Registered Students

If you are a current student at the University but not yet registered with the Office of Disability Services, please find out more information on our Prospective Students page.

Commonly Used Forms

Request for Accommodations Form 
Complete this form to have us prepare your letters about your accommodations to your professors.

Alternative Format Textbook Form 
Complete this form to request alternative format for your textbook. This will help ensure your books will be ordered in a timely manner. It typically takes 1 – 3 weeks to obtain a book.

Note Taker Request
Is one of your accommodations a note taker? Do you still need a note taker for one of your classes? If so, please email us at

Alternative Testing Form

Complete this form and give it to your instructors so that alternative testing may be arranged.

Test Proctoring Request Form 
Tests are proctored Monday through Friday from 8:30am until 5:00pm.  If you need to take a test outside of those hours, you may need to take the test with your professor.  Extended hours are available during finals and in some special circumstances.  You must submit your request at least 7 days in advance.  As a student your responsibility is to talk to your professor about taking tests/exams at Disability Services Office (DSO) before scheduling the test/exam.  We cannot schedule tests at a different time than the class is taking it without your professor's consent.  You're responsible for getting that consent.  If you need to change your appointment, check with DSO for availability and then contact your professor. If you have testing needs that aren't addressed in the request, please make the Assistant Director aware upon confirmation of your time. Space is limited but we can accommodate with advance notice, so schedule as soon as possible. Questions? Comments? Concerns? Please return the Test Proctoring Request Form at UNTDdisability@untdallas.eduand/or

Test on Monday? Submit request on the Monday before by 5:00pm.
Test on Tuesday? Submit request on the Tuesday before by 5:00pm.
Test on Wednesday? Submit request on the Wednesday before by 5:00pm.
Test on Thursday? Submit request on the Thursday before by 5:00pm.
Test on Friday? Submit request on the Friday before by 5:00pm.

Additional Forms and Information

Accessibility Support Report Form
Complete this form if there is an area on UNT Dallas campus that makes it very difficult, or impossible, for you to reach your destination (such as a walkway through campus, entrance/exit area of a building, or elevator in a hallway) and there is no alternative route you can take, then we want to know.