COVID-19 Frequently Asked Questions

UNT Facilities, in conjunction with Risk Management and UNT’s Advisory Groups on COVID-19, created this Frequently Asked Question List for equipment, services and supplies that UNT will use as standards to support a return to operations under COVID-19.

If your question is not addressed here, please contact us via email to or phone call to 940-565-2700.

Effective Date: August 4, 2020

Not every location will need a shield.  Social distancing and masks are the preferred solution.  Plexiglass or Facilities approved alternatives will be installed at high-volume reception and transaction counters.  Examples include:

  • Department reception desk
  • Information and service counters like Eagle Student Services Center
  • Residence Hall entry front desks
  • Food service operations as determined by the AVP of Auxiliary Services

Contact for questions or to order Plexiglas, after checking with your leadership team.  Many requests are already in progress.

Social distancing, masks or face shields are always the preferred solution, but some teaching and learning environments will require specialized equipment for separation.  Proposed requirements will be assessed by multiple Cabinet Advisory Groups.  Locations might include:

  • Music
  • Large group classes
  • Individual lessons in confined rooms
  • Art studio classes
  • Computer labs

Again, contact for questions or to order Plexiglas, after checking with your leadership team.  Many requests are already in progress.

Stand-alone sanitizer stands will be located at most main entrances to buildings.  Discovery Park, Student Union and other very large facilities will have more stands. Additional stands may be installed as they become available.

Hand Sanitizing Pump Bottles (16 or 32 oz) will be readily available in common areas and may be restocked by Building Representatives through the Risk Management website or by sending an email to  Expect to see hand sanitizing pump bottles at:

  • Reception Desks
  • General classrooms, class laboratories, and practice rooms
  • Break rooms

UNT’s Custodial team will be cleaning and sanitizing rooms nightly Sunday through Friday (Saturdays are to be determined, pending class schedules).  General classrooms, general class laboratories, and special instructional lab spaces will have a cleaning station for self-help use by faculty, students and staff to assist with sanitation during the day. Each station will include a highly visible, 5-gallon bucket containing two spray bottles with disinfectant, paper towels and paper towels.  An on-call team of custodians will be on campus for special cleaning requirements that may arise. Request custodial service by calling 940-565-2700 or send email to

Facilities has been evaluating and rearranging classrooms and lecture halls to comply with social distancing standards.  In many cases, furniture that is out of service for social distancing will be labeled and not removed from the room or placed in the hallway but in a way to not impede fire egress.

Faculty and staff are encouraged to clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces daily themselves. This includes light switches, door handles, phones, keyboards, desks, and other office machines.  Touch-up cleaning supplies will be in most office areas

If your trash receptacle needs to be emptied, please place it outside of your office to ensure that it is not over looked.

Hand Sanitizing Pump Bottles will be readily available in common areas and may be restocked by contacting Building Representatives through the Risk Management website or by emailing 

Your staff may make simple moves for furniture within your area.  For large areas, contact Facilities at 940-565-2700 or and a planner will be scheduled to investigate options with you.

All restrooms will be serviced completely every evening. All areas of the restrooms are disinfected at that time.   To reduce touching door handles, door-stops will be added to keep restroom doors open and hands-free.   Door stops will only be used on bathrooms with appropriate entrances to ensure privacy.

During the day, Facilities custodians will touch up restrooms in the larger buildings twice per day. This would include counters, sinks, doors and restocking toilet tissue.    

UBSC has developed a standard sign package for every building and Facilities is currently installing those signs.  If you have additional needs, contact Facilities at 940-565-2700 or and a planner will contact you.

Restrooms: see above


  • All tables, chairs and touch surfaces will be disinfected daily.
  • All hard surfaces (such as floors) will be cleaned once per week but that schedule will be adjusted when more details are known on class schedules. 

Common areas:

  • All touch surfaces disinfected daily.
  • All hard floor surfaces spot cleaned daily and completely once per week. 

Office areas:

We will daily disinfect:

  • Office suite door handles 
  • Individual office door handles
  • High touch point areas (such as common area counter tops)

Additionally we will:

  • Check for trash.  Please place your trash outside of your office to ensure that it is not over looked.   Custodial staff will be heavily tasked this fall and any action to help provide more time for disinfecting will be appreciated.
  • Vacuum and clean hard floor surfaces as time allows.

Signage will be posted limiting elevator passengers to 1-4 people depending upon size of the individual elevator.

Water fountains will be turned off, but bottle filling stations will be operational if plumbing equipment allows.

  • HVAC Filters – all filters will be changed between March and start of classes in August.  Filters are normally changed quarterly.  Some are changed more often due to type of equipment and environment where they are located.
  • Higher efficiency filters are being placed in HVAC units that can accommodate them.
  • HVAC systems have been set to increase outside air intake wherever possible.
  • Personal Air Purifiers are not recommended due to a risk of circuit overload. 

The Custodial team will be routinely resupplying cleaning materials in classrooms and restocking hand sanitizer stands. Request additional supplies for COVID-19 disinfection through your department’s coordinator(s). For PPE such as cloth and disposable face coverings, please make requests through your department’s coordinator(s) who will contact AskRMS on your unit’s behalf.  Contact your department front office if you are unaware of who is taking on this role in your department.

In most academic facilities, this will take a combined effort. Custodians will accomplish nighttime cleaning and building occupants can help out by spot-cleaning during the day. Supplies will be available in the green camouflage buckets in classrooms, or, see your supervisor for supplies. For teaching labs, due to the amount of equipment on the lab benches, lab technicians and teaching assistants/fellows should accomplish the cleaning.