
We wanted to feature some of the holidays celebrated in December starting with Hanukkah! Hanukkah commemorates a miracle in which a sacred temple flame burned for 8 days on only one day’s worth of oil. Learn more including recommended accommodations on our religious observances page at How will you be celebrating Hanukkah this year?
#UNT #Hanukkah #December

Image may contain: text that says 'Thu-Fri 10-18 UP NEXT Hanukkah/Chanukah Hanukkah is the Jewish festival of lights, and lasts for eight days.'

Thanksgiving is a reminder of the atrocities of colonization with lasting effects that still impact Indigenous communities today. Remember that decolonization is a process, not a product. For more:

Image may contain: text that says 'Colonization & Decolonization What they mean and what you can do UNT EQUITY DIVERSITY DIVISION OFINSTITUTIONAL Sources: Queen's University,'
Image may contain: text that says 'What is colonization? Colonization involves one group taking control of the lands, resources languages, cultures, and relationships of another group through multiple forms of violence.'
Image may contain: text that says 'What is decolonization? Decolonization is related to Indigenous resurgence: Indigenous people reclaiming and restoring their culture, land, language, relationships, health, etc., both independent of and with the support of non-Indigenous people. What is Indigenization? Indigenization moves beyond tokenistic gestures of recognition or inclusion to meaningfully change practices and structures.'
Image may contain: text that says 'What can I do? 1. Learn about whose lands you are on. Check a map: 2. Learn the real history. 3. Decolonize your Thanksgiving dinner. Check out: producers Listen to and amplify Indigenous voices. 5. Celebrate Indigenous people by reading Indigenous authors and buying from Indigenous businesses. List of businesses:'
The Division is growing, which means making some renovations. We’re changing our website URL from to to reflect our full name: The Division of Institutional Equity & Diversity. Visit us now and learn how you can move mountains with virtual training and resources. . . . #UNT #UNTIED #MoveMountains
Who We Are: Equal Opportunity
Cesar Quezada wants to fill you in on everything UNT Multicultural Center in the third part of “Who We Are” videos series! Don’t forget to take the quiz linked in the comments to be entered in for our Scrappy swag bag giveaway. We promise it’ll be an easy one! 😉