College Counseling

College Advising Forms  |  Letters of Recommendation  |  Fee Waiver Form  |  TAMS Credits Transfer 

College Advisor

Sharon Vann
College Advisor, Sage Hall 320

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TAMS College Application Request Form

College Advising Forms

Below are the forms that will be used in your college advising process. They are in Microsoft Word format so that you may download them, fill them in and return them by e-mail to

This information is treated as confidential and is only used for the college admissions and recommendation writing process. We use this information to add depth and character to our letters of recommendation. They help us more accurately relay your personality, strengths and your passions to the colleges.

Parent Assessment Form Personal Information Summary Peer Reference Form
Due by May 25th

This form should be completed by a parent or guardian. Click the link to open the Word Form. Please email the completed document to me as an attachment and save a copy for yourself.

Due by April 27th

This should be completed by the student. Please take your time, consider your answers, and be honest with yourself and us. Save it in the following format:


The PI indicates that it is a Personal Information Summary form. The rest is your last name, first name and middle initial (if applicable).

Due by March 23rd

This should be completed by a friend of the student. Ask a friend to open the form, complete it, save it and return it by e-mail. It should be saved in the following format:


The PR indicates that it is a Peer Reference Form. The rest is your last name and first name.

Parent Assessment Personal Information Peer Reference.doc
I Statement Form Guidelines for Applications  
Due by March 2nd

This form should be completed by the student. Click the link to open the Word Form. Please email the competed document to me as an attachment and save a copy for yourself.

College Application Process Presented at Junior Seminar by Sharon Vann  
I Statement Guidelines for College Applications  


Letters of Recommendation:

Are you wondering when to ask your professors for letters of recommendations?  Are you wondering how to go about asking them?  Click on the link to see a sample letter that you may use when asking for letters from your instructors.  Please allow a minimum of 2 weeks when requesting recommendations from anyone.

You should also remember to send thank you notes to anyone you have asked letters of recommendations from.  Just a simple note of appreciation informing them of the college or university that you have decided to attend.

Letter of Recommendation Request Example
Letter of Recommendation Request for Professor Inman

Resume Examples

Here are samples of two academic resumes.  These are just examples to get you started.  You may use any format you wish.  Try to keep the resume to no more than 2 pages.

Resume Example 1  |  Resume Example 2

Fee Waiver Form

Fee Waiver Guidelines & Request Form


TAMS Credits Transfer

Please keep in mind that the TAMS program was not designed to take the place of two years of credit at an Ivy League school – it was designed to help talented students in Texas move through the Texas university system faster to fill needs in the Texas workplace. It is a Texas program, funded with state funds, designed to benefit the state.

TAMS students withdraw from high school and become early college entrants to the University of North Texas, with the major of “TAMS”. Consequently, they generate a regular college transcript, as would any other UNT student. TAMS students do not take “college level courses,” but actual college classes, taught by the regular faculty.

In-state public universities (UT, A&M, Texas Tech, etc.) must accept all credit from UNT, by law. The credits may not apply to your student's major, depending on what they choose, but they will transfer. The GPA does not transfer anywhere, just the credit.

Out-of-state public universities (UC Berkeley, etc.) generally accept most or all of the credit. Again, the credit may not fill the requirements for some degrees.

In-state private universities (Rice, Baylor, Austin College, etc.) vary in their credit acceptance. Credit is often transferred on an individual basis and may depend on what classes the student completed at their previous high school. In many cases, even if the school does not accept credit, the student can request advanced standing so that they do not have to repeat a course but can take another higher-level course in the subject to fulfill specific requirements.

Out-of-state private universities vary quite a bit. The Ivy League (Harvard, Yale, etc.) do not accept large amounts of transfer credit from ANY source, including AP and IB credits. Plan on paying four years' tuition for most of these schools. Some schools will accept a maximum of 12 credit hours. Some schools will only accept transfer of credit for elective courses NOT required for graduation. Some do not accept any credit at all. Again, some schools will award advanced standing so that a student does not have to repeat classes.

In general, it is best to contact the admissions office of the school in question and speak to the admissions officer that deals with Texas. Others in the office will not be as familiar with TAMS and may not be able to answer the question.


Let Go of the "No"

For many TAMS students, the college application process will be the first time they have been told “no.”  I have seen students who were admitted to 5 or more prestigious schools but denied at one school that they did not care about, who then obsessed over the one school that said no.  Students who were admitted to the only two schools they actually cared about have spent weeks agonizing over how to appeal a denial or to get admitted off the waitlist of a school they do not want to attend.  I have to ask – WHY?
Read the full Let Go of the "No" article here

Why the 15 limit?

Some students and /or parents may be wondering why TAMS is setting a limit of 15 applications. They may have talked to previous TAMS students and found that no one seems to remember a limit being in place before. The previous students have not really remembered a limit because it only impacted a small number of students. I did set a limit for them, but I was not super-strict in enforcing it. I did require some students to make a prioritized list and when they complained that they were not getting enough sleep or were overworked, I told them over and over to drop the schools at the bottom of their list. Whenever someone complained about essays, I told them to do fewer applications.
Read the full 15 limit article here