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Resources to Avoid Overpayments-UNT Only

Human Resources and Payroll have prepared these guidelines to assist UNT department administrators better manage the ePAR (electronic payroll action request) process and related records for faculty and staff.

The process applies to faculty and staff who request leave without pay (LWOP) and those who receive additional pay for tasks or appointments separate from regular activities.

Communication between managers and ePAR initiators is imperative. Correct record keeping is necessary, obviously, to support the university’s business operations and goals, plus it supports efforts to accurately maintain important personnel records.

Here are documents to help UNT supervisors and administrators avoid incorrect leave and separation payments, and make certain that additional pay is correctly processed.

Guidance for Leave Without Pay
Guidance for Additional Pay

Contact UNT Campus Human Resources,

Leave Without Pay - Advanced Notice Job Aid

Steps Manager’s Responsibility Admin Staff Responsibility Employee’s Responsibility HR Responsibility
Employee notifies manager of need for leave.     X  
Manager advises employee to notify HR of leave. X      
Human Resources provides information on Leave options and required forms.       X
Employee completes and submits paperwork from HR for leave (LWOP, Sick Pool, Sick Donation) if not already completed.     X  
Manager notifies admin of employee going on leave and dates of leave. X      
Admin completes ePAR as soon as notified of leave.   X    
Manager approve ePAR for leave before ePAR deadline. X      
HR approves ePAR.       X
Employee submits HR approved paperwork to manager.     X  
Manager notifies admin of completed paperwork in case changes need to be made to ePar. X      
Employee keeps manager notified of any changes to leave.     X  
Manager notifies admin of any changes to leave. X      
Employee notifies manager of return to work date.     X  
Manager notifies admin of return to work date. X      
Admin should complete a new ePAR returning the employee from leave.   X    

Leave Without Pay - No Advance Notice Job Aid

Steps Manager’s Responsibility Admin Staff Responsibility Employee’s Responsibility HR Responsibility
Employee doesn't show up for work - Manager contacts/attempts to contact employee each day. X      
If employee is contacted - manager refers employee to HR for leave options. X      
Human Resources' provides information on leave options and required forms.       X
Manager notifies Admin of employee going on leave and dates of leave. X      
Admin completes ePAR as soon as notified of leave.   X    
Manager approves ePAR for leave before ePAR deadline. X      
HR approves ePAR.       X
Employee completes needed paperwork from HR for leave (LWOP, Sick Pool, Sick Donation) if not already completed.     X  
Employee submits HR-approved paperwork to manager.     X  
Managers notifies admin of completed paperwork in case changes need to be made to ePar. X      
Employee keeps manager notified of any changes to leave.     X  
Manager notifies admin of any changes to leave. X      
Employee notifies manager when return to work.     X  
Manager notifies admin of return to work. X      
Admin should complete a new ePAR returning the employee from leave.   X    

No Call No Show Job Aid

Steps Manager’s Responsibility Admin Staff Responsibility Employee’s Responsibility HR Responsibility
Employee doesn't show up for work - manager contacts (attempts to contact employee-all 3 days). X      
No contact with employee - Manager notifies admin of "No call no show" status. X      
Admin should check leave balances to determine if employee has any avaliable time.  Note: You will likely not know what leave type to use, but you can determine if it may be a dock or LWOP situation.   X    
Admin adds DOC (dock) time to timesheet if necessary (no more than 10 days).   X    
Manager approves DOC (Dock) time daily as added to timesheet. X      
After 1st day manager consults with HR on proceedings. X      
After 3rd day manager consults with HR to terminate employee. X      
Human Resources drafts termination letter and sends to employee.       X
Manager notifies admin of termination. X      
Admin completes Termination ePAR immediately.   X    
Manager approves Termination ePAR on same day. X      
HR approves Termination ePAR.       X

Separation for Resignation, Retirement or Involuntary Termination

Voluntary Termination

Steps Manager’s Responsibility Admin Staff Responsibility Employee’s Responsibility HR Responsibility
Employee informs manager of voluntary intent to leave via written notification.     X  
Employee can submit his/her resignation via the Off-boarding request process on     X  
Manager requests resignation in writing if not already received and forwards resignation letter to Sycamore 119 or Email is acceptable for resignation notification. X      
Manager requests employee to submit Off-boarding request via X      
Manager reminds employee to complete Off-boarding checklist and complete all relevant tasks including entering final time. X      
Manager or admin submits Off-boarding request via if employee does not do it within 24 hours. X X    
Employee completes all off-boarding tasks.     X  
Note: If termination date changes after the ePAR has been approved, contact Campus HR to remove termination row so you can resubmit an ePAR with an amended date.

Involuntary Termination

Steps Manager’s Responsibility Admin Staff Responsibility Employee’s Responsibility HR Responsibility
Prior to termination, work with Campus HR for staff and with Academic Resources for faculty. X      
Manager immediately informs admin of departure date. (E.g. Leaving at end of the day March 24.) X      
Admin immediately submits Off-boarding request even if end date is two months out. Send resignation letter to or Sycamore 119.   X    
Manager approves Off-boarding request same day. X      
Manager completes Off-boarding checklist. X      
HR approves ePAR.       X
Note: If termination date changes after the ePAR has been approved, contact Campus HR to remove termination row so you can resubmit an ePAR with an amended date.