Team Building

These short, interactive activities (typically less than an hour) can be used as icebreakers or an opportunity for a cursory exploration of differences among teams or classes. These are also useful for residential community activities, student organizations, staff retreats, and other settings where an awareness of differing perspectives may help to build stronger teams.

Click each topic to reveal more information about their associated trainings:

Topic Minimum Participants Maximum Participants Estimated Training Time Required Description
Passing Perspectives 12 30 50 min. This 50-minute workshop uses a “Diversity Thumball” to initiate conversation about difference and our own personal perspectives. Catch the ball and if your thumb lands on questions such as “what makes you different,” “in what ways is your world diverse,” or “share a situation where you were in the minority,” you can give and receive perspectives about things you likely never even thought about. The experience will help you learn more about yourself, your peers, and how diversity enriches us.
“Keep It Real” Game 5 18 1-1.5 hours “Keep it Real” board game: Your team of 5 to 18 will play the diversity board game which provides participants with a powerful and enjoyable interactive experience of inclusion, bonding and bridge-building, while it facilitates a positive and dynamic environment. Facilitated dialogue will conclude this teambuilding activity.
Topic Minimum Participants Maximum Participants Estimated Training Time Required Description
Creating an Inclusive Work Environment (Awareness building) 12 40 2 hours Delivered as part of the training series for new supervisors, this session explores the difference between compliance and inclusion, introduces cultural humility as a tool for inclusion, discusses the importance of modeling behavior that creates inclusive environments.
Inclusion Equity and Community Building Group of 20 Group of 35 20 hours in 5-day increments This five-module series provides a comprehensive approach to addressing cultural humility, bias awareness and identity development, microaggressions, privilege and allyship and change leadership for units interested in applying intentional inclusion to its policies, programs, practices, and people. The series ends with action planning and continued guidance from Diversity & Inclusion to sustain inclusive excellence. Participants who complete the series receive a certificate. This series is recommended for working groups such as diversity and inclusion councils who will address diversity, inclusion, and equity-based action planning at UNT, and can be customized to meet each unit’s needs.
Faculty Resource: Don't Cancel That Class! (provided by the Learning Center) 16 30 50-80 minutes Discontinued until further notice. Faculty, before you consider canceling a class, please contact the Learning Center and its partners. Being pulled away for any reason – to attend a conference or host a symposium – is always a challenge. Consider these alternatives to allow your students to practice their skills while you step away for a day. Sessions include "Cultural Humility: Seeing Ourselves to See Others" and "Passing Perspectives" Visit the Learning Center's website for more information.

Request a training

Please allow at least 30 days before the desired training date to submit a training request. Most of the trainings provided by our office require at least an hour and 15 minutes for presentation.

Click the button below to fill out the training request form: