Awareness Workshops

These sessions are typically two hours or less, with the primary goal of being introduced to a singular concept with less time for practical application to the participants’ environment.

Click each topic to reveal more information about their associated trainings:

Topic Minimum Participants Maximum Participants Estimated Training Time Required Description
Cultural Humility Towards Culturally Responsive Teaching 16 30 75-90 min. Intended for faculty, this session introduces cultural humility and self-reflection as a tool to effectively engage students through a cultural lens.
Cultural Humility for Inclusive Community Building 16 30 4 hours Initially designed as training for Housing and Residence Life, this presentation is applicable to any role or entity responsible for creating and building community. Includes an introduction to cultural humility and self-reflection, the impact of microinvalidations on climate, and the impact of microvalidations on building and maintaining inclusive communities.
Topic Minimum Participants Maximum Participants Estimated Training Time Required Description
Bias-Based Profiling 16 36 2 hours Presented in in conjunction with the UNT Police department, this session incorporates the use of the Harvard Implicit Association Test to provide opportunities for awareness to law enforcement officials regarding the impact of implicit bias on policing.
Perceptions and Interactions: Do You See What I See? 12 24 90 min. Intended for groups or individuals whose role may contribute to organizational climate, this session examines the role of identities in shaping perceptions and experiences, and how perceptions can impact interactions and interpretations.
Topic Minimum Participants Maximum Participants Estimated Training Time Required Description
Call to Inclusive Excellence: A Leadership Perspective 10 30 2-3 hours Designed for those in leadership roles and initially delivered to the President’s Cabinet, this session introduces leaders to inclusive excellence, equity-mindedness, and the role they play as leaders in facilitating these concepts within an institution.
Equity-Mindedness and Inclusive Excellence: 21st Century Approaches to Student Success 12 30 2-3 hours This session combines an exploration of cultural humility with an introduction to inclusive excellence and equity-mindedness, and introduces how to institutionalize inclusive excellence within departments and units.
Topic Minimum Participants Maximum Participants Estimated Training Time Required Description
Access, Equality, Equity, and Inclusion - Distinction and Application 16 30 1.5 hours Intended for student affairs professionals, this session discusses the difference between access, equality and equity, their relationship to intentional inclusion, and how their knowledge and practice relates to our role as student success professionals. Case studies are used to explore how to apply equity to the co-curricular nature of student success and development initiatives.
Facilitating Student Success with Cultural Humility 12 30 1.5 hours Intended for student affairs professionals (advisors, counselors, etc.), this session explores the difference between cultural humility and cultural competence, and how the dimensions of cross-cultural competence can be used to effectively engage students.

Request a training

Please allow at least 30 days before the desired training date to submit a training request. Most of the trainings provided by our office require at least an hour and 15 minutes for presentation.

Click the button below to fill out the training request form: