F.A.Q (Frequently Asked Questions)

Classroom Issues

Q. How do I log in to the Instructor computer?

            A. User ID: Instructor Password: (left blank)

Q. My room is always locked. Who do I notify?

            A. Facilities Custodial Services @940-369-7315

Q. The classroom is too hot/cold, who do I call?

            A. Call Facilities Work Control to report the problem @940-565-2700.

Q. The classroom has physical issues such as damaged seating, not enough seats for the given room capacity, lighting issues, ETC. How do I get them fixed?

            A. Call Facilities Work Control to report the problem @940-565-2700.

Q. There are no erasers in the classroom. How do I get some erasers for the room?

            A. Contact Facilities Custodial Services @940-369-7315

Q. There is no chalk in a classroom with a chalkboard, how do I get some chalk?

            A. Contact Classroom Support Services at 940.565.2691 or by email at classroomsupport@unt.edu for delivery.

Q. There are no dry erase makers in a classroom with a whiteboard. Where do I get dry erase markers?

            A. Contact Classroom Support Services at 940.565.2691 or by email at classroomsupport@unt.edu for delivery.

Q. My classroom doesn’t have a desktop podium. How do I get one?

            A. Contact Facilities Work Control @940-565-2700


General Questions

Q. Can you provide someone to stay and assist me for the entire class/event?

            A. Classroom Support Services will provide you with a technician at the beginning of your class or event to show you how to operate the system and make sure the equipment is set up properly. The technician cannot remain for the entire period. If you need someone to operate the equipment for you then we can train a person of your designation in advance to use the system.

Q. Can you help me on weekends?

            A. Classroom Support Services is open to assist you Monday through Friday from 7:00 AM to 11:00 PM. We are not open on weekends but we would be happy to answer any questions you may have or provide training on the classroom systems in advance of the weekend.

Q. Do you provide repair or support services for equipment you don’t formally support?

            A. Our funding restrictions don’t allow us to repair or support equipment outside of our normal responsibilities.

Q. How do I get equipment installed and maintained in a location that is not currently supported by Classroom Support Services?

            A. Contact ClassroomSupport@unt.edu. Installations will be determined on a case by case basis at our discretion.

Q. My office computer is having problems. Who is my departmental contact?

            A. The College of _______ IT Support.

Q. I want to use campus Wi-Fi. Who can help me set up my device?

            A. The College of ___________ IT support.

Q. Do you loan or provide equipment to other departments on a temporary or long term basis?

            A. Our funding restrictions don’t allow us to loan or provide equipment outside of our normal responsibilities.

Q. Can you show me how to operate the system?

            A. Contact Classroom Support Services to arrange a tutorial on the operation of the system either in our office, Chilton 243 or in the classroom in which you will be teaching your course.

Q. I need someone to record my class or event, who do I contact?

            A. Classroom Support Services doesn’t provide recording services. However, there are various ways to accomplish recording a class and each depends on your goal for the recording.

Possible resources for recording a class or event would be:



Presentation Equipment

Q. How do I get a wireless microphone transmitter?

            A. Contact Classroom Support Services @940-565-2691 to get a wireless microphone transmitter. You can come to Chilton 243 to pick up the equipment; you can have the equipment delivered to you in your office or classroom. You can also arrange a time for a technician to meet with you in your classroom and assist you as needed.

Q. How do I set the frequency on my wireless microphone transmitter?

            A. Open the battery compartment of the transmitter. While holding the transmitter in front of the large round 'sync' button on the receiver, press the button. Wait for the lights to stop flashing. Compare the frequency on the receiver to the one on the transmitter. They should match. Close the battery compartment. The system is ready for use.

Q. I need multiple microphone transmitters for a group discussion. Can you help me?

            A. Classrooms with microphone systems in them are set up to use only one microphone transmitter at a time. If you need multiple microphones and the associated equipment then you will need to contact an outside vendor or Union Event Scheduling Services @ 940-565-3804.


Q. How do I get batteries for wireless microphone transmitter or Kensington remote?

            A. Contact Classroom Support Services @ 940-565-2691 to get new batteries and to properly dispose of your dead batteries.

Q. How do I get a PowerPoint slide remote control?

            A. Contact Classroom Support Services @ 940-565-2691 to get a Kensington remote control. You can come to Chilton 243 to pick up the remote; you can have the remote delivered to you in your office or classroom. You can also arrange a time for a technician to meet with you in our classroom and assist you as needed.

Q. How long can I keep the wireless microphone or Kensington remote control loaned to me from Classroom Support Services?

            A. You may keep the equipment to a prearranged return date or retain it as long as you remain at UNT. The equipment doesn’t have to be returned at the end of the semester unless you plan on leaving UNT at that time.

Q. I need a VCR, how can I get one?

            A. Contact the Media Library @ 940-565-2411

Q. How do I get help connecting my laptop?

            A. Contact Classroom Support Services @ 940-565-2691 to arrange a time for a technician to meet with you and assist you as needed



Q. I am not getting any audio from the classroom system.

            A. See the following steps to troubleshoot audio issues in the classroom.

  • Check to see if the amplifier/s are turned on
  • Check/adjust volume setting on CSS Projector Remote
  • Check/adjust PC volume setting
  • Check/adjust program volume settings
  • Check/adjust the amplifier input volume knob setting
  • Check/adjust the amplifier master knob setting

If further assistance is required contact CSS at 940-565-2691.

Q. Why isn’t there an image on the projector?

            A. See the following steps to troubleshoot image issues in the classroom.

  • Make sure the projector has been turned on.
  • Wait at least 30 seconds for an image to appear on the screen.
  • Check to see if the image has been “Unblanked”

  If further assistance is required contact CSS at 940-565-2691.

Q. Why is only one projector showing an image?

            A. Check the projector remote and select 'both'. Choose between clone and extend modes.


For questions not listed, or for additional support, please contact Classroom Support either by phone (940-565-2691) or by email at ClassroomSupport@unt.edu