Collaborative Learning & Active Workspaces

A Tiering System for the Modern Classroom

CLAW Tier 0 Classroom

Tier 0: Lecture

Passively inhibits or prevents collaboration and group work. Usually has fixed desks and chairs or fixed-row, stadium-style seating with tiered floors. Primary purpose is lecture-style instruction. Few or no writing surfaces available.

CLAW Tier 1 Classroom

Tier 1: Enhanced Lecture

Movable/rotating seating with fixed desks, conducive to small group discussion. Multiple writing surfaces for students to share if needed. Primary function is still lecture, but fosters quick group conversation when needed.

CLAW Tier 2 Classroom

Tier 2: Flexible Lecture

Easily movable desks and chairs facilitate a reconfigurable room. Multiple writing surfaces on multiple walls. Primary uses place equal weight on both lecture and group work.

CLAW Tier 3 Classroom

Tier 3: Group Focused

Collaborative technology built into room infrastructure. Enables SCALE-UP pedogagy (or "flipped" classroom). Primary focus is on group work but lecturing is still a valid method of instruction. May not necessarily have movable desks due to technology restraints.

CLAW Tier 4 Classroom

Tier 4: Active Learning Workspace

Traditional STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, & Mathematics) laboratories. Includes wet labs (Chemistry, Physics, Anatomy & Physiology, Chemical/Bio Engineering, etc.) and dry labs (Physics, Electrical/Mech. Engineering, Art, Music, etc.). Usually department owned, funded, and operated. Primary purpose is a highly specialized learning environment focusing on hands-on learning, not lecture or group work.

CLAW Tier 5 Classroom

Tier 5: Immersive Technology

Experimental, immersive technology - AR, VR, "inside the content" type technology to offset high-cost or high-risk hands-on educational activities (e.g. Biology, Chemistry, Medicine, etc.). Mixed-reality technology. Experimental tech to enhance active learning, not necessarily collaboration. Usually department owned, funded, and operated. Primary purpose is a highly specialized learning environment focusing on hands-on learning, not lecture or group work.