provide an opportunity for student response. The conference is an educational forum designed to enable the Director to determine whether there has been a violation of the Code, and if so, what sanctions are appropriate.

Conduct sanction. “Conduct Sanction” means penalty for engaging in a violation of the Code of Student’s Rights, Responsibilities and Conduct that may be assigned by the Director of Student Life.

Day. “Day” mean the period between 9:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. when UNT Dallas is open for official business.

Director of Student Life (the “Director”). “Director of Student Life” means the University official responsible for administering the student disciplinary process in accordance with the Code, for maintaining disciplinary records, and for assisting students with the resolution of conflict.

Disciplinary Process. “Disciplinary Process” means the procedures provided in the Code from the initial complaint through final resolution to consider whether a student has engaged in misconduct, and whether disciplinary sanctions should be imposed.

Good Conduct Standing. “Good Conduct Standing” means the status in which a student is fully eligible to participate in UNT Dallas activities and privileges.

Greater Weight of the Evidence. “Greater Weight of the Evidence” means the standard of review in the student disciplinary process which evaluates whether misconduct is more likely than not to have occurred.

Notice of Complaint. “Notice of Complaint” means the initial document delivered to students in the disciplinary process that identifies alleged violations of the Code and requests the scheduling of a disciplinary conference.

Notice of Sanctions. “Notice of Sanctions” means the document in the disciplinary process that identifies student disciplinary sanctions based on a violation of the Code.

Reconsideration. “Reconsideration” means an opportunity for a student to request modification of a Director’s findings of misconduct and/or sanctions based upon newly discovered information.

Request for Review. “Request for Review” means the document requesting review of a notice of sanctions by the Student Conduct Committee. The student must deliver the request to the Director of Student Life and Success.

Student. “Student” means an individual who is taking courses at UNT Dallas, either credit or non-credit, full or part-time, and pursuing undergraduate, graduate or professional studies, including students who withdraw from UNT Dallas during the disciplinary process; those who are not currently enrolled in courses but who have a continuing academic relationship with UNT Dallas, and those who have applied for admission or readmission to UNT Dallas.

Student Conduct Committee. “Student Conduct Committee” means a group convened at the request of a student for the purpose of reviewing findings of misconduct and/or disciplinary sanctions assigned by the Director of Student Life and Success.

Student Organization. “Student Organization” means a group of students who share a common interest and who are registered as a student group with UNT Dallas.

University. “University” ( or “UNTD”) means the University of North Texas at Dallas.

University Community. “University Community” means the collective group of students, faculty, staff, UNT Dallas officials and any other persons employed by UNT Dallas.

University Premises. “University Premises” mean all buildings, facilities, land and other property that is owned used or controlled by UNT Dallas.

University privilege. “University Privilege” means a special benefit that is granted or enjoyed by students, including but not limited to, participating in social events or UNT Dallas sponsored activities, election to student leadership positions and registration as a UNT Dallas sponsored organization.

University Sponsored Activity. “University Sponsored Activity” means an activity that is conducted under the authority of, or with the support of, UNT Dallas.

Procedures and Responsibilities

Scope of the Code of Student’s Rights, Responsibilities and Conduct

The Code of Student’s Rights, Responsibilities and Conduct (“Code”) is a university policy adopted by the president of UNT Dallas with authority delegated by the Board of Regents of the University of North Texas System. The university reserves the right to amend the Code at any time according to established UNT Dallas procedures. The Code is implemented and enforced under the direction of the Associate Provost for Student Life and Success. The university will develop procedures and guidelines to further assist in the administration of the disciplinary process that are entirely consistent with this Code.

The Code applies to individual students and to UNT Dallas student organizations.

The Code applies to conduct that occurs on UNT Dallas premises, at UNT Dallas activities and also to conduct that may occur off campus that could adversely affect the interest of UNT Dallas and/or the pursuit of UNT Dallas objectives. The Director of Student Life will decide whether the Code will apply to student off-campus conduct on a case-by-case basis.

Students are responsible for their conduct from the time of application for admission through the award of a degree, or such other time as there is a formal termination of the student relationship with UNT Dallas. Students are responsible for conduct occurring before classes begin and after classes end, as well as during the academic year and during periods between terms of enrollment. The Code continues to apply to student conduct even if a student withdraws from UNT Dallas during the disciplinary process. In addition, applicants and students who wish to enroll are also responsible for their conduct prior to admission or re-enrollment.

Students and student organizations are subject to the requirements of the following policies and may be subject to sanctions for violating such policies in accordance with section IX (I) of the Code:

  • Polices and regulations governing the use of university communication and computing resources.
  • Policies and regulations governing smoking on campus.
  • Policies and regulations governing campus expression.
  • Policies and regulations governing canvassing and solicitation.
  • Policies and regulations governing harassment, including sexual harassment.
  • Policies and regulations governing use of student identification.
  • Policies and regulations governing the use of university access devices.
  • Code of Academic Integrity.

Concurrent Violations of Law and the Code

Students may be accountable to criminal or civil authorities for conduct which may also violate the Code. The university disciplinary process will normally proceed during the pendency of any related criminal or civil proceedings. Students who are concurrently engaged in a related criminal matter will not be compelled to speak at a conduct conference or during a Student Conduct Committee review. A student’s silence will not be interpreted as an admission or used as evidence against them. The Director of Student Life and Success and/or the Student Conduct Committee will proceed based on all other available evidence in the absence of extraordinary circumstances. A decision rendered by the Director of Student Life and Success and/or the Student Conduct Committee will not be subject to reconsideration even if related criminal charges are dismissed or otherwise resolved.

