COVID-19 Update: Working together through this change — An Official Notice from the President

March 24, 2020

Dear UNT students,

Yesterday, we went live with more than 7,700 classes that transitioned from face-to-face to online. I want everyone to understand that it was an amazing effort and our faculty and staff deserve a big round of applause for their hard work in getting us to this point. Of course, no change as fast and sweeping as this goes off without a hitch, and we expect technical, logistic, and human error issues as we all work through this change together.

In particular, we might anticipate bandwidth limitations from some of our third-party providers, as well as challenges in the homes of our students and faculty as they teach and learn anywhere. So, I ask your forbearance as we work through the many small and large challenges that we will be facing this week. We will do our best to iron them out and will make sure that classes will proceed, and students can complete their semester.

If you are experiencing difficulty or have questions, please reach out online.

Our resilience is a key attribute of the Mean Green family and, working together, we are going to get the job done!

Remember to keep yourself and your families healthy, keep a positive attitude, and follow our updates at

Neal Smatresk
UNT President