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Gallup Engagement

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What is Employee Engagement?

Employee engagement plays a strategic role across the UNT World. Strong engagement increases emotional or psychological commitment to the UNT System and its campuses, and motivates faculty and staff to do their best work while contributing to organizational success. Employee engagement is about the connections we have with our work and workplace and the relationships we build with the people we work with. Relationships and connections are important to our well-being and our commitment to what we “do.” Engaged employees have a personal connection to the success of the organization. Engaged employees are psychologically committed to their work, go above and beyond their basic job expectations, and want to play a key role in fulfilling the mission of their organizations.

Gallup defines engaged employees as those who are involved in, enthusiastic about, and committed to their work and workplace.

If engagement’s focus on connections and relationships has you thinking this is not a topic for you, then stop and consider this: commitment determines how hard employees work and how long they stay. Engaged employees lead to higher levels of performance, and higher levels of retention.

Teams with high levels of engagement experience:

*Source: Gallup’s 2012 Q12 Meta-Analysis





Gallup Survey Updates

Organizational Development & Engagement (ODE) with the UNT System manages the engagement surveying process in partnership with Gallup. For 2020 the survey will run at all locations from October 26 - November 6. Please direct questions to

Utilizing the New Gallup Portal

This 1-hour informational session will cover tips on how to access and analyze your results from the Q12 Gallup survey inside the new Gallup Access Portal. 

You will learn how to navigate the Gallup Access Portal Menu, identify where to find resources, learn to find and analyze your department’s results, and explore ways to start an Action Plan based on your team’s report. 

When: Friday, November 20, 2020  2:00 PM – 3:00 AM    
            Monday, November 23, 2020  11:00 AM – 12:00 PM 
            Tuesday, December 1, 2020  2:00 PM – 3:00 PM   Intended Audience:  All employees 


                           Click Here for the 2020 Gallup Survey Results     
                                                          (Available November 20, 2020)

How to Review my Engagement Results

Help me create an action plan to improve engagement on my team!

Provide me with additional resources and FAQs

Show me previous years' results and information

Three Types of Employees

To further define engagement, we can look at Gallup’s differentiation of employees into three distinct levels: engaged, not engaged, and actively disengaged. 

According to Gallup, “engaged employees stand apart from their not-engaged and disengaged counter-parts because of the discretionary effort they consistently bring to their roles. These employees go the extra mile, work with passion, and feel a profound connection to their company. They are the people who will drive innovation and move your organization forward.”

ENGAGED These employees are loyal and psychologically committed to the organization. They are more productive and more likely to stay with their organization.
NOT ENGAGED These employees may be satisfied and productive, but they are not psychologically connected to their organization. They are more likely to miss workdays and leave the organization.
ACTIVELY DISENGAGED These employees are physically present but psychologically absent. They are unhappy with their work situation and insist on sharing this unhappiness with their colleagues.


According to Gallup’s 2017 State of the American Workplace report, out of the 100 million full-time employees in the American workforce, only one-third are what Gallup calls engaged at work.

*Source: Gallup Business Journal: Five Ways to Improve Employee Engagement Now