Admissions and Enrollement

Applicants to UNT Dallas and former students seeking re-enrollment may be referred to the Director of Student Life to consider alleged misconduct that could violate the Code and therefore impact admission or re-enrollment, including falsification of admission documents. In such cases, the Director of Student Life will review the student’s alleged misconduct to consider the individual’s potential to benefit from university attendance as well as the welfare and safety of the UNT Dallas community.

The Director of Student Life may decide not to clear an applicant for admission or re-enrollment, or the Director may impose an appropriate sanction upon an applicant or former student when evidence indicates that the applicant or former student has:

  • Engaged in acts that were disruptive to the normal operations of an educational institution.
  • Falsified the enrollment application or other admission forms.
  • Engaged in conduct prohibited by the Code.
  • Been formally charged with the commission of a criminal act.
  • Been convicted of a criminal act and still subject to criminal penalty, including but not limited to imprisonment, parole and/or probation.
  • A student may request a meeting with the Director of Student Life and Success to discuss a decision regarding admission or conditional admission.

The decision of the Director of Student Life is final.


Documents that are created and maintained as part of the disciplinary process and the academic dishonesty process are subject to the protections of the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act, 20 U.S.C. § 1232g. Disciplinary records, including conduct and academic disciplinary records are maintained by the office of the Director of Student Life in accordance with the university records retention policy.

Responsibilities of Student Organizations

Student organizations are expected to conduct themselves in a manner consistent with UNT Dallas’ function as an educational institution. Student organizations must observe all federal, state and local laws and UNT Dallas policies, including the Code, both on and off campus. A student organization will be responsible for the actions and conduct of its members, when one or more of its members, acting in the capacity of their membership, commit a violation of the Code. Student organizations found in violation of the Code will be subject to disciplinary procedures and sanctions in the same manner as individual students, except that student organizations cannot be expelled permanently from UNT Dallas.

Any notice of complaint regarding alleged student organization misconduct will be delivered to the student organization’s local address on file with UNT Dallas. A notice of complaint will be sent to the president or other group leader of the student organization with a copy to the on-campus advisor and/or other advisors as appropriate. Student organizations are responsible for responding to all notices of complaint and failure to respond may result in a decision in the absence of any representative of the student organization.

Student organizations, as well as their members, maybe held collectively and/or individually responsible for violations of the Code.

For purposes of the Code, references to “student” are inclusive of “student organizations.”

Categories of Misconduct

The Code is not written with the specificity of a criminal statute, nor is it intended to cover every instance of potentially prohibited conduct. Students and/or student organizations may be disciplined for the following types of misconduct.

Acts Affecting Health, Safety or Welfare; including but not limited to:

  • Engaging in physical and/or verbal abuse, domestic violence, threats, intimidation, harassment, coercion, physical or electronic stalking or any other conduct which threatens or endangers the health, safety or welfare of any person. Speech protected by the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution is not a violation of this provision, though fighting words and statements which reasonably threaten or endanger the health and safety of any person is not protected speech.
  • Engaging in actions that endanger a student’s own health and/or safety.
  • Hazing, (as defined in the Texas Education Code), including engaging in, soliciting, encouraging, directing, aiding or intentionally, knowingly or recklessly permitting behavior such as physical brutality, risk of harm to mental or physical health or safety, intimidation, threat of ostracism, mental stress, humiliation, or other behavior adverse to health or human dignity in association with pledging, initiation, affiliation with, holding office in, or maintaining membership in a student group; or having firsthand knowledge of the planning of hazing, or of its occurrence and failing to report it to UNT Dallas authorities.
  • Arson or unauthorized possession or use of ammunition, firearms, explosives, hazardous substances or other materials that are flammable or hazardous or that could cause damage by fire or explosion to persons or property.
  • Illegal use, possession, sale, manufacture, distribution or effective control of chemical precursors, controlled substances, controlled substance analogues or dangerous or illegal drugs; misuse or possession of a legal drug or other substance which could cause harm to the user; possession of drug paraphernalia; or encouraging or facilitating any of the above.
  • Use, possession or distribution of alcoholic beverages, except as expressly permitted by law and UNT Dallas policy or regulation and public intoxication.
  • Illegal gambling or gaming as defined in state and Federal law.
  • Tampering with, or misuse of, security or safety equipment.
  • Reporting false emergency or threat.
  • Sexual abuse or sexual assault including rape, acquaintance rape, or other sex offenses whether forcible or non-forcible.

Acts Affecting the University Community, including but not limited to:

  • Interfering with or disrupting any UNT Dallas or UNT Dallas-sponsored activity including, teaching, learning and/or research.
  • Interfering with any UNT Dallas emergency or public safety function, such as fire, police or emergency services.
  • Engaging in disorderly or obscene conduct including recording another’s image in violation of their reasonable expectation of privacy, and without effective consent.
  • Breaching the peace; or aiding, abetting or inciting another to breach the peace.
  • Failing to comply with a reasonable directive of a UNT Dallas official, including campus police, the Director of Student Life, and any other UNT Dallas instructor, administrator or employee acting in the performance of their official duties.
  • Engaging in disruptive activity, including but not limited to such acts as defined in the Texas Education Code.

Acts of Dishonesty; including but not limited to:

  • Intentionally furnishing false or misleading information to UNT Dallas or a UNT Dallas official.
  • Forging, altering or misusing any UNT Dallas document or instrument of identification.
  • Intentionally interfering with a UNT Dallas election process.
  • Attempting to represent UNT Dallas, a student organization or any recognized UNT Dallas body without explicit prior consent.
  • Acts in violation of the UNT Dallas Code of Academic Integrity including but not limited to serious and flagrant acts of academic dishonesty and repeated acts of academic dishonesty.

Acts Affecting Property or Services; including but not limited to:

  • Theft or attempted theft of property or services, and knowing possession of stolen property.
  • Intentional or reckless destruction or damage, or vandalism to UNT Dallas property, or the property of others.
  • Unauthorized possession, duplication or use of access devices to UNT Dallas premises, such as keys or entry cards.
  • Unauthorized entry onto or use of UNT Dallas premises.

Acts Affecting Intellectual Property, including but not limited to:

  • The use or distribution of the original work of another (whether copyrighted or not) without the express consent of the owner, including but not limited to the unauthorized downloading of copyrighted music and the distribution for commercial purposes, or creation of derivative works from written materials created by faculty or staff, without express permission of the originator.
  • The use or distribution of a trademark, including the UNT Dallas name, trademark or logos, without express written consent.

Acts Affecting Computing Resources or Technology; including but not limited to:

  • Unauthorized access, use, or misuse of UNT Dallas computing resources, systems or data.
  • Disrupting UNT Dallas computer operations, or the availability of computing resources.
  • Unauthorized sharing of copyrighted materials through electronic means.
  • Using another individual’s identification, password, or other credential to access UNT Dallas computing resources.
  • Initiating or contributing to attacks against external networks or UNT Dallas systems.

Interference with the student discipline process; including but not limited to;

  • Falsifying or misrepresenting information at any stage of the disciplinary process, or knowingly initiating a false complaint to the Director of Student Life.
  • Disrupting or interfering with the orderly conduct of the disciplinary process.
  • Attempting to discourage an individual’s participation in, or use of the disciplinary process.
  • Attempting to influence the impartiality of a participant in the disciplinary process.
  • Harassing or intimidating a participant in the disciplinary process.
  • Failing to comply with a request to attend a conference with the Director of Student Life.
  • Failing to comply with sanctions imposed under the Code or sanctions otherwise imposed by UNT Dallas.
  • Influencing or attempting to influence another person to commit an abuse of the disciplinary process.

Facilitating Acts of Misconduct; including but not limited to:

  • Planning or facilitating an act of misconduct.
  • Being present during the commission of an act of misconduct and supporting or encouraging the act.

Violations of Federal, State or Local laws (whether convicted or not) or other UNT Dallas Policies.

Sanctions For Misconduct

Any student engaging in conduct in violation of the Code may be subject to one of more of the following conduct sanctions. Repeated misconduct may result in assignment of more serious conduct sanctions, including but not limited to suspension or expulsion.

Warning -

  • A verbal or written notice to a student that they have violated the Code and must not engage in violations in the future.
  • No impact on good conduct standing.
  • Not subject to review by the Student Conduct Committee.

Education Sanctions -

  • An assignment designed to educate a student and to prevent reoccurrence. May include referral for substance abuse counseling, education workshops, assignment of reflection papers, restitution or replacement of lost, damaged or stolen property, assignment to community service or regular meetings with the Director of Student Life or a designee.
  • No impact on good conduct standing.
  • Not subject to review by the Student Conduct Committee.

Loss of Privileges -

  • A temporary or permanent loss of university privileges, including but not limited to loss of the privilege to attend UNT Dallas sponsored events, to use certain UNT Dallas facilities, to serve as an official UNT Dallas representative, or to hold a leadership position in a student organization.
  • No impact on good conduct standing.
  • Not subject to review by the Student Conduct Committee unless loss of privileges is related to another reviewable sanction.

Probation -

  • A written reprimand that remains in effect for a specified period of time and conditions a student’s continuing status on the absence of any further violations of the Code.
  • Good conduct standing is removed during the specified period of probation.
  • Not subject to review by the Student Conduct Committee.

Suspension -

  • Separation of the student from UNT Dallas for a specified period of time. Students cannot enter the UNT Dallas premises and may not participate in any UNT Dallas-sponsored activities, except where approval is granted in advance by the Director. A suspended student will be removed from enrollment and blocked from future registration until reviewed and approved by the Director.
  • Good conduct standing is removed.
  • May be reviewed by the Student Conduct Committee.

Suspension of Student Organizations -

  • Removal of privileges and recognitions accorded to student organizations for a specific period of time.
  • Student organizations will not be permitted to participate as a recognized student organization at UNT Dallas functions or activities, or to sponsor any activities representing UNT Dallas.
  • Student organizations may request reinstatement by the Director of Student Life after the expiration of the specified period of suspension.
  • May be reviewed by the Student Conduct Committee.

Expulsion -

  • Permanent separation of the student from UNT Dallas. Students will be removed from enrollment, prohibited from entering UNT Dallas premises and may not participate in any UNT Dallas-sponsored activities.
  • Good conduct standing is removed.
  • May be reviewed by the Student Conduct Committee.

University Withdrawal - A student may be administratively withdrawn from a class, a course, or all courses or prohibited from entering UNT Dallas premises and barred from re-enrollment until specific conditions are met. Reasons for UNT Dallas withdrawal include but are not limited to:

  • To prevent disruption of the educational process.
  • Failure to respond to an official request to communicate with a UNT Dallas official.
  • Suspension or expulsion from UNT Dallas.

Immediate Suspension - Immediate removal from all or part of UNT Dallas premises while the disciplinary process is pending when an alleged violation reasonably indicates that the student’s continued presence poses a substantial or immediate danger to the health, safety or welfare of any member of the UNT Dallas community or to UNT Dallas premises.

Disciplinary Procedures

Process Before the Director of Student Life (“the Director”)

Investigation of Complaints - The Director will assess all suspected and reported violations of the Code whether referred by students, faculty, staff, law enforcement, or any other credible source of information, without regard to any related criminal arrest, prosecution or pending criminal or civil litigation. Complaints regarding alleged misconduct should be submitted to the Director as soon as possible after the alleged misconduct occurs. The Director will assess the credibility of all reports prior to proceeding.

Notice of Complaint - If the Director finds it likely that a student has violated the Code, the Director will deliver a notice of complaint to the student that includes:

  • A summary of the alleged misconduct.
  • The specific sections of the Code that may have been violated and any potential sanctions.
  • Explanation of the opportunity to request review at a disciplinary conference.
  • A date by which a student must notify the Director to schedule a disciplinary conference to respond to the alleged violations of the Code. Dates may be extended at the discretion of the Director in the interest of fairness.

The Director will either deliver the notice of complaint to the student’s official university e-mail address or hand-deliver directly to the student.

Conduct conference with the Director - The Director will hold a conduct conference to provide the student the opportunity to:

  • Review the alleged misconduct;
  • Respond directly to the alleged violation by speaking on their own behalf and/or presenting any other relevant information including witness statements or other documents; and
  • Offer a response.

A student may be accompanied by an advisor, but the student must represent them self at the conference. If a student will be accompanied by an attorney, the student must notify the Director no later than two (2) days prior to the disciplinary conference so that the Director can have a representative from the Office of General Counsel present at the conference.

If student fails to attend a scheduled conduct conference, the Director may review any available information and issue sanctions in the student’s absence.

Notice of disciplinary sanctions - If the Director determines that the greater weight of the evidence indicates that a student engaged in misconduct in violation of the Code, the Director will deliver a notice of disciplinary sanctions to the student informing the student of the finding and the assigned sanction. The Director will also include a summary of the appeal process, if available. If the Director finds no violation of the Code, the Director will notify the student and no further action will be taken.

Requests for Reconsideration - If new information regarding misconduct or the reasonableness of an assigned sanction is made available within three (3) days after the Director issues a notice of disciplinary sanction, a student may seek reconsideration by the Director by submitting a written request to the Director including a summary of any new information. The Director may extend the timeframe in the interest of fairness.

The Director will provide a written decision within 10 days.

If a sanction may be appealed, the timeframe for requesting such an appeal will not begin until after the Director has issued a decision on the request for reconsideration.

Student Conduct Committee (the “Committee”)

Request for review - A student who has been either suspended or expelled from UNT Dallas may request a review of the Director’s findings or sanction by the Student Conduct Committee by submitting a request for review to the Director within three (3) days after the notice of disciplinary sanctions. The Director will deliver the request for review to the Associate Provost for Student Success within two (2) days so that a Committee can be appointed and a chairperson designated.

Appointment of a Student Conduct Committee - Upon receiving a request for review, the Associate Provost for Student Success will appoint a committee and designate a chairperson from among the committee members to consider the requested appeal. The committee will include one (1) faculty member, one (1) student, and one (1) staff member. The chairperson will direct the procedures of the committee and will participate fully in all reviews. A student may object to the presence of any committee member prior to the start of the review on the basis of the committee member’s capacity to make a fair and objective decision. Requests to remove a committee member will be decided by the chairperson. If an objection is raised regarding the presence of the chairperson, the objection will be reviewed by the Associate Provost for Student Success.

Scheduling notice - Upon receiving a request for review, the chairperson of the committee will schedule a date for the requested review and notify the student. The date for the review will be not less than 10 days after the student submits the request. Timeframes may be adjusted at the discretion of the committee chairperson in the interest of fairness. The scheduling notice will include guidelines for the review process as prepared by the Director and a copy of the original notice of complaint.

Procedures for Review Before the Committee

Advance summary of positions - No fewer than five (5) days prior to the scheduled committee review, both the student requesting the review and the Director must submit the following information to the committee chairperson:

  • A written summary of their position.
  • A list of individuals who will speak on their behalf as witnesses.
  • A list of all documents that will be presented to the committee.

The chairperson will exchange the information between the student and the Director no fewer than three (3) days prior to the scheduled review. Information will not be provided to committee members in advance of the review.

Authority of the chairperson - The chairperson will preside over the committee review and make all decisions regarding review procedures. The chairperson may adjust review procedures and timeframes in the interest of fairness.

Committee review process - Reviews are informal proceedings and traditional rules of courtroom evidence do not apply.

A student will have forty-five (45) minutes to present their issues to the Committee, including personal statements and any witness presentations. Documents and written witness statements may be submitted to the committee to supplement a student’s oral presentation. The student, the Director and committee member may ask questions of any individual making a presentation during the review.

Reviews are not open to the public unless a student makes a specific request for an open review at the time of the initial request for review. Individual witnesses may specifically request that their presentation be provided in a closed setting. The chairperson will make all decisions regarding closed hearings.

Students requesting a review are expected to attend in person. Except in emergency circumstances, if a student fails to attend the review, the review may be dismissed and the decision of the Director will be final. The Director is also expected to attend in person.

Only the student requesting the review may present to the committee. Students may be assisted by one advisor of their choosing, but only the student may speak to the committee or ask questions. Attorneys will not be permitted to present evidence or argument before the committee. Should the student be accompanied by an attorney, the university will also have a representative of the Office of General Counsel present.

