Learning and Development

Diversity & Inclusion’s learning and development sessions provide participants a comprehensive opportunity to learn, explore, and apply concepts and strategies that contribute to a more inclusive and equitable learning and working environment. We use the terms learning and development rather than the more commonly used term training, as these facilitated sessions are less about learning a specific technical skill that is production-centered; our person-centered sessions facilitate self-reflection and awareness, encourage problem-solving and create an alignment of the learning experience with the specific work environment. Our by-request sessions are customized to the specific department or unit, and our open-enrollment sessions encourage application of the material to each participant’s role and work environment.

Click each topic to reveal more information about their associated trainings:

Topic Minimum Participants Maximum Participants Estimated Training Time Required Description
Cultural Humility Towards Culturally Responsive Teaching 16 30 75-90 min. Intended for faculty, this session introduces cultural humility and self-reflection as a tool to effectively engage students through a cultural lens.
Cultural Humility 101 16 30 1-2 hours Intended for students, this class presentation introduces the concept of cultural humility, self-reflection, and their application to all fields of study.
Cultural Humility for Inclusive Community Building 16 30 4 hours Initially designed as training for Housing and Residence Life, this presentation is applicable to any role or entity responsible for creating and building community. Includes an introduction to cultural humility and self-reflection, the impact of microinvalidations on climate, and the impact of microvalidations on building and maintaining inclusive communities.
Topic Minimum Participants Maximum Participants Estimated Training Time Required Description
Language and Communication - Key Drivers for Inclusive Environments 16 36 2.5-4 hours This session discusses key concepts related to inclusive and exclusive language, uses case studies to explore the potential usage and impact of offensive language, and discusses ways to correct and interrupt offensive language.
Microaggressions and Student Success - Experiences and Impact 16 36 1.5-4 hours Applicable to advisors, counselors, and any others who have direct student interaction and facilitate their student success, this session explores the impact of language on climate by connecting participants with their own microaggression experiences, and discusses how microaffirmations can facilitate student success.
Cultural Humility and Communication - Key Drivers for Inclusive Environments 16 40 4-6.5 hours This session combines the exploration of cultural humility, microaggressions, and relationship estimation to discuss their personal and organizational impact on inclusive environments.
Calling People In, Not Out: Interrupting Microaggressions 16 30 3-4 hours This session, recommended as a follow up to any of the introductory microaggressions sessions, further explores the practice of interrupting microaggressions and how to call people in to more inclusive language rather than calling people out. The session includes an introduction to creating a more intentionally inclusive departmental culture that embraces calling people in and serves as a primer for further discussion regarding organizational culture.
Topic Minimum Participants Maximum Participants Estimated Training Time Required Description
Diversity in the Classroom: Multiple Perspectives and Pathways to Success 12 30 3-4 hours Designed for faculty, this session explores culture, identity, multiple perspectives, and culturally responsive pedagogy as a tool for facilitating student success. Participants also have the opportunity to explore how their perspectives are shaped by biases and socialization.
Providing Academic Leadership with Cultural Humility 12 30 2-4 hours Intended for faculty and faculty leadership, this session introduces cultural humility and self-reflection as a tool to effectively engage students through a cultural lens. The session also begins to explore how to institutionalize inclusive pedagogy through practices, programs, and people.
Topic Minimum Participants Maximum Participants Estimated Training Time Required Description
Bias Awareness and Socialization 16 30 3 hours In addition to an introduction to bias using the Harvard Implicit Association Test, this session examines bias development through socialization, and introduces identity development theory to examine how interactions contribute to internalized oppression.
Bias Awareness, Socialization and Identity Development 16 30 4 hours This session includes the content on bias awareness and socialization, and introduces identity development theory for reflection and discussion regarding how identities are authored by inclusive or exclusive environments.

Organizational Culture

These sessions are designed to help units evaluate their departmental organizational culture, with particular focus on values, beliefs, and norms as a foundation for creating inclusive environments. The sessions are typically preceded with an anonymous pre-survey distributed to participants to determine perceived departmental culture, and are used as a foundation for the discussion. Organizational development sessions are typically a minimum of 3 hours.

Request a training

Please allow at least 30 days before the desired training date to submit a training request. Most of the trainings provided by our office require at least an hour and 15 minutes for presentation.