The SOE Collaborative for Wellness and Wellbeing

Wellness Always, Well Being For Life

Thirdspace is a 1000-square foot studio at UNT Dallas dedicated to the task of equipping teacher and school leader candidates and eventually students from other fields University of North Texas at Dallas and persons from the community with competencies and skills that will allow them to flourish in their lives, especially as they encounter adversity. 

Reserving Thirdspace

Thirdspace is available for reservation to the UNT Dallas community and for rental to outside entities.  Please complete this request form and email to More information about reservation policies can be found here.

Wheel of Well Being

The Wheel of Well Being was adopted from Hattie et al. Well-Being Framework (2004). The other integral pieces of the Well-Being Frame work include the Embodied Self (mind, body, emotions), the Coping Self (stress & adversity management), the Creative Self (use of creative capacities for work and pleasure), and the Social Self (friendship; social support).