The Director must show, by the greater weight of the evidence that the student engaged in conduct in violation of the Code. In light of this burden, the Director will present to the committee first and last.

Reviews will be recorded and recordings will be the property of UNT Dallas. Copies of recordings may be provided at the requestor’s expense. Recordings will be maintained according to the UNT Dallas Records Retention Policy.

Committee findings and conclusions - At the conclusion of the review, the chairperson will provide the student with a summary of the committee’s findings and conclusions and proposed sanctions. A copy of the summary will be provided to the Director. The Director will take action as appropriate based on the findings of the committee.

Appeals to the Associate Provost for Student Success

Request for appeal - If a student’s suspension or expulsion is upheld by the committee, the student may appeal the committee’s decision to the Associate Provost for Student Success (“APSS”) by filing a written request for appeal in the office of the APSS no later than 10 days following the committee decision.

Grounds for appeal - In providing the notice of appeal, the student must identify the specific grounds for the appeal which are limited to:

  • Due process errors that substantially affected the outcome of the review.
  • Demonstrated prejudice as evidenced by a conflict of interest, bias, pressure, or influence that precluded a fair and impartial hearing.
  • A sanction that is extraordinarily disproportionate to the alleged offense.

Record for consideration on appeal - In reviewing the appeal, the APSS will review only the following:

  • The student’s written notice of appeal.
  • The record reviewed by the committee.
  • The written findings and decision of the committee.

Decision on appeal - The APSS will issue a written decision on a notice of appeal no later than ten (10) days after the notice of appeal was filed in the office of the APSS. The APSS may affirm, deny or modify the decision of the committee. The APSS will not increase the severity of any previously issued sanction. The decision of the APSS is final.

Effective date of sanctions - Unless a student has been immediately suspended, sanctions imposed by the Director and/or the committee will not take effect until the disciplinary process is complete.

Special procedures in cases of sexual assault
During an investigation and throughout the disciplinary process both the student subject to the disciplinary process based on allegations of sexual assault and the victim will be provided the same opportunity to have others present during disciplinary proceedings.
The APSS will inform the victim about the outcome of any disciplinary proceeding based on an allegation of sexual assault.

Immediate suspension - A student may be immediately suspended from all or part of the UNT Dallas premises, when alleged misconduct reasonably indicates that the presence of the student on UNT Dallas premises posses substantial or immediate danger to the health, safety or welfare of any member of the UNT Dallas community, or UNT Dallas property.

Conference regarding immediate suspension - A student who is immediately suspended must contact with Director of Student Life within two (2) days of receiving a notice of immediate suspension to schedule a conduct conference to discuss: (1) the reliability of evidence supporting the alleged misconduct; and, (2) whether the continued presence of the student on UNT Dallas premises reasonably indicates a substantial or immediate danger to the health, safety or welfare of any member of the UNT Dallas community or UNT Dallas property. Failure to make a timely request for a conduct conference or to appear at a requested conduct conference will cause the immediate suspension to remain in effect until the disciplinary process is complete.

Findings and conclusions regarding immediate suspension - If the Director determines that immediate suspension is appropriate under the circumstances, the Director will issue findings and conclusions and the student will be immediately suspended from the UNT Dallas premises, including all events and activities. Immediately suspended student organizations will be immediately precluded from engaging in any recruitment, philanthropy or community service.

The immediate suspension remains in effect until the disciplinary process is complete or until otherwise altered by the Director. If the Director determines that immediate suspension is no longer appropriate, the Director may permit the student to return to UNT Dallas premises while the disciplinary process continues. An immediate suspension cannot be reviewed by the committee.

Interpretation and Revision

Interpretation - Questions of interpretation or application of the Code will be referred to the Associate Provost for Student Success, or a designee, for final determination following consultation with the Office of General Counsel.

Revision-The Code will be reviewed every three (3) years under the direction of the Associate Provost for Student Success.

Code of Academic Integrity

Policy Statement

The University of North Texas at Dallas expects all students to exhibit a high level of personal responsibility, accountability and honesty in all academic endeavors. The value of the UNT Dallas degree depends upon the absolute integrity of the student work submitted to attain a UNT Dallas degree. Therefore, it is imperative that all students demonstrate a high standard of individual honor in their scholastic work. Such standards are aligned with the Code of Academic Integrity values of UNT Dallas: virtue, civility, reasoning and accountability

Application of Policy

This policy applies to all students.


Academic Dishonesty Review Process. “Academic Dishonesty Review Process” means the procedures provided in the Code of Academic Integrity from the initial meeting with the faculty member through final resolution. The academic dishonesty review process does not include the disciplinary review process which is initiated by the Director of Student Life.

Academic Disciplinary History. “Academic Disciplinary History” means the record of a student’s violations of the Code of Academic Integrity that is maintained in the Office of the Director of Student Life.

Academic Work. “Academic Work” means work submitted by a student for the purposes of receiving academic credit, including but not limited to: papers, reports, examinations, exercises, quizzes, performances, presentations, artwork, laboratory work and scientific experiments. May be submitted in any form including written, oral, pictorial or electronic.

Academic Misconduct Sanction. “Academic Misconduct Sanction means penalty for engaging in academic dishonesty that may be assigned by a faculty member.

Code of Student’s Rights, Responsibilities and Conduct. “Code of Student’s Right, Responsibilities and Conduct” means the standards of conduct and procedures established to provide a full and fair opportunity for review of alleged student misconduct.

Conduct Sanction. “Code Sanction” means penalty for violating the Code of Student’s Rights, Responsibilities and Conduct that may be assigned by the Director of Student Life.

Day. “Day” means the period between 9:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. when UNT Dallas is open for official business.

Examination. “Examination” means a set of questions or exercises to test a student’s knowledge.

Greater Weight of the Evidence. “Greater Weight of the Evidence” means the standard of review in the academic dishonesty review process which evaluates whether academic dishonesty is more likely than not to have occurred.

University Community. “University Community” means the collective group of students, faculty, staff, UNT Dallas officials and any other persons employed by UNT Dallas.

Definitions of Academic Misconduct

The Code of Academic Integrity was not written with specificity, nor was the Code of Academic Integrity intended to cover every instance of potentially prohibited academic misconduct. A student’s lack of intent to engage in academic misconduct, or lack of knowledge of the Code of Academic Integrity, is not a defense to academic misconduct.

Abuse of the academic process - Engaging in activity which interferes with the academic process; including but not limited to:

  • Falsifying or attempting to falsify class attendance, course registration and grade records, transcripts or any other academic records.
  • Fabricating excuses for class or examination absence.
  • Falsifying evidence or intimidating or exerting improper influence on another in connection with an alleged violation of the Code of Academic Integrity.

Cheating - Intentionally using or attempting to use unauthorized materials, information, notes, study aids or other devices or materials in academic work, including but not limited to:

  • Purchasing academic work from a commercial service or another individual.
  • Copying information from another student during an examination.
  • Providing unauthorized assistance to another student by knowingly permitting the other student to see or copy all or a part of an examination or any academic work.
  • Obtaining unauthorized advance knowledge of an examination; including accessing previously administered examinations.
  • Distributing unauthorized copies of examinations, by sale or otherwise, to another student.

Fabrication - Falsification or invention of any information, data, research or citation in academic work, including but not limited to:

  • Falsifying scientific or other data.
  • Changing information on examinations or other academic work that has been graded and resubmitting the work for the purpose of improving the grade.

Multiple submissions - Submitting substantial portions of the same work for credit more than once without authorization from the faculty member for the class in which the student submits the work, including but not limited to:

  • Submitting the same paper for credit in more than one course without the faculty member’s permission.
  • Representing group work done in one class as one’s own work for the purpose of using it in another class.

Plagiarism - Using another’s ideas, processes, results or words without proper attribution; including but not limited to:

  • Intentionally, knowingly, or carelessly presenting the ideas, phrasing or work of another without proper citation.
  • Quoting or paraphrasing another without citing proper sources.

Complicity - Intentionally or knowingly helping or attempting to help another to commit an act of academic dishonesty; including but not limited to:

  • Knowingly allowing another to copy from one’s paper during an examination.
  • Distributing test questions or substantive information about materials to be tested without the faculty member’s permission.
  • Unauthorized collaboration on academic work.
  • Sitting for an examination in place of another student, or requesting that another student sit for an examination on their behalf.
  • Conspiring or agreeing with others to commit an act of academic dishonesty.

Procedures and Responsibilities

Student Responsibility

Independent work - All ideas, arguments, phrases and other written or created work, submitted by a student without attribution to other sources, must be the creative product of the student. All passages and text from other works must be properly cited.

Authentic data - All experimental data, observation, interviews, statistical surveys and other information collected and reported as part of academic work must be authentic.

Approved collaboration - Students may only collaborate within the limits prescribed by their faculty member.

Maintain assignment guidelines - Students must adhere to the guidelines provided by their faculty member to complete course assignments.

Faculty Role in Maintaining Academic Integrity

Faculty members are encouraged to:

  1. Include an academic integrity statement on all syllabi and course materials which summarizes the principles of the Code of Academic Integrity.
  2.  Request that students affirm compliance with the Code of Academic Integrity by including a statement on all academic work, including exams, papers and written assignments as follows:
    On my honor, I have not given, nor received, nor witnessed any unauthorized assistance that violates the UNT Dallas Academic Integrity Policy.
  3. Take reasonable steps to foster a climate of academic honesty by:
  4. Informing students of the Code of Academic Integrity and its application to any particular academic work, and the specific types of academic assistance that may be permissible in connection with the academic work.
  5. Maintaining adequate security precautions in the preparation and handling of tests.
  6. Providing ample room for proper spacing of students during exams.
  7. Monitoring exams, especially in large classes.
  8. Faculty members are not required to assume these responsibilities and a faculty member’s failure to take the encouraged steps is not a defense to academic dishonesty.
  9. Sanctions for Engaging in Academic Dishonesty.
  10. Any student engaging in academic dishonesty in violation of the Code of Academic Integrity may be subject to one or more of the following sanctions.

Academic Sanctions

Admonition - A verbal or written warning.

Education sanction - A remedy determined at the discretion of the faculty member; including but not limited to: assignment of additional academic work, attendance at an educational program, interviews with appropriate UNT Dallas officials.

Partial or no credit for academic work - Credit assigned at the discretion of the faculty member. If review of academic dishonesty extends beyond the date for assignment of semester grades, the grade will reflect the penalty. The grade will be adjusted, if appropriate, after the academic dishonesty review process is complete.

Withdrawal from the course - Student will be removed from a course and assigned a grade of “WF”. A student will be permitted to remain in a class in pending final resolution of an allegation of academic dishonesty.

Conduct sanctions (assigned in accordance with the Code of Student’s Rights, Responsibilities and Conduct)

Suspension - Separation of the student from UNT Dallas for a specified period of time. Student will be removed from enrollment and withdrawn from all courses. Student grades will be assigned in accordance with UNT Dallas policy and a “WF” will be assigned by the faculty member in the course in which academic dishonesty was committed. Student will be blocked from future registration until reviewed and approved by the Director of Student Life and Success.

Expulsion - Permanent separation of the student from UNT Dallas with no provision for readmission. An expelled student will be removed from enrollment and withdrawn from all courses. Student grades will be assigned in accordance with UNT Dallas policy and a WF will be assigned by the faculty member in the course in which academic dishonesty was committed.
Procedures for Review of Academic Dishonesty

Reporting academic dishonesty – All members of the university community are expected to report academic dishonesty to the faculty member of the class in which the academic dishonesty is alleged to have occurred. Reports of academic dishonesty may also be made to the Director of Student Life and Success. Reports may be verbal, in writing or electronic.

Jurisdiction to Issue Sanctions For Academic Dishonesty

Faculty member - Any faculty member may issue academic sanctions based on a finding of academic dishonesty. A faculty member may refer an allegation of academic dishonesty to the Director of Student Life for consideration and process at any time for review in accordance with the Code of Student’s Rights Responsibilities and Conduct.

Director of Student Life - The Director of Student Life may issue conduct sanctions in cases of serious or flagrant academic dishonesty or repeated acts of academic dishonesty. Conduct sanctions will be assessed in accordance with the procedures established in the Code of Student’s Rights Responsibilities and Conduct.

Faculty Review of Academic Dishonesty

Initial faculty contact with student - No more than three (3) days after establishing a reasonable basis to believe that a student may have engaged in academic dishonesty, a faculty member must make a good faith effort to contact the student either orally or in writing to:

  • Inform the student of the allegations.
  • Request a meeting with the student to review the allegations and offer an opportunity for the student to respond.
  • Inform the student that failure to attend a requested meeting with the faculty member could result in a decision in the student’s absence.
  • Inform the student that the process for review of academic dishonesty can be found in the Code of Academic Integrity which is available on-line or in the Office of the Director of Student Life and Success.

After a reasonable period of time but no less than five (5) days after initially attempting to contact the student, the faculty member may review the allegation of academic dishonesty and impose academic sanctions in the absence of the student.

Meeting with the student - No more than five (5) days after initially contacting a student, the faculty member will hold an informal conference with the student, either in person or by telephone, at which time the faculty member will review all information available to support the allegation of academic dishonesty and offer the student the opportunity to respond and provide any additional relevant information.

If the student fails to attend a scheduled meeting, the faculty member can make a determination in the student’s absence.

If the faculty member requires additional information to reach a decision, the faculty member may continue the meeting to collect additional information.

Notice of the outcome of a meeting with a student - A meeting between the student and the faculty member may result in any one of the following outcomes which will be confirmed in writing and provided to the student no more than five (5) days after the faculty member finishes the meeting with the student:

No finding of academic dishonesty. The notice will be retained by the faculty member and will not be submitted to the Director of Student Life; or

Student accepts responsibility for academic dishonesty and agrees to the faculty member’s proposed sanction - The faculty member and student will develop a written agreement identifying the violation and the sanction. The agreement will be submitted to the Director of Student Life; or,

Student accepts responsibility for academic dishonesty but disagrees with the faculty member’s proposed sanction -
The faculty member and student will develop a written agreement identifying the violation.

The student will seek review of the proposed sanction by submitting a request for review and any supporting documentation to the faculty member’s chair no later than three (3) days after receiving notice of the outcome of the meeting with the faculty member.

The faculty member’s chair will review the student’s request for review of sanctions and may consult with the faculty member to determine whether the proposed sanction is disproportionate to the admitted offense. Within five (5) days of receiving the student’s request, the chair will approve, reject or modify the proposed sanction but in no event will the chair increase the proposed sanction. The chair will provide notice of the decision to the student and the faculty member. The decision of the chair will be final.

The written agreement between the student and the faculty member and the chair’s decision will be submitted together to the Director of Student Life; or

Student denies responsibility for academic dishonesty and the faculty member determines by the greater weight of the evidence that the student has engaged in academic dishonesty –
The faculty member will consult with the Associate Provost for Academic Excellence to evaluate whether the academic dishonesty may be serious enough to warrant conduct sanctions under the Code of Student’s Responsibilities, Rights and Conduct.

Academic dishonesty not warranting conduct sanctions - Written notice to the student will include:

  • a summary of findings related to academic dishonesty.
  • the academic misconduct sanction to be imposed.
  • information regarding the process for appeal to the chair.
  • A copy of the notice will be submitted to the Director of Student Life.

Academic dishonesty warranting conduct sanctions - Written notice to the student will include:

  • a summary of the findings related to academic dishonesty,
  • the academic misconduct sanction to be imposed,
  • a copy of the notice referring the matter to the Director of Student Life for further consideration of the complaint in accordance with the Code of Student’s Rights Responsibilities and Conduct which will be delivered after the date for appeal to the faculty member’s chair has expired.

Faculty member is unable to reach a conclusion regarding academic dishonesty. Written notice to the student that a complaint has been referred to the Director of Student Life for further investigation and review in accordance with the Code of Student’s Rights Responsibilities and Conduct

Allegations involving multiple students - If more than one student is involved in an allegation of academic dishonesty, a faculty member must convene separate meetings for each individual student. Personally identifiable information will not be shared with other students without the students’ express written consent.

Appeal of an Faculty Member’s Academic Penalty to Department Chair

If a student disagrees with a faculty member’s finding of academic dishonesty or with the academic sanction, the student may appeal to the chair of the faculty member’s department within three (3) days of receiving the faculty member’s written decision. In the case of notice issued under section VII(C)(3)(d)(ii) of the Code of Student’s Rights Responsibilities and Conduct, no complaint will be referred to the Director of Student Life until after the period of appeal has expired.

The student’s written request for appeal must state:

  1. Whether the student is appealing the finding of academic dishonesty or the academic sanction.
  2. The specific basis for the appeal.
  3. Any factual information to be considered on appeal.

On appeal the chair will review:

  1. All information submitted by the student.
  2. The written findings of the faculty member.
  3. Any information submitted by the faculty member if requested by chair.
  4. Within 10 days after receiving the request for appeal, the chair will issue a written decision.
  5. he chair may approve or reject the finding of academic dishonesty and/or approve, reject or modify the academic sanction.

The decision of the chair will be final.

If the chair rejects a faculty member’s finding of academic dishonesty no complaint will be referred to the Director of Student Life.

If the chair approves the faculty member’s finding of academic dishonesty, a copy of the chair’s decision will be submitted to the Director of Student Life along with the complaint if a complaint will be referred.

Jurisdiction of the Director of Student Life and Student Conduct Committee

The Director of Student Life will review complaints of academic dishonesty when:

  • A confirmed case academic dishonesty is referred as a complaint by a faculty member or chair to consider whether the academic dishonesty is sufficiently serious or flagrant to consider conduct sanctions.
  • A complaint is referred by a faculty member who is unable to determine whether the student engaged in academic dishonesty in which case the Director will fully investigate the complaint and any will meet with the student to consider whether the student engaged in academic dishonesty and what misconduct sanctions may be appropriate.
  • On the Director’s own initiative a student’s academic disciplinary record evidences repeat violations of academic dishonesty.

Upon receiving a complaint or initiating an investigation based on repeat violations, the Director of Student Life will provide all process required for a student under the Code of Student’s Rights, Responsibilities and Conduct, Section XI, including notice and an opportunity to respond to the allegation of academic dishonesty.

Except in situations where the allegation of academic dishonesty has not been conclusively determined by the faculty member, the Director of Student Life will not consider whether the student has engaged in academic dishonesty, but will focus exclusively on whether the established violation was sufficiently serious or flagrant to warrant suspension or expulsion, or whether a student’s disciplinary record reflects repeat acts of academic dishonesty which merit conduct sanctions.

If the Director assigns conduct sanctions based on a finding of academic dishonesty, the student will have all rights of review and process by the Student Conduct Committee as set forth in Section X(B) of the Code of Student’s Rights Responsibilities and Conduct.

If the Student Conduct Committee affirms a misconduct sanction based on a finding of academic dishonesty, the student will have all rights of review and process before the Associate Provost for Student Success as set forth in Section X(C) of the Code of Student’s Rights Responsibilities and Conduct.


Referral for misconduct violations

Student who engages in an alleged misconduct violation in addition to alleged academic dishonesty may be immediately referred to the Director of Student Life for consideration of conduct sanctions under the Code of Student’s Rights, Responsibilities and Conduct.

Grade penalties

Grade penalties will be effective when all appeal deadlines have expired or at the end of the semester, whichever occurs first. If appeal of an academic sanction extends beyond the semester of the allegation and the grade penalty is modified on appeal to the chair, the chair will notify the registrar to change the course grade. Academic sanctions assigned through this process are not subject to appeal through the UNT Dallas appeal process.


All notices will either be delivered to a student’s official UNT Dallas email address or hand-delivered to the student.
No refunds of tuition of fees - Students who fail a course as an academic sanction are not be eligible for a refund of any tuition or fees for the failed course.

Continuation of coursework

Additionally, a student will not be permitted to withdraw from or drop a class without the faculty member’s permission unless the final outcome of the process dictates that no academic penalty will be imposed.


The timelines established in the Code of Academic Integrity are guidelines and failure to meet any specific time frame will not impact the jurisdiction of any faculty member, chair or other UNT Dallas official to proceed.

Student responsibility to respond to requests and complete sanctions

Students are expected to respond to all notices and contacts by faculty members or any other UNT Dallas official who is carrying out their responsibility under the Code of Academic Integrity. Failure to comply with a directive issued under the Code of Academic Integrity or to complete any sanctions imposed under the Code of Academic Integrity may result in discipline in accordance with section IX(B)(5) of the Code of Student’s Responsibilities, Rights and Conduct.


Documents that are created and maintained as part of the disciplinary process and the academic dishonesty process are subject to the protections of the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act, 20 U.S.C. § 1232g. Disciplinary records, including conduct and academic disciplinary records are maintained by the office of the Director of Student Life and Success in accordance with the university records retention policy.


Questions of interpretation or application of the Code of Academic Integrity will be referred to the Associate Provost for Student Success, or a designee, for final determination following consultation with the Office of General Counsel.


The Code of Academic Integrity will be reviewed every three (3) years under the direction of the Associate Provost for Student Success.


The University may make an official request or summon a student to appear before a university administrator when a student’s conduct or behavior is reasonably believed to be in violation of these policies or any published university policy or rule. A student who receives a summons should always consider it important and respond immediately. Failure to answer a summons can result in disciplinary action up to and including administrative withdrawal from the University.

Questions or concerns regarding these policies should be referred to the Director of Student Life at (972) 780-3633.