Career Services Resources

Career Assessment

Some students may be unclear about their major and what potential that particular major has for future employment. If a student that you are advising is having that issue, refer them to Career Services where they can take assessments (MyPlan) to help guide them in the wide range of possibilities are available in the employment arena.

Mock Interviews

Encourage students who are looking to intern or find employment to come to mock interviews with Career Services. These interviews will allow students to gain valuable experience about interview etiquette and the "do's" and "don'ts" of interviewing. Interviewers will also be able to provide students with invaluable feedback that they can use in the future.

Job Search Skills Program

The Career Services Department offers a number of programs on resume writing, interviewing tips, networking, and more. Encourage students who are looking to get internships and jobs to come to these programs.

Graduate School Application

Many students today are considering going to graduate school to further their education. The Career Services Department offers a workshop on getting into graduate school during the fall semester -- encourage your students to come so that they can gain some valuable information about continuing education! You can also refer students to Career Services for general information on graduate school.

Career Fair

Recommend that interested students attend one of our career fairs, where they will have the opportunity to speak with various employers about job and internship possibilities. Below are the following events