COVID-19 FAQs for Students

How can I meet with an advisor? 

The Office of Academic Advising and Student Success has been offering virtual sessions every day in August. Sign up for advising and registration virtual sessions this week using this link: In addition, representatives from Student Solutions, Admission Processing and the Registrar’s Office will be available. If you have financial aid questions, you can get help during these advising sessions by contacting us via this pure chat link:

When will campus open and which resources will be open? 

The information booth at the campus entrance will check-in students upon arrival. UNT Dallas will reopen in a limited capacity on Aug. 24, the first day of the Fall 2020 semester — fall classes are offered online with a limited number in-person. Please do not come to campus unless you have an in-person course or an appointment. You can arrange appointments for the following services:

  • The UNT Dallas Library online resources are available 24 hours. Due to COVID-19 restrictions, access to the physical library and study room spaces, is suspended until further notice. The library is scanning a limited number of chapters of textbook course reserve items by request, but copyright restrictions apply. Contact library staff during the normal hours of operation, at, or 972-338-1616 for help with research, or to schedule a virtual appointment.
  • Computer Labs will be open by appointment only; hours will be determined by student demand. To make an appointment, contact the Office of Information Technology Service Desk at 972-338-1448. Students can also visit the Service Desk in the Center for Media Production located on the lower level of the Student Center (Room 23). The lower level is accessible either by elevator or the staircase to the right of Campus Hall. Reservations can be made Monday – Thursday from 8 a.m. – 10 p.m., and on Friday from 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.
  • University ID cards can be acquired by making an appointment with the Office of Information Technology (OIT) here. If you have an existing ID card, you do not need a new one. Appointments will be taken at the OIT Service Desk at the Center for Media Production (CMP) checkout window (Room 23) located in the lower level of the Student Center. Appointments are available Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. – 5 p.m. 
  • Starbucks will be closed until further notice.
  • To rent or buy your textbooks online for Fall 2020 sessions, go to the UNT Dallas bookstore website; find “Get Your Textbooks and click on “Find My Courses.” Then select term “Fall 2020” and then shop by course or course ID. To place an order, you’ll need the following class information: 
    • Department code
    • Course number
    • Section number
    • All required or suggested materials will appear with the choice to rent, if applicable, or buy with pricing. For more information or questions, contact
  • UNT Dallas students are permitted on campus only if they are a student resident or if they have a scheduled appointment with an office that is open during modified hours of operation.

Which areas will be closed for all student use?

Student, faculty and staff breakrooms, the coffee makers, the water fountains, kitchen areas, the refrigerators, the gym and the showers will be closed. Study spaces in all campus buildings will be closed. The Student Organizations workroom will be closed to all students with the exception of access to any general use printer in the common areas. Students who require use of the Mother’s Room should contact the Office of Student Affairs at 972-338-1775 or email to schedule time for such use.

Is a hotline accessible for students with questions about all aspects of the university? 

Yes. For all questions, call or text: 972-503-9253. You may need to leave a message and someone will contact you as soon as possible. Thank you for your patience.

You can also email or use the chat box tool accessible at the bottom left corner of our website (

Is technology assistance avaiable if I dont have a laptop?

In order to assist students with the technology needed to successfully learn from home, UNT Dallas will have a limited number of Chromebooks or laptops and WiFi hotspots available to check out for those who need support. Students may request technology support by calling or texting the student hotline at 972-503-9253

What is the university doing to help create a safe environment while I’m on campus?

  • The university has adopted COVID-19 response guidelines that include enhanced cleaning and disinfecting protocols, especially in high-traffic areas, providing hand sanitizing stations throughout campus and limiting the number of students and employees coming to campus.
  • Classroom, library and gathering spaces have been reconfigured to limit seating and increase opportunities to practice safe social distancing.
  • The university requires everyone to wear a mask while on campus. That requirement includes students, staff, faculty and campus visitors.
  • Most classes have been moved to a virtual format so that the majority of students can take their classes from a remote location.
  • The university has added campus signage to reduce traffic flow in certain areas, limited the number of people in elevators and remind everyone to follow the standard health and safety guidelines.

What can I do to help protect myself and others while on campus?

  • Everyone should self-screen before coming to campus. Each day before coming to campus, please check for any symptoms of COVID-19 as outlined by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC). Note that some people may show no symptoms and still carry the virus, so continue to follow all safety guidelines even if you don’t feel sick. 
  • Wear a face covering. Face coverings are required on campus at all times, unless you’re eating or drinking. 
  • Practice social distancing. While on campus, remain 6 feet apart from others at all times. 
  • Wash your hands or use hand sanitizer frequently.
  • If you feel sick, please do not come to campus. For the safety of your fellow classmates and all of the UNT Dallas employees, please stay home if you feel sick.
  • Follow all of the safety guidelines recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and outlined by the UNT System.

What do I do if I forget my face covering and I’m on campus? 

Students are expected to provide their own face covering every day they visit campus. If you forget and come to campus without a face covering, please visit the UNT Dallas police department. 

How can students access the Student Health Clinic? 

The Student Health Clinic has transitioned from in-person visits to virtual telehealth until further notice. Health visits are paid for by your student fee. To schedule an appointment, email If you are experiencing a medical emergency, call 911 or go to the nearest emergency department. Currently, COVID-19 testing is not available at the clinic. 

