UNT BLM Student Town Hall


Recorded Stream June 5, 2020


Town Hall Submissions

The following are responses to the email comments and questions that were sent for the student Black Lives Matter Town Hall on Friday, June 5th. Emails were submitted to Diversity.Inclusion@unt.edu and UNTPresident@unt.edu and responses were provided by UNT administrators.

  General    |    Climate Survey     |    Police     |    Resources  



What stance is UNT taking as a whole?

We are working on change. You can review our progress in the document, "Moving Forward Together: UNT's Action Plan for Improving Diversity and Inclusion on Campus" linked on the Office of the President's website.

Climate Survey


What insights were derived from the 2018 Campus Inclusion Climate Survey? How can the black student experience be summarized based on the climate survey results? If possible, any data visualization to support this inquiry would be very appreciated. As it stands, the Division of Institutional Equity & Diversity office’s “Campus Inclusion Climate Survey” tab only features results on the number of student responses and the response rates per student demographic. This data is followed with this statement: “The Division of Institutional Equity and Diversity continues to work with Data, Analytics, and Institutional Research to determine initial findings and pursue subsequent focus groups in the spring semester. Data presentations will follow to colleges and divisions. Stay tuned for updates as we continue the path of awareness, engagement and action towards intentional equity and inclusion.” It is unclear what date this statement was published on. If possible, please provide a timeline for when the UNT community can expect an updated survey result web-page for the 2018 survey.

The climate survey results for students, staff and administrators will be posted later in June on the website of the Division of Institutional Equity & Diversity. The faculty climate survey results will be post by August. The division will also hold Campus Dialogues on Diversity during the 2020-21 academic year and the UNT climate survey will be the topic of one of those dialogues. Focus groups with faculty, staff and students will be conducted in Fall 2020 to follow-up on findings from the climate survey.



The mere presence of police officers makes communities uncomfortable, and with a community as rich and diverse as Denton, how would you cater to the collective opinion about the police force: that they should be disbanded/re-trained?

UNT is willing to take specific steps to review the activities of Campus Police and ensure they are in keeping with having an inclusive and welcoming campus community where all members are treated fairly and equitably. There will be an advisory committee created to review Campus Police and provide recommendations on training and improving police interactions with faculty, staff and students.



Are you planning to improve the resources that are available to POC? We can start by having a more present multicultural center.

We are working on change.  You can review our progress and respond to the many demands we have received on our Progress Report page.