Classroom Furniture Layouts

Furniture layouts can be a useful tool, especially in light of the current need for social distancing in the classroom. Please see the provided furniture layouts to verify classroom furniture is in it's optimal configuration as needed. The furniture layouts are provided by UNT Facilities should you have specific layout questions about a specific room and need to contact them.

ART: ART Building

ATH1: ROTC Building

AUDB: Auditorium-English Building

BLB: Business Leadership Building

BRUC: Bruce Hall

CHEC: Collin Higher Education Center

CHEM: Chemistry Building

CHIL: Chilton Hall

CRH: Crumley Hall

CURY: Curry Hall

DATH: Dance and Theater

ESB: Environmental Education, Science & Technology Building

ESSC: Eagle Student Services Center

FRIP: Frisco - Inspire Park

GAB: General Academic Building

GATE: Gateway Building

HKRY: Hickory Hall

LANG: Language Building

LIBR: Willis Library

LIFE: Life Sciences

MATT: Matthews Hall

MGP: Mean Green Village Building P

MHA: Matthews Hall Annex

MUSA: Music Anex

MUSI: Music

OSH: Oak Street Hall

PAC: Murchison Performing Arts Center

PEB: Physical Education Building

PHYS: Physics Building

RSP: Discovery Park

RTFP: Radio, TV, Film and Performing Arts

SAGE: Sage Hall

SPH: Speech and Hearing Clinic

SSB: Support and Services Building

SYMR: Sycamore Hall

TERH: Terril Hall

UUB-LYCM: University Union-Lyceum

WH: Wooten Hall

WSC: Welch Street Complex