Will student workers be permitted to work on campus? 

Please contact your supervisor to determine if you will be working remotely or on campus. You must complete mandatory training before returning to on-campus work. Deadline to complete the training is Monday, Aug. 24.

If I’m a student with a work-study position, will I still be paid for my current federal work-study award? 

Yes, you will still be paid up to your federal work-study award amount. Please discuss specifics with your federal work-study supervisor.

Will in-person classes resume after Thanksgiving? 

For the safety of our students, faculty and staff, face-to-face classes will move into a virtual format (remote) after the Thanksgiving holiday. Additional information will come from UNT Dallas faculty. 

I think I may have COVID-19 or have been in contact with someone who does. What should I do? 

If you suspect that you are sick and you’re on campus, please contact the Health Hotline at 972-638-9164 so that you can be safely moved to a campus isolation room and provided with assistance. If you are not on campus and feel sick, please do not return to campus. Contact the Health Hotline at 972-638-9164, locate the nearest COVID-19 testing center, quarantine at home, self-monitor and contact the Health Hotline at 972-638-9164 and your instructors with your test results.

What happens if someone I’ve had contact with on campus tests positive for COVID-19? 

UNT Dallas is working in partnership with Dallas County Health and Human Services for our contact tracing efforts. If you think you have been in contact with someone who had COVID-19 please contact the Health Hotline at 972-638-9164 and our COVID-19 hotline email address at

Where can I get tested for COVID-19? 

Students in need of COVID-19 testing must first contact the UNT Dallas Health Science Center at

The Dallas County Health Department also has a list of testing locations that can be found on its website: 

What do I do if I discover that I’ve tested positive for COVID-19? 

  • If a UNT Dallas student tests positive for COVID-19, you must alert the COVID Health Hotline at 972-638-9164, your instructors and your supervisor if you work on campus. 
  • Do not return to campus. Self-quarantine for at least 14 days (even if you’re at home) and follow the instructions provided by your physician. 
  • If you have interacted with anyone from UNT Dallas while you were positive (even if you didn’t present any symptoms), please share those names with the Health Hotline at 972-638-9164 to facilitate contact tracing. In the event of an infection to a member of our community, UNT Dallas will have to be closed for deep cleaning and all classes will automatically go online until we are informed that it is safe to be back on campus. It is very important that everyone who plans to come to campus take every precaution to ensure that COVID-19 is not spread among members of the UNT Dallas community. We are all dependent upon one another. 

What happens if Dallas County or the State of Texas issues another mandatory shelter-in-place order? 

Every in-person class has a remote option. If the university needs to close, all classes will be moved to a virtual learning environment and continued in a remote format. Continue to check your student email for any changes or university updates.

Is the Counseling and Wellness Center accessible? 

All counseling services provided at UNT Dallas are still available through virtual teletherapy. If interested in making an appointment with the UNT Dallas Counseling & Wellness Center, please email or contact a staff member directly from 8:30 a.m. – 5 p.m., Monday – Friday: 

  • Dr. Shanda Riley, Assistant Director: 682-738-4977 
  • Erica Little, Case Manager: 469-630-2250 
  • Teresa Espino, Counselor: 682-738-6029 
  • Allison Scott, Counselor: 214-430-4379 

Students also continue to have access to WellConnect. Through WellConnect, students and members of their households have access to one-on-one, 24/7, telephonic access to licensed mental health professionals for in-the-moment support. Other WellConnect services include: 

  • Six (6) sessions of telephonic counseling, or in-person sessions from preferred providers in the area, at locations and times that are convenient. 
  • Debt and financial consultation. 
  • Health and wellness consultations. 
  • Students can access WellConnect at any time by calling 1-866-640-4777 and identifying themselves as a UNT Dallas student or a family/household member of a UNT Dallas student. 

How do I meet with the Student Access and Success Staff? 

Due to adjustments related to COVID-19, students seeking to meet with anyone in the Division of Student Access and Success may do so by appointment only. Please refer to the following contact options: 

Academic Advising and Student Success

Please use the chat box that goes directly to this department:

Financial Aid and Scholarships

Student Affairs

Student Solutions

(front counter for Undergraduate Admissions, Financial Aid and Scholarships and Registrar, but they can help with any questions you have about anything at UNT Dallas)

Undergraduate Admissions

Will the VA pay for students who may be moved to online programs if the online program has not been approved by the State? 

Yes. The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) will continue providing the same level of education benefits to students having to take courses online due to the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak. For more information, click here. 

Will UNT Dallas still hold commencement ceremonies? 

As plans are finalized, more information will be provided regarding Fall 2020 commencement ceremonies. 

How do I contact the UNT Dallas Police Department? 

To report any safety concerns, suspicious activity on campus or in an emergency, contact: 

  • UNT Dallas Police Department Cell: 972-946-0566 
  • Emergency Dispatch: 972-780-3000
  • Parking/shuttling: 972-780-3009 

Students may also download and utilize the Live Safe app on your smart phone. 

Who do I contact if I have additional questions? 

Please refer to the UNT Dallas COVID-19 Knowledge Center for additional information. If you still have unanswered questions, please contact the student hotline for additional resources and information at or 972-503-9253. Expect to leave a message and have your call returned, as the hotline number is experiencing a high call volume. You can also contact us via pure chat at