Your Future in Communication Design

Communication design gives visual form to messages, which can be informative, persuasive and entertaining. Communication designers transform those messages into powerful visual artifacts that resonate with audiences.

They can create everything from product packaging to websites. A bachelor's degree in Communication Design can prepare you to become a(n):

  • Advertising art director
  • Publication designer
  • Graphic designer
  • Creative director
  • Interactive designer

UNT graduates' work consistently wins awards and is published annually in national publications such as Communication Arts and Print. They hold positions at Fossil, BBDO advertising agency, Pentagram-New York and Nike.

What we offer

Our program produces effective conceptual thinkers and creative problem solvers in art direction and graphic design. You gain the ability to generate original, creative messages and ideas as well as develop a professional portfolio.

You'll receive instruction from faculty members who've worked as creative directors, art directors or graphic designers at top-tier design firms and advertising agencies. Their expertise and our rigorous curriculum have helped us become one of the nation's best programs. Students have earned scholarships and awards at the Dallas Society of Visual Communications' National Student Show and in the American Advertising Awards competition.

A Living-Learning Community brings together art majors who live on campus to enhance academic and social experiences.

UNT is conveniently located near numerous advertising and interior design businesses that can provide you with valuable resources and experiences beyond classroom instruction. Dallas and Fort Worth design studios regularly seek interns from our Communication Design program.

Scholarships are available to help you pursue your degree.

The College of Visual Arts and Design is one of the nation's most comprehensive visual arts schools and one of the best in the Southwest. Our facilities include studios, a workshop and a visual resources library.

What to expect

You'll need to meet the College of Visual Arts and Design's admission requirements to be qualified as a pre-major. The college's requirements are outlined at our website and are in addition to the university's admission requirements.

Moving into major status requires completing necessary course work and a Communication Design Entry Portfolio Review. Additional portfolio reviews are conducted by faculty members to monitor your progress in the program. A senior exit review is required before graduation. Your course work will focus on:

  • Art direction
  • Interactive design
  • Art history
  • Packaging design
  • Computer applications
  • Photography
  • Conceptual image creation
  • Publication design
  • Design research
  • Typography
  • Graphic design

The Career Center, Learning Center and professional academic advisors are among the many valuable resources available to you at UNT. The Career Center can provide advice about internships, future employment opportunities and getting hands-on experience in your major. The Learning Center offers workshops on speed reading, study skills and time management. Academic advisors will help you plan your class schedule each semester.