Note: Individuals whose comments or conduct poses imminent danger or harm to themselves or others should immediately call 911.

UNT is committed to providing a safe environment for faculty, staff, students, visitors and anyone involved with official business or university-sponsored activities on campus. On rare occasions, the university must respond to employees and/or individuals whose behavior may pose a threat to the university community.

The Campus Assessment, Response & Evaluation (CARE) Team has been established (Policy 05.002) to respond to disruptive or potentially threatening behavior and provide resources to those involved. A similar service is available for students. Employees at other UNT System locations should contact Campus Human Resources offices, call campus police or call 911.

The faculty/staff CARE Team is chaired by a UNT Campus Human Resources representative and is a collaborative, interdisciplinary committee. Members include representatives from:

  • Human Resources
  • UNT Police Department
  • Dean of Students
  • Counseling and Testing Services
  • Office of the Provost

The CARE Team meets regularly to discuss referred employee behavior that may indicate risk to the university community. Emergency CARE Team meetings also may be scheduled.

  • Note: If an individual is threatening violent behavior or suicide, employees should call UNT Police, 940-565-3000 or 911.

Referrals are handled professionally and with compassion and sensitivity. The CARE Team ensures compliance with university policy, and state and federal privacy laws.

How to Refer an Employee to the CARE Team

Email or leave a voicemail at 940-565-4373 with this information:

  • Employee name.
  • Brief narrative of behavior.
  • Detailed explanation of distressing behavior, if you have not witnessed it.

What Happens After a Referral?

The CARE Team will review available information and create a plan to appropriately address reported behavior.

CARE Team Referrals and Recommendations

After assessing referrals, the CARE Team may recommend:

  • Consultation with resources such as the Employee Assistance Program and/or community resources  
  • Explanation of employee rights to protected leave under federal or state law or UNT policy
  • Periodic follow-up
  • Performance improvement plan
  • Emergency Leave
  • Disciplinary action, including termination of employment
  • Trespass warning
  • Criminal prosecution
  • Emergency detention assessment 

Tips for Recognizing Distress

At one time or another, everyone feels upset or stressed. However, there are numerous behavioral indicators which may suggest more than normal distress. Behavioral indicators may include but are not limited to:

  • Threats of harming self or others;
  • Statements related to suicide, death, dying, or feelings of hopelessness;
  • Unusual or exaggerated emotional responses, to include outbursts of anger, screaming, crying, or yelling;
  • Unusual communications or correspondence;
  • Confusion or disorientation;
  • Dramatic changes in personal appearance or hygiene;
  • Change in pattern of interaction that is beyond what was previously experienced with the individual.

How Supervisors Can Help

If you believe harmful or violent behavior is imminent, contact the UNT Police Department, 940- 565-3000 or 911.

In appropriate circumstances, supervisors may also choose to talk with an employee who appears distressed. A guide for initiating contact may include the following:

  • Talk to the employee privately when you both have time.
  • Respect the employee’s values.
  • Express concern in non-judgmental terms.
  • Listen, and then repeat the employee’s comments.
  • Identify available options – EAP (, counseling.
  • Find resources for reporting and addressing sexual assault.

Response to Suicidal Comments or Threats

When an employee makes any reference to suicide, a threat or an attempt at suicide, a judgment should be made by a mental health professional about the seriousness of the threat. Suicide attempts are a medical emergency. If danger or suicidal behavior appears imminent, stay calm, try to calm the employee and contact UNT Police at 940-565-3000 or dial 911.