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Working in an Office Environment

The UNT System’s primary goal as employees return to work is to help keep everyone as safe as possible and work to minimize the spread of COVID-19. Social distancing (maintaining at least six feet apart) will be key as individuals go about their work day. Wearing cloth face coverings also will be key when individuals are in a shared or small workspace. During your time on-site, individuals will be encouraged to communicate with colleagues and supervisors as needed by email, instant message, phone or other available technology rather than face-to-face. You also can use a range of available collaboration tools (e.g., Zoom, Skype, Microsoft Teams, etc.). Departments should assess open work environments and meeting rooms to institute measures to physically separate and increase distance between employees, other coworkers and customers, such as:

  • Place visual cues such as floor decals, colored tape or signs to indicate to customers where they should stand while waiting in line.
  • Place one-way directional signage for large open work spaces with multiple through-ways to increase distance between employees moving through the space.
  • Consider designating specific stairways for up or down traffic if building space allows.


Use of restrooms should be limited based on size to ensure at least six feet of distance between individuals. Wash your hands thoroughly afterward to reduce the potential transmission of the virus.


Elevators are limited based on their size with a maximum occupancy of one individual, so please use the escalator whenever possible to reserve the elevators for those who need to use them. If you are using the elevator, wear your face covering. Wash your hands and use disinfectant alcohol after contacting with elevator buttons or handrails. Do not lean on walls of elevator.


If possible, escalators should be used instead the elevators. Maintain three steps apart on the escalator or stairs.


Where feasible, meetings should be hosted in whole or in part using the extensive range of available collaboration tools (e.g., Microsoft Teams, Zoom, Skype, telephone, etc.).

In-person meetings should be limited, assuming individuals can still maintain six feet of separation for social distancing requirements. Departments should remove or rearrange chairs and tables or add visual cue marks in meeting rooms to support social distancing practices between attendees. All attendees should wear a face covering while sharing space in a common room.


Icon of hands under a running faucet with the text: Wash Hands Thoroughly

Before and after eating, you should wash your hands thoroughly to reduce the potential transmission of the virus. For maximum safety, you should wear your face covering until you are ready to eat and then replace it afterward.

System administration staff are encouraged to take food back to their office area, if possible, or eat outside whenever possible. If you are eating in your work environment (break room, office, etc.), maintain six feet distance between yourself and others. Departments should remove or rearrange chairs and tables or add visual cue marks in employee break rooms to support social distancing practices between employees.

Water Fountains & Bottle Refill Stations

To help keep you safe and prevent the spread of COVID-19, some water fountains will be turned off and unavailable for use. Bottle refill stations still will be available – if they are not connected to the water fountain.