The Meadows Center for Health Resources is the health education office of the Student Health and Wellness Center. The staff at the Meadows Center for Health Resources strives to promote overall well-being among UNT students. Our programs, services, and resources are focused on nine different dimensions of wellness. These dimensions include emotional, environmental, intellectual, financial, social, spiritual, occupational, physical, and cultural. Whether you are trying to manage stress, become more active, or practice safer sex, the Meadows Center for Health Resources wants to see you achieve your goals and be #WELL@UNT.

Scrappy's dimensions of wellness: emotional, environmental, intellectual, financial, social, spiritual, occupational, physical, and cultural

Physical Wellness is discovering what healthy habits make you feel better and suit your level of mobility, fitness, and lifestyle. Not only can developing healthy habits add years to your life, it can also enhance the enjoyment and quality of those years.

Tips to optimize physical wellness:
● Get adequate sleep
● Eat a balanced diet
● Engage in regular exercise
● Practice safer sex
● Attend routine medical exams
● Receive regular sexually transmitted infection screenings
● Avoid or minimize risky behaviors like alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs.

Physical Wellness at UNT:
● Rec Sports
● Student Health and Wellness Center

Environmental Wellness is living a lifestyle that is respectful to nature and the species that live in it. Environmental wellness can be divided into three categories: social, natural, and built. Our social environment includes how we interact with others, our natural environment includes how we interact with the climate and nature; and our built environment includes man-made infrastructure, such as homes, buildings, streets, and open spaces. It is important to consider whether your social, natural, and built environments encourage or hinder healthy habits. To achieve optimal environmental wellness, we encourage students to practice habits that promote a healthy environment (3 R’s: Reduce, Reuse and Recycle).

Environmental Wellness at UNT:
● UNT Sustainability
● Dining Services Sustainability
● Recycling at Tailgating

Intellectual Wellness encourages critical thinking, responsible decision making, openness to new ideas, and willingness to seek out opportunities for personal growth. Improving intellectual wellness can happen in and out of the classroom. Intellectual wellness can be developed through academics, cultural involvement, community involvement and personal hobbies. A few of the ways that we encourage students to work towards intellectual wellness is by being open-minded, creative, and an active listener.

Intellectual Wellness at UNT:
● The Learning Center

Financial Wellness involves the process of learning how to successfully manage financial expenses. Financial wellness is a very important dimension to focus on during college because financial stress is a common source of anxiety among college students. Financial wellness also includes the understanding that everyone’s financial values, needs, and circumstances are unique.

Tips to optimize financial wellness:
● Consider your relationship with money
● Develop skills to manage resources to live within your means
● Make informed financial decisions and investments
● Set realistic goals
● Learn to prepare for short-term and long-term needs or emergencies.
Financial Wellness at UNT:
● Student Money Management Center

Social Wellness is showing respect for others and yourself. Social wellness encourages taking an active part in improving your communities, connecting with others, establishing supportive social networks, developing meaningful relationships, and creating safe and inclusive spaces.

Social Wellness at UNT:
● Student Organizations
● Housing & Residence Life
● Campus Life
● First Year Experience

Cultural Wellness implies understanding, awareness, and intrinsic respect for diversity. A culturally well person acknowledges and accepts the impact of diversity on sexual orientation, religion, gender, racial and ethnic backgrounds, age groups, and disabilities.

Cultural Wellness at UNT:
● Multicultural Center

Spiritual Wellness Spiritual Wellness involves seeking and having a meaning and purpose in life, as well as participating in activities that are consistent with one’s beliefs and values. Spiritual wellness involves possessing a set of guiding beliefs, principles, or values that help give direction to one's life. Spiritual wellness can be optimized through relationships with others, community service, art, music, education, religion, or meditation.

Spiritual Wellness at UNT:
● Goolsby Chapel
● Volunteer Center
● Community Services

Emotional Wellness is having the ability to understand ourselves and being able to adequately cope with life's challenges. Optimal emotional wellness may include practicing self-care; fostering relationships, developing resilience, coping with stressors, empathizing, and knowing when to ask for support.

Emotional Wellness at UNT:
● Counseling and Testing Services
● Office of Disability Access
● Non-Traditional Student Services


At the Meadows Center, students are welcome to ask health questions in a welcoming and educational environment. Staff are trained to discuss a variety of health issues with students and make appropriate referrals to SHWC clinical staff or other resources. The Meadows Center cannot provide treatment advice. Students needing medical assistance should contact the Student Health and Wellness Center's Clinic at 940-565-2333.


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(940) 565-2787
Chestnut Hall, Suite 301


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