Student Academic Records

The Student Academic Records area of the Registrar's Office handles all matters related to a student’s permanent record at the University of North Texas. This includes official grades, original admissions documentation, grade changes, incomplete grade removals and the posting of transfer credit. In addition a student makes official record changes such as name and social security/student number changes in Student Academic Records. For more information or questions please feel free to call Records at 940-565-2369.


Residency for Former and Continuing Students:

Information is provided to students who want to determine eligibility to qualify as residents of Texas for tuition purposes. ESSC Room 209 - 940-565-2748


Student Records/Academic Status:

Records personnel assist students in filing course duplications, computing grade point averages, removing incomplete (*I*) grades, and posting transfer credit on continuing students. Counseling is provided in regard to a student's academic status including good standing, probation, and suspension. Students may inspect their permanent records with proper identification during academic status counseling.
ESSC 1st Floor Registrar's Office - 940-565-2369



The Registrar's Office is responsible for enrollment certification and notifying the regional VA office of student schedule changes. General Academic Building (GAB), Suite 102 - 940-369-8021
(Call the VA office toll free from anywhere in Texas at 1-888-442-4551)