Virtual Diversity & Inclusion Training

Looking for some engaging professional development opportunities while working from home? Check out Diversity & Inclusion’s recommended webinars and UNT TeleTalks! These recommended webinars provide foundational concepts that serve as great primers for our in-person diversity and inclusion sessions. Thanks to the collaboration with UNT System Organizational Development & Engagement, access is available for UNT Denton through UNT Bridge and UNT-Dallas, HSC, and System Employees through UNT World Learning. Currently enrolled UNT system students can access the webinars by logging into LinkedIn Learning. Completion of these sessions will appear in each employee’s professional development portfolio.



Diversity and Inclusion Webinars header


Unconscious Bias

24 min. | Beginner | Released: May 24, 2017 | 2 chapter quizzes | Continuing Education Units and Certificate of Completion Available
We're all biased. Our experiences shape who we are, and our race, ethnicity, gender, height, weight, sexual orientation, place of birth, and other factors impact the lens with which we view the world. In this course, diversity expert Stacey Gordon helps you recognize and acknowledge your own biases so that you can identify them when making decisions, and prevent yourself from making calls based on a biased viewpoint. Stacey explains some of the most common forms that a bias takes: affinity bias, halo bias, perception bias, and confirmation bias. She helps you recognize the negative effects of bias within your organization, as well as the benefits to be realized by uncovering bias in decision-making processes. Finally, she outlines strategies for overcoming personal and organizational bias.


Diversity & Inclusion Tele-Talks

Diversity & Inclusion at the University of North Texas Denton campus provides a myriad of interactive training, learning, and development programs for faculty, staff, students, and administrators. The following resources – keynotes and talks from programs such as the UNT Equity & Diversity Conference and Unlikely Allies in the Academy Series – serve not as a replacement for such engagement, but rather an enhancement to these services by providing additional awareness through recorded diversity and inclusion programming. These make great lunch-and-learns and dialogue starters; viewers are encouraged to engage with these videos both one-on-one and in collaborative groups. These videos can also be used as curricular and co-curricular resources for faculty and for employee and student engagement efforts. Descriptions and keywords, as well as speaker pronouns are offered for each.

The UNT TeleTalks access for UNT Denton, UNT Dallas, HSC and System Employee includes quizzes based upon the video’s material. Responding correctly to 80% of the questions earns UNT employees credit in their professional development portfolio through the learning management system.

UNT TeleTalks Open Access

The “open access” button is both for UNT students and all those external to UNT with access to the videos only; UNT’s Diversity & Inclusion team can assist with curricular integration of these resources for UNT faculty, such as use in conjunction with related diversity, equity, and inclusion sessions (ex. class presentations, dialogue-based activities, assignments, etc.).

For the external community, the Diversity & Inclusion team can curate these materials for professional development in conjunction with related discussion questions and training, dialogue-based activities, or application to organizational goals.

Ready to get started? Contact us at or request a training with the link below.


Watch the instructional video to learn how to register and complete the UNT TeleTalks in UNT Bridge or UNT World Learning.

Equity and Diversity Conference


  • Keynote Speaker: Bakari Sellers [he/him] (1 hr., 27 min.)

    The keynote speaker for the 20th Equity and Diversity Conference presented by Peterbilt was Bakari Sellers. Sellers made history in 2006 when, at just 22 years old, he defeated a 26-year incumbent State Representative to become the youngest member of the South Carolina state legislature and the youngest African American elected official in the nation. His address titled “Journey to Excellence” reaches back to his past and first-person interaction with his father and Civil Rights icon Cleveland Sellers to his present-day hopes and struggles as he fights for the most marginalized people. The speech includes elements of history, education, inspiration, and transformation.

    Keywords: Bakari Sellers, Peterbilt, history, progress, justice, Elmore v. Rice, voting and voters rights, Sarah Mae Flemming, NAACP, Flemming v. SC E&G, Rosa Parks, Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee (SNCC), Briggs v. Elliott, Brown v. Board of Education, segregation, access, education, discrimination, progress, MLK Jr., Memphis sanitation workers, labor rights, community building, Cleveland Sellers, Emmett Till, racism, activism, Stokely Carmichael, Miami University of Ohio, Freedom Riders, sit-ins, protests, Orangeburg South Carolina student massacre, civil rights movements

  • Private Conversation with Bakari Sellers [he/him] (42 min.)

    In this video interview with UNT Denton director of diversity and inclusion Shani Barrax Moore, 2020 Equity and Diversity Conference keynote speaker Bakari Sellers answers questions submitted by conference sponsors related to civil rights, engagement, identity-based groups, and the impact of Seller’s academic experience on his current efforts. Note: Due to the sound quality of this video, there are no reflection questions.

    Keywords: Bakari Sellers, Equity and Diversity Conference, Shani Barrax Moore, civil rights, engagement, identity-based groups, employee resource groups, academic impact, higher education faculty and staff, student engagement, racism, xenophobia, LBJ, Cleveland Sellers, social justice movements, apathy, generation Z, active resistance, recommended resources, While I Breathe, I Hope

  • Social Justice Speaker: Dr. Juan Sánchez Muñoz [he/him] (44 min.)

    The 2020 Equity and Diversity Conference Social Justice keynote speaker was Dr. Juan Sanchez Munoz, president of University of Houston-Downtown. Dr. Munoz’s address “The Wisdom of Inclusion” draws upon his previous experiences as a chief diversity and inclusion officer (CDO) to convey the imperativeness of deliberate and sustained structural change in higher education that inspires measurable inclusion, representation, justice and ultimately wisdom-driven personal agency.

    Keywords: diversity, equity, inclusion, community engagement, higher education, leadership, K – 12 education, social justice, social action, social context, change agency, Rosa Parks, equality, courage, fairness, representation, demographics, Steven Kleinberg, historically underrepresented minority populations, classrooms and pedagogy, curriculum and instruction, asset mapping, middle class privilege, poverty, injustice, equity-mindedness


  • Keynote Speaker: Howard J. Ross [he/him] (1 hr., 39 min.)

    The 2019 Equity and Diversity Conference keynote speaker was Howard J. Ross, lifelong social justice advocate considered one of the world’s seminal thought leaders on identifying and addressing unconscious bias. His 2019 keynote is titled “Creating Conscious Inclusion.” Ross is the author of the Washington Post best seller, Everyday Bias: Identifying and Navigating Unconscious Judgments in Our Daily Lives (2014) and Reinventing Diversity: Transforming Organizational Community to Strengthen People, Purpose and Performance (2011). His most recent book is titled, Our Search for Belonging: How Our Need to Connect is Tearing Us Apart (2018).

    Keywords: Implicit bias, tribalism, stereotyping, microaggression, identity group, non/dominate group, cultural lens, diverse teams, inclusion, diversity vs. inclusion vs. belonging, shared identity, ally, interdependence, authentic self, acceptance, social conformity, political divide, out group homogeneity, propagandizing, systems intervention, intent vs. impact, courageous conversations, personal narrative, privilege, social justice, communication, Howard Ross, Equity and Diversity Conference

  • Private Conversation with Howard J. Ross [he/him] (38 min.)

    In this video interview with UNT Denton director of Diversity and Inclusion Shani Barrax Moore, 2019 Equity and Diversity Conference keynote speaker Howard J. Ross answers questions submitted by conference sponsors related to bias, to equity, diversity and their application to higher education and business.

    Keywords: communication, diversity, equity, social justice, implicit bias, identity-based groups, employee resource groups, bias awareness education, higher education, students, classroom, tribalism definition, educators, privilege, policies, programs and practices, institutionalization, inclusion, recommended resources, Howard Ross, Shani Barrax Moore, Equity and Diversity Conference

  • Howard J. Ross [he/him] Interview: Social Justice and Community Engagement (17 min.)

    2019 Equity and Diversity Conference keynote speaker Howard Ross provides answers to questions posed by Social Justice and Community Engagement television program host Shani Barrax Moore about his most recent book: Our Search for Belonging: How Our Need to Connect is Tearing Us Apart, bias, advocacy, and divisiveness through “tribalism.”

    Keywords: communication, diversity, equity, social justice, implicit bias, institutional bias, neurodiversity, research, education, labor and employment, healthcare, divisiveness, allies and accomplices, white allies, privilege, majority group allyship and accompliceship, Howard Ross, Shani Barrax Moore, Social Justice and Community Engagement

  • Social Justice Speaker: Dr. Jalane Schmidt [she/her] (53 min.)

    The 2019 Equity and Diversity Conference Social Justice Keynote Speaker was Dr. Jalane Schmidt, whose address was titled “America, This is Not a Drill: Sounding the Alarm Against White Supremacy.” Dr. Schmidt is Associate Professor of Religious Studies at the University of Virginia, where she teaches classes on Latin American, Caribbean, and African diaspora religions. This talk focuses on the 2017 Charlottesville #SummerofHate and issues a call to action equipping viewers to combat the recent rise of white nationalism and the long-standing legacy of white supremacy.

    Keywords: Community organization, diversity, equity, social justice, Charlottesville, Heather Heyer, #SummerofHate, monuments, counter-demonstrations, activism, Liberation and Emancipation Day, white supremacy, empathy, social justice, political movements, resistance, activism in education, Jalane Schmidt

  • Dr. Jalane Schmidt [she/her] Interview: Social Justice and Community Engagement(19 min.)

    2019 Equity and Diversity Conference Social Justice Keynote Speaker Dr. Jalane Schmidt provides answers to questions posed by Social Justice and Community Engagement television program host Shani Barrax Moore about the recent rise of white nationalism, activism, and her efforts in Charlottesville to counter these agents of oppression.

    Keywords: Community organization, diversity, equity, social justice, Charlottesville, #SummerofHate, activism, monuments, counter-demonstrations, Liberation and Emancipation Day, white supremacy, empathy, reconciliation, political movements, resistance, activism in education, Denton monuments, Jalane Schmidt, Shani Barrax Moore, Social Justice and Community Engagement


  • Keynote Speaker: Rosa Clemente [she/her] (1 hr., 14 min.)

    The 2018 Equity and Diversity Conference Keynote Speaker is Rosa Clemente, 2008 Green Party Vice Presidential candidate, community organizer, and journalist. Her keynote addresses identity intersectionality as a bridge to inclusion, and the effects of the 2017 hurricane in Puerto Rico. She is the president and founder of Know Thy Self Productions, which has produced four major community activism tours and consults on issues such as hip-hop activism, media justice, voter engagement among youth of color, third party politics, intercultural relations between Black and Latinx people, immigrants’ rights as an extension of human rights, and universal healthcare.

    Keywords: diversity, equity, inclusion, marginalization, privilege, race relations, social justice, Puerto Rico, hurricanes, prison industrial complex, social action, Latinx, politics, Black activism, colonialism, disenfranchisement, Rosa Clemente

  • Private Conversation with Rosa Clemente [she/her] (43 min.)

    This video contains an invitation-only discussion where UNT Denton director of diversity and inclusion Shani Barrax Moore poses questions to Rosa Clemente from Equity and Diversity Conference sponsors and special guests on topics such as the media and journalism, social action, identity and intersectionality, and activism in the arts and academia.

    Keywords: Diversity, equity, inclusion, identity, social action, collective power, coalition building, intersectionality, journalism, media, politics, academia and activism, activism in the arts, hip hop, hip hop activism, Latinx, allyship, helping professions, online discrimination and bias, student activism, recommended resources, Rosa Clemente, Shani Barrax Moore

  • Social Justice Speaker: Dr. Dafina-Lazarus (D-L) Stewart [he/they/them] (54 min.)

    Dr. Dafina-Lazarus (D-L) Stewart is the 2018 Equity and Diversity Conference Social Justice Keynote Speaker, whose address is titled “Driving the Getaway Car: Moving from Allyship to Accompliceship in Social Justice Advocacy.” Dr. Stewart is a professor in the School of Education and Tri-Chair of the Student Affairs in Higher Education program at Colorado State University. Over the course of their 17-year faculty career, they have focused most intently on issues of race and ethnicity, sexuality, and gender, as well as religion, faith, and spirituality in their research, teaching, and service to professional organizations and institutions across the nation.

    Keywords: diversity, equity, inclusion, marginalization, privilege, identity, race relations, social justice, social justice advocacy, privilege, minoritized and majoritized, disability, disability-first language, transgender, trans-inclusive, gender identity, intersection and cross-section of privilege, relative privilege and marginalization, horizontal oppression, community engagement, Hydra movements, accountability, white savior/missionary syndrome, supremacy, accompliceship, collaboration, advocacy, systems of oppression, collusion, followership, disrupting oppression, Black Panther [movie], Dafina-Lazarus Stewart, D-L Stewart

  • Dr. D-L Stewart [he/they/them] Interview: Social Justice and Community Engagement (29 min.)

    2018 Equity and Diversity Conference Social Justice keynote Speaker Dr. D-L Stewart is interviewed by Social Justice and Community Engagement television program host Shani Barrax Moore for Denton Community Television.

    Keywords: allyship, accompliceship, Black Panther [movie], pronouns, transgender, gender identity, social justice advocacy, navigating privilege, social justice competence, community engagement, followership

  • What We Talk About When We Talk About Race (1 hr., 37 min.)

    What We Talk About When We Talk About Race is the culmination of a year-long discussion and production process that took place between African-American and White students and professors in the Department of Communication Studies. What began as a set of informal dinners, in which they slowly, haltingly, and gradually told stories about themselves, their families, and their histories with race, has resulted in a devised production that includes personal narrative and adaptations of literature that reveal what they learned on their journey from conversations to a performance that has been collaboratively conceived, written, and directed. Among their performances, the play served as the finale for this year’s 2018 Equity and Diversity Conference. The conference cut of this performance also features Shawn Brewer [he/him] of Peterbilt, the conference’s production sponsor.

    Keywords: communication studies, diversity, drama, equity, inclusion, literature adaption, race relations, privilege, theater, politics, performance, race, privilege, dialogue, Peterbilt, production sponsor, Shawn Brewer, John Allison, Jr.


  • Keynote Speaker: Melissa Harris-Perry [she/her] (1 hr., 18 min.)

    The 2017 Equity and Diversity Conference keynote speaker is Dr. Melissa Harris-Perry , former television host of the “Melissa Harris Perry Show” on MSNBC, Anna Julia Cooper professor of political science at Wake Forest University editor-at-large of Elle, and author of Barbershops, Bibles, and BET: Everyday Talk and Black Political Thought (2004), and Sister Citizen: Shame, Stereotypes, and Black Women in America (2011). Her keynote “Social Justice Models for Campus Engagement” discusses the questions educators face engaging in social justice, both with their students and themselves.

    Keywords: Diversity, equity, higher education, campus engagement, “audacious humility,” courage, Black Lives Matter, deadly force, racial battle fatigue, transgender bathroom ban, Muslim ban, appreciative inquiry, Oklahoma SAE, student-on-student discrimination, participatory democracy, compositional diversity in higher education, socioeconomic status, social media, technology, change agency, felon disenfranchisement, immigration, intentional inclusion, intolerance, optimistic action, artistic action, community gathering, creativity, Melissa Harris Perry

  • Private Conversation with Melissa Harris-Perry [she/her] (48 min.)

    This video contains an invitation-only interview where Dean of Mayborn College of Journalism Dorothy Bland interviews Dr. Melissa Harris-Perry based on questions from the audience on a variety of topics including social action, collective power, coalition building, identity, intersectionality, journalism, media, academia, and activism.

    Keywords: Diversity, equity, higher education, social action, collective power, coalition building, identity, intersectionality, journalism, media, academia and activism, “Squad Care,” academic political engagement, Melissa Harris Perry, Dorothy Bland

Unlikely Allies in the Academy

  • Continued Conversations: Women of Color and White Women in the Academy: Understanding White Privilege (1 hr., 19 min.)

    This video recording is Part Two of the Unlikely Allies in the Academy Series, hosted by Diversity and Inclusion for continued dialogue based upon the book Unlikely Allies in the Academy: Women of Color and White Women in Conversation (2012) by Dr. Karen Dace. The video features Dr. Frances Kendall [she/her], author of the chapter “A White Woman Talks to White Women,” who paints a picture of white privilege by detailing what it is and looks like, who it involves and affects, and other important aspects for consideration.

    Keywords: diversity, inclusion, equity, marginalization, privilege, race relations, social justice, personal, interpersonal, organizational, systemic discrimination, institutional oppression, social identities, white public space, emotional manipulation, Frances Kendall

    • Creating Space for Difficult Conversations & Opportunities for Cross-Cultural and Cross-Racial Conversations (1 hr., 55 min.)

      Part three of Diversity and Inclusion's Unlikely Allies in the Academy Series, for continued dialogue based upon the book Unlikely Allies in the Academy: Women of Color and White Women in Conversation (2012) by Dr. Karen Dace. This video features Dr. Theresa Torres [she/her], author of the chapter “A Latina Testimonio: Challenges as an Academic, Issues of Difference, and a Call for Solidarity with White Female Academics” and her colleague, diversity expert and independent scholar Lisa McCarty [they/them].

      Keywords: cross-cultural/racial conversations, equity, diversity, inclusion, social justice, solidarity, ally, privilege, Peggy McIntosh, systems/institutions, power, bias, stereotypes, white guilt, white privilege, prejudice, internalized oppression, intersectionality, compliance, multiculturalism, Latina, bridging capital, Theresa Torres, Lisa McCarty

    Other Diversity & Inclusion Programs

    • Cultural Humility and Inclusion: Seeing Ourselves to See Others (51 min.)

      Presented by UNT Director of Diversity and Inclusion Shani Barrax Moore in partnership with UNT System Talent Management, this one-hour session introduces participants to cultural humility, intentional inclusion, and productive engagement with difference.

      Keywords: cultural humility, self-reflection, diversity, inclusion, intersected identities, cultural competence, awareness continuum, exploring personal identities, inclusive learning and working environments

    • How Unintentional but Insidious Bias Can Be the Most Harmful | Created by PBS News Hour (7 min.)

      As part of PBS News Hours series Race Matters/Solutions, microaggressions expert and Columbia University professor Dr. Derald Wing Sue discusses how these identity-based slights accumulate to create harmful and toxic learning and working environments. Dated November 13, 2015.

      Keywords: racial bias, unintentional bias, microaggressions, climate, inclusion/exclusion, superiority/inferiority, awareness, hidden communication, intentional/unintentional racism, students and faculty of color, University of Missouri, hate incidents, hate speech, free speech, incivility, people of color, white supremacy

    • Microaggressions in the Classroom by Yolanda Flores Niemann, Professor of Psychology at UNT (18 min.)

      This video features UNT undergraduate and graduate students discussing their experiences of microaggressions from employees and students at UNT and beyond. It localizes the impact of microaggressions on student retention and engagement and UNT and calls for self-reflection of the role we all play in creating intentionally inclusive environments. Directed by Carla LynDale Carter, MFA, Lecturer/Faculty Advisor, Department of Media Arts

      Keywords: UNT students, diversity, inclusion, climate, microaggressions, microassaults, microinvalidations, microinsults, historically underrepresented/disadvantaged groups, Black/African American, Asian, Latinx/Hispanic, Middle Eastern/Arab, Spanish, English, women, intentional/unintentional, belonging, acceptance, stereotypes, race, retention, transgender, pronouns/ misgendering, holidays, socioeconomic status, heterosexism/ heteronormative, faculty/professor, colorblindness, international students, Yolanda Flores Niemann, Mark Vosvick, Vicki Campbell, Amy Murell, Carla LynDale Carter

    • Implicit Bias Module Series | Ohio State University

      Developed by the Kirwan Study for Race and Ethnicity at the Ohio State University, this self-guided multi-module course provides an overview of the science and social implications of implicit